Our Demons May Cry

Fear me,
For in your dreams I may
Capture your heart in its darkness
And crown myself in your place.

Thou shall come to me
And do my bidding,
Whilst your enemies sleep coldly,
Snug in their graves.

Everyone will know they name,
And tremble in your presence.
They will offer up gifts from afar
In exchange for their feeble existence.

The king will bow to thee,
Whilst you stand before his throne.
He will give to thee everything he owns,
If only for the family he adores.

Chaos will arise,
As the armies go to war
To defeat an unseen foe,
Trapped behind your door.

Our demons may cry,
As themselves they try to free
From the locked door of this cage,
Of which there is no key.

The devil appeared,
A small messenger at his side.
I come to warn thee
Of the force assembled to take thy life.

I'll not surrender,
Let them come.
I'll battle to eternity
Or until my last breath I've drawn.

The magnificent force was seen
With the break of dawn.
And with his blade held high,
He rode toward the coming of the sun.