
Running through my body
Like fire through gasoline
Seeing how long I can last
Before I light up like kerosene

Temptations all around me
Especially from one like you
And even though I don't want it to be
My control keeps, through and through

Testing myself every damn day
To see if I can resist it all
Hoping I don't have to pay
The price if I do happen to fall

Building up walls to stop myself
Hoping I don't give up and jump them
Digging nails into my palms for the pain
Just a release from what I avoid

Facing a fear is the only way to make it go away
Facing a temptation is a test of your strength
Facing a fear is to stop being afraid
Facing a temptation is a challenge

Temptations are all around me
No matter what I may do
My control keeps me from screwing up
Especially with one like you

Day in and day out I am faced with these
And always the same reason, I can't let it go
Knowing if I give in, I must pay the fees
Knowing if I give in, someone will be my foe

Small and innocent is just fine
But when you want it all, the power is mine
The control is meant to be kept
And higher control comes after I've slept

No matter what happens, I want it all
It's like heroin, you don't want to stop
No matter what happens, someone will fall
Building up those walls, so I was able to hop

For once, the walls are strong
The temptation isn't all that bad
Overcoming it will be a long stretch
But the more I test myself and succeed
I know I'm stronger then before