One Little Cut

It was inside of me,
Inside of my [heart],
The darkness that made me,
Fall apart,
It was my life,
My reason for living;
The darkness that stole,
My life's only meaning;
It was me,
And my pour tourtured soul,
That carved in my [heart],
This jagged hole;
It was forhim,
That I have everything up;
It was his love,
That filled my cup;
It was my fault,
Yes, it's true;
It's wasn't him,
Not him or you.
And still I pass the blame,
On down the road,
Afraid if I take it,
Everyone will know;
What I did,
Was horrible and wrong,
But when I did it,
It made me feel strong;
I shouldn't have done it,
But how good it felt!
To stare in the fire,
And watch my soul melt;
I closed the doors,
Locked them shut,
Ruined my life,
With one little cut