Before You Think of Yourself

You scream 'cause you want,
They scream 'cause they need.
You receive what you wished for,
While they're still forced to plead.

You complain about work,
How little money you get.
They wait to be employed,
Going further in debt.

Your parents are bossy,
Your brother's a pain,
While they're not sure if
They'll see their family again.

You complain there's dirt
On your new Puma shoes,
While they're grateful if
They get even a scrap of clothes.

You spend hundreds of dollars
While you're at the mall,
While they're lucky if they have
Shelter above their heads at all.

Next time you think of
Buying that expensive shirt,
Or complaining about money
And how you hate work;

Or how you wish your family
Would just let you be,
Or how much you want
That new iPod on TV;

Or how you wish you could own a
Cooler hoodie than someone else,
Think of others
Before you think of yourself.