The Unknown

My eyes
Deeply focused on the
Stars in the sky,
Like tiny freckles on a
Perfectly rounded face.

The wind ruffling my hair
And the grass
Swaying in my ears.

My eyelids
Droop as the chorus
Of gentle birds
Sing their joyful song
To lull their listeners
To slumber.

A sharp, yolk
coloured light filled in the
Spaces of my eyes.
The opening waiting me
Two steps too far.
For it to close.

My legs went in for the sprint,
The branches closing in on me.
Like snakes.
Quick sand.
A tourniquet.

My eyes jolt open to find another
A calm, safe blackness.
For, he is here.
Lying next to me.
My heart still thudding loudly like
A drum,
Just the look of his pearly white chest
Brings peace to the choke hold
I am in everynight.

The unknown of my dreams.
The creatures.
And people.
The fire and ice, trapping me.
The bittersweet world:
Struggles when there is brightness.
A web of loneliness in my dreams.
The life I've built up.
Like a house of paper cards;
Ready to crash
Any second.

Am I too good at lying?