two of us

what happened to the two of us?
it seemed like yesterday it was the two of us.
just you and me, hanging and having fun.
hugging and laughing and having fun.

I loved you more than life itself.
you were my best friend, my life support.
I felt lost without you, I was yours and you were mine.
and then all of a sudden, you were gone.

off to a new world, with a new best friend.
you weren’t there to say my name the way I like to hear it.
you weren’t there to hug me or hold my hand.
I was sad and you weren’t there to comfort me.

then three words that made my head spin.
those three words that made me fuzzy within.
at the time I felt complete, was saved and special.
little did we know it was to ruin us forever.

things were said, new things we never said.
I looked at you like maybe I never looked before.
but I did and you never knew how far I fell.
I was once again lost in your smile.

but something changed, you no longer said those three words.
but other words, dark words that scared me.
words about other girls, words about lifelessness.
all words that I didn’t like.

you made me cry, you made me die.
you weren’t mine and I wasn’t yours.
we weren’t we, we were you and me.
what happened to the two of us?