The Darkness and the fall

Born into the light I was told to stray from the darkness
when overwelmed by the evils of this world i surley would fall.
The shattered hopes and broken dreams took my breath
so swiftly like a hurrican sucking up the ocean
and releasing it on the shore burrying everything, even steel
no one can tell me how to handle my shame

Not even the brightest light could hide my shame
so I sit back unclear and hopeless just staring into the darkness.
At one point I thought I was impermiable and made of steel
but the truth is I am human and from birth, was doomed to fall
at least once in my life, but so far I just keep sinking further into the ocean.
I feel as if it will never end so I hold my breath

Just waiting for the end but I never could catch my breath
for I just couldn't defeat my shame.
The depression consumes me like a boat being sunk in the ocean
I gaze out into the darkness
losing sight of reality I choked on my breath
and the barrier built between me and reality was not easily broken steel

I struggle to break the titanium steel
but i forgot to breath
and i continue to fall
further into the insanity caused by my shame
The evil persist me like a cancer killing all the good and creating darkness
the cancer cant be cured by the poision nor can the ocean
be drained.

The ocean
in a way is like steel,
and the fall

Only Jesus can catch my fall
Only Jesus can drain my ocean
of pain, Only Jesus can cure my shame
Only Jesus is made of steel
He has blown breath
back into me, and while writing this poem he has lite the darkness.

© 2009 Austin Muratori