Ravaged with Silver Scars - Comments

  • Call_me_Dot

    Call_me_Dot (100)

    United States
    I LOVE this story!!! <3
    September 28th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Thankgod you told me you updated!For some weird reason i can't log in my email from my cell, and now i'm not in Athens so i only have internet through my phone.ANYWAY ^-^ , it was such a sweet sweet SWEET chappie T-T <3 lol! I like Sarah's way of thinking, I too long for the same feelings of love, as everybody else does. I thought it was a bit funny to see her act on impulse and get mad so easily, and of course amused at how unaware of her own feelings she seemed =P Jaeger (hope I didn't butcher the name -,-') is just too likeable to be true xD Especially the part when we realized he had actually taken that photo of her, it was awesome! I'm also amazed at how different of a character he is from Samael.There are a few similarities in the feeling I get when I read about them, the kind of ''air'' they have, you know?But other than that I have to say they're not the same thing with a different label- which is something I usually notice when reading about different lead characters of the same author- and I find this very pleasant =) I'm not sure I explained this well, but I hope you get what I'm saying.. Keep going, looking forward to what's next!
    August 16th, 2011 at 08:41pm
  • A Heart Black n Blue

    A Heart Black n Blue (100)

    Well well well what can I say..LOVED IT!!!
    I really liked the character of the girl, somehow you always manage to make them believable,with their good and bad sides and so on^-^ What suprised me the most about the wolfy was his eye color, since almost every writer wants the lead characters to have blue,green or grey eyes.The ending was very mysterious,and makes me want to read more..oh yeah,I should also say that I thought both the titles of the story and chapter are amazing=D
    June 18th, 2011 at 09:36am