Me, Myself and I.

All about me.

Well. Here we go, please keep you arms and legs inside the carriage at all times and please note that the exit button is the triangle one right at the top of the screen saying 'Back'.
I hope you enjoy.

My name is Bethany, although I am trying to come up with a nickname which doesn't consist of the words 'four eyes', 'emo', 'goth', or any other labeling shite. I listen to My Chemical Romance, Billy Talent, Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, 30 Seconds to Mars, Lost Propehts... and a whole load more. I like any Vampire movies ('cause I am one!)... I had a dream about a Vampire last night... It was... strangely realistic...
I try to convince myself, and others, that I am worth something and I do not exist on the sole purpose to be God's playtoy.
I have only ever had two boyfriends - and they didn't go that well, really. The first wouldn't talk to me, and the second was really... uncomfortable... And at the moment I am waiting for someone.
Sometimes I feel so lonely, so worthless and so painful that I just cannot stop crying and that tears me up inside. When that happens I cry so hard that it hurts and I can only ask myself 'why?' I have two great friends that are really superb. They make me laugh and I care for them as much as I do for my own life. More then that. The rest, the ones that I talk to in class are more of... talking buddies... They're more of acquaintances then real friends.
Urgh. I feel like such a jerk. My friends are just cool, and wow. They talk to me. They tell me their hopes and fears, but what can I do... Nothing. I mean, (for privacy's sake I shall call her Jess) Jess had told me something really... frightening, while we were in Belgium (on a school trip) together. She told me something that she has told no one outside of her family before. But I shan't tell you that - it's private... But what can I tell her...? Nothing. I can't tell anyone how I feel, because I don't trust anyone enough... I have some real issues...

Anyway... er... I have a knida wierd friend, who is alright... most of the time. Other times... he annoy's me so bad and I really dislike him. But sometimes, I feel that he's kind, sweet, generous and really nice. Once I went through this faze of wondering what it would be like to kiss him. But I got over it! He has now moved onto... Jess, and she seems to be enjoying it! It's funny to see them together, and they're so kawaii!!! (*coughs* cute - I said CUTE... in Japanese... sorry!) They seem to be getting on fine, and I think that they're gonna be a couple before we leave school. I really do hope that things work out for them!

Okay - lets move on tooooooooo The Phone Club! That's right, in my year (and form!!) we have some plastics. They're not nice... Well, I say they - what I really mean is... her... I really don't like her. And she really doesn't like me! Although we've never actually said that to each other, but we both know it. I'll tell you the first major incident that happened between us... and my way of getting rid of her.
Well, it happened like this: We were in Tech, and I was currently having one of my 'off' days.So, I was trying to saw my handle. Now, because of my fued in form I really didn't care for this and I totally wasn't in the mood for trying hard. So when Jamie says 'Come on, Beth - put some effort in it' And I kinda snapped and yelled 'I don't like having to try hard.' And Hayley yelled 'I don't like you!' And I'm like - wth? We had always fought but never actually said that we disliked each other. But apparently she was talking to someone else.
Yeah right.
And so, after some time ruining my trowl, Hayley comes up to me and says 'Um, Beth? Is it your time of the month or something? Because you seem quite moody.' And I'm like - wtf? You don't ask someone that! Especially if you don't like them!
I mean - who asks people that?! She just was being really evil... Well... That's about all I have to say actually... But I will reek my revenge upon those whom enquire unto my time of the decrepid month... Yes - that means you, Hayley!!! Mwhahahahaha!! (If you wanna read the whole of this and see what the whole fued in form was about then follow this link, btw my name on there is Raven because mum was like - USE A DIFFERENT NAME OR PERVERTS WILL FIND YOU!! Anyway - the link: ) So... thats about it... She really doesn't like me.. And you can use his link to see the fabdabilosa way I have of getting rid of her:!!!!!!!/

And basically... that's it! With more days ahead (and more Tech classes) I'm sure I shall have some more to rant about. Sooooo....
Bye for now!