You Said it's Dangerous to be so Intimate

Lady in the Black Dress

1862-Blackhills Forest, the Vonsburg Castle

I always felt that I was in a dream within a dream. A fairy tale that wouldn't let me go, even as hard as I try to break free. I'm the princess locked in the tower, waiting for the prince to send me free from this torture. My life, a fantasy to your wondering eyes, is the evil core of my existence. The balls, parties, and having anything you wanted may be a fantasy. Except for what not having what I truly desire, happiness.

My family is royalty. A privilege of being one of the most powerful and ancient vampire family the world has seen. Or rather, not seen. We're the fiendish creatures, wearing the skin of beautiful. A cursed spirit forever in a drop dead gorgeous body. We were the ones who crave power, immortality, and even traded our soul for it. The very object, that keeps us on this bloody cursed world.

Besides our souls, to keep the power and the immortality, we have to survive on one object we hold most dear. The honey-nut crimson color that makes our eyes red for hunger. The smell that drives us into hysterics, sweeter than wine, and the agony of what we have done to get it. Blood.

Humans, who lived like seconds to us, are lucky. They are not cursed to this fateful consequence. They are the ones who are born with a soul. They crave this curse, even if they don't know the consequence of it.

"Pestis eram vivus-Moriens tua mors ero"*

They know us by two things, gods and monsters. Even as gods or monsters we will never know happiness, as we bathed in our greed. Even if we spend an eternity finding it.

Happiness, something I crave more than the thing that keeps me sane, blood. The lord and lady of the noble house of Vonsburg, laugh merrily, filled with high spirits, as they walked around their new home. A small castle in the Blackhills Forest in the isolated country of Romania. It was smaller than our castle in the northern part of Romania. Our winter castle, with the icicles to go with it. My mother, Lady Vonsburg, loved it here. Even though she had distaste for the weather. It wasn't brutally cold, like our winter castle, and the air had a soft disgusting feeling to my icy cold skin.

Blackhills Forest, the place where my beloved ancestor, Ophelia was born. As a human, she was the most beautiful goddess that the village has seen. So beautiful, that it caught the eye of a pureblood, Lucent Gustavo. With a courtship of 6 months, she died for him. Turing into a vampire, as her family mourn her death. They married, with no regrets from Ophelia.

My parents, arm to arm, walked into the main entrance, excited by the dome-shaped sky dome over their heads. It was disgusting watching them; they acted like two humans in love for the first time. I entered after them, noticing the unfamiliar taste of foreign elegance. Rugs from Prussia, and chandeliers from France. These items, gifts and rare treasures, my family found in their trips.

The servants, weeks before, kept the place in order, as my family came slowly here. Enjoying the sites on the way. I sighed as I walked around, pretending to admire my new home. The magnificent window, facing the east, began to show a dark line of light coming. Almost dawn. The forest seemed enchanted with the living beings, waking up to a new day. But my family would never see that. As we have to hide from the light coming. A glimmer of shine, took my notice as I looked deep into the forest. As a curious person, by birth, I wanted to know what it was. My parents, still wrapped in their fantasy, never noticed as I walked out the front door, to probably the end of my horrible life.

*'Living we were their Plague, Dying We shall be their Deaths', quoted by Martin Luther. A rebel monk living in the 16th century Germany.
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hope it didn't put you to sleep..... -_-
comment please! (needs at least five comments to continue :D i'm greedy )
(this story's been in my head since junior high, finally had time to write it down! :P )