How to Correct the Holiday Blues

Start Anew

I. New Year's Eve

"I hate this part," Spencer says, looking down at his best friend. Ryan's hands, eaten with arthritis, clench his own, younger ones.

"This is so familiar now, Spence," Ryan says, "It'll be alright." Ryan's thin grey hair is splayed across the pillow. Spencer runs a hand through it, and Ryan closes his eyes, leans into the touch.

"Go to bed Spencer," Ryan says, "You'll see me in the morning."

The worst thing about watching his best friend die is that he knows the exact moment he's going to go. Spencer stays because he's a good friend. When the clock chimes midnight he watches Ryan exhale. His body goes still. Spencer sets Ryans hand on his chest gently and goes to bed. Ryan will be there in the morning.

In the morning Spencer has just enough time to use the bathroom and wash his hands before the toddler is wailing loudly. Spencer hurries to pick him up and bounce him in his arms. At seven o' three in the morning the only thing Spencer can think is that Ryan really is an ugly baby.

II. One

Ryan has a birthday every six days. He never lives past sixty, because as Baby New Year his life starts over on new years day. Ryan is a hard toddler to look after, and Spencer does his best. He's got years (a hundred and five to be exact) of practice, but Ryan always manages to get into something.
In this case Ryan has managed to pull all of the pots and pans out of the cabinets. He's got a wooden spoon and an egg beater, pounding on a skillet. Spencer huffs in irritation, because he knows that he just child proofed those things in December.

Ryan just grins up at him with three teeth and wide eyes. Spencer still thinks Ryan is an ugly kid.

III. Four

"I want to see Santha!" Ryan wails, throwing himself to the ground and kicking his feet.

Ryan's memories of his past lives don't return until he turns eighteen. No one really knows why this happens, but that's just the way it is. So Ryan doesn't remember that he knows Santa personally. This doesn't stop him from throwing the same fit every time Spencer threatens him with a lump of coal.

"Fine!" Spencer yells over the wailing, completely embarassed because of the stares they're getting in the middle of the grocery store.

Brendon picks them up in the sleigh because Ryan loves the ride. Brendon always nestles him in the back with a pile of blankets and a thermos of hot chocolate that stays the perfect temperature for drinking. Spencer sits in front with Santa while they fly.

"Flying Spenther, flying!" Ryan yells in Spencer's ear, standing up and extending his arms to the sky.

Spencer thinks he should probably not have let Ryan dress himself, because his red superman cape is whipping around his face, threatening to pull the small boy out of the sled.

"Sit down Ryan," Spencer commands, and Ryan stands up even taller instead.

"Hey little man," Brendon says over his shoulder, "You want to help drive this thing?"

Ryan squeals and crawls over the seat. He squishes down on Brendon's lap and makes grabby hands at the reins. Brendon hands them over and Ryan cracks them, shouting, "On Blitzen!"
Blitzen speeds up, the ground rushing by faster now. They're steadily rising higher, and it's getting colder. Ryan's cape whips around his face, choking him. He reaches up and unties it. Spencer watches it float away. They've lost alot of capes that way.

They spend about a month up in the north pole, from the time Ryan is four to the time he is ten. He out grows Santa at ten. This is Spencer's least favorite time of the year, because Ryan and Blitzen like to make his life a lot harder. Spencer hates reindeer.

IV. Five

"Ryan!" Spencer yells, "Get down from there right now!"

He's got his hands cupped over his eyes, squinting at the sun. Ryan and Blitzen land in front of him, and Spencer is not smiling. Spencer grabs at Ryan's arm and pulls him into the stable.

"I can't leave you alone for one minute," He seethes, "And where is Brendon? He was supposed to be watching you. This is the most irresponsible thing he's ever done. You're grounded, no more stables, no more reindeer and definately not more Blitzen!"

Spencer's rant is interrupted when Blitzen rams him in his bottom. He lands face first into a pile of snow and mud. His new coat is ruined, and there is muck in his hair. Spencer blinks up at the reindeer with a sneer on his face. Ryan puts both hands over his mouth to holds in his giggles. It doesn't work.

If Ryan were his rightful age Spencer would throw a handful of mud at his friend. To hell with it, Spencer thinks, and pushes a mudpie in the little boy's face.

Ryan cries.

V. Ten

"I'd like to go to school," Ryan says for the thirteenth time that day and Spencer sighs. School is a hard subject.

"I've already told you, Ryan, no," Spencer rubs at his forehead, "You have special circumstances. It's just not possible for you to go to school. That's why you have a tutor."

Ryan's eyes narrow, "Did you kidnap me? You did, didn't you, you sicko! Help help!" Ryan shouts, "This crazy mother fucker kidnapped me!"

Spencer slaps a hand over Ryan's mouth, but the damage has been done. There's a gathering crowd around them in the McDonalds and Spencer slaps a hand over his eyes. It's a good thing he's got papers that says that he's Ryan's legal guardian. Otherwise this would be a really awkward situation.

Spencer holds his hands up as a woman snatches Ryan from his chair and holds him up to her chest. She's whispering soothing things into his ear, petting his hair.

"I'm his adoptive father," Spencer says, "There's no need to call the police, I have the papers in the car. You can call our case worker."

It takes twenty minutes for the cops to get there, and another thirty before they get the whole mess cleared up.

"We called, his story checks out," the cop says, handing the papers back. Spencer thanks god for Patrick's day job. "Little advice for ya, buddy," the cop says, "You might want to discuss these things with the kid before something like this happens again."

"Right, sure, thanks officer," Spencer has a flash back of him and Ryan running from cops in their old neighborhood. He shakes his head to clear it, takes Ryan's hand and leads him out of the restraunt.

"You're grounded," Spencer says, shakes his head, and turns on Jimmy Eats World. He raises the volume to deafening and drives home sullenly. He's perpetually seventeen. He's allowed to mope.

VI. Fourteen

Ryan's got braces (courtesy William) that he constantly pokes at with his tongue. His face is covered in zits, and Spencer finally relented and sent him to school, because if Spencer's honest Ryan always looks like he's twelve. Right now Ryan is sitting at the kitchen table sullenly, reading Invisible Monsters.

Every time Spencer talks to him he looks up and scowls in his general direction. Spencer really hates fourteen year old Ryan Ross. Its too hard to reason with him when he's all angsty. Emo, Spencer thinks, and holds back a snicker. Ryan glares at the sound in the otherwise silent kitchen.

He flicks his hair out of his eyes, and Spencer snaps, "Oh for fucks sake, Ryan, it's a concert. I can't help that it's an 18 and older show."

"You're a dick," Ryan says, throwing his book at Spencer and running to his room. Ryan is such a little shit.

VII. Eighteen

Ryan opens his eyes winces, "Head rush."

He shakes his head to try to relieve some of the pressure from his returning memories and looks over at Spencer.

"Dude," he says, "You gave me braces you dick."

"You almost got me sent to prison," Spencer shrugs, "I'm too pretty for jail."

Ryan laughs, his whole face splitting open, and this is Spencer's best friend. Spencer slings an arm over his shoulders and pulls.

"Come on, let's go to a strip club or something."

"What you didn't get enough of the speak easys when we were kids?"

"Dude, I've been seventeen for a hundred years," Spencer says, "You're the one who grows old."

They go to a strip club anyway because Ryan is eighteen and it's a thursday night. Ryan smiles at a pretty blonde girl and she blows him a kiss. Spencer snorts from next to him. His friend elbows him and he rubs at his bruised side.

"You and your fucking knobby elbows," Spencer mutters with a groan.

VIII. Twenty-One

They go to a club to see Frank's band, Leathermouth, play to celebrate Ryan's twenty-first. They both get smashed and wake up half naked in the middle of Central Park. Spencer has a leaf in his hair and dirt in his underwear. Ryan's face is three inches away from where a dog is taking a piss.

"Nargh," Spencer groans, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

"Shit," Ryan says, peeling his eyes open, "Fuck."

"Wait until Brendon hears about this," Spencer laughs, his throat scratchy.

"Yeah, come on, let's get breakfast," Ryan says.

"That's going to be hard," Spencer says, patting his pants, "My wallet is gone."

"Oh god, that is classic," Ryan laughs so hard tears run down his face.

"Yeah, keep laughing," Spencer says, "Where's your wallet?"

Ryan pats his back pocket, his laughter cutting off, "Mother fucker."

IX. Thirty-Two

"Do you regret this?" Ryan asks, "Like, the whole Jack Frost, living forever thing?"

"Some times," Spencer says, "But then I remember what we left behind, and it doesn't seem so bad."

"I left an abusive father when I ran away," Ryan says, "You left a family. Two sisters, your mom and your dad."

When they ran away it was more Spencer going with Ryan. He was fifteen at the time, and Ryan had climbed through the window in the middle of the night, bleeding. He'd said, "Spence, I'm leaving."
Spencer had thrown every thing he could in a bag and climbed out the window behind him. They'd wandered for two years before they met Pete, and took their jobs.

"Yeah," Spencer says, "And they died during the Great Depression. I don't regret going with you, if that's what you mean. You are my family, idiot."

"I guess one good thing that came from this was the technology," Ryan says thoughtfully.

"Screw that," Spencer says, "Sneakers."

X. Fifty-Five

Spencer will never get used to seeing Ryan old. Especially old with out him. They were supposed to grow old together, best friends. Enjoy their lives as much as possible. Some times it feels like the things they used to wish for were the stupidest things, but it doesn't stop Spencer from wishing for their old life some times.

The truth is that Spencer missed his family when he left them, but he knew that he couldn't leave Ryan alone.Their friendship is easy. Where Ryan goes, Spencer follows.

They'd checked up on them as often as they could, but time moves differently for the immortals. Especially when being immortal and indestructible was still new and shiny to the boys. Spencer's sisters had grown older, his parents had greyed. Spencer had stayed young, and he'd grown tired of peeking through windows.

The last time he'd peeked in it was at his mother's funeral. He'd been too scared to go back after that.

"What are you staring at?" Ryan asks, running his fingers through his hair.

"Nothing," Spencer grins at his friend, "Shut up and eat your cake."

XI. New Years Eve

"Are you ready for this?" Spencer asks, clasping Ryan's withered hand. Ryan pats his fist.

"I have something I have to do," Ryan says and climbs to his feet.

He toddles off, leaving Spencer standing next to his bed. Its easy to get Travis to come, they can all call each other any time they need to. Ryan hasn't discussed this with Spencer, but he knows he'll understand. He's Spencer, and he'll always understand.

Ryan also knows what his reaction will be. Some times Ryan really likes messing with Spencer.

"I don't want to do this anymore," Ryan says, looking over at Father Time.

Travis nods, "I'm not surprised. You actually lasted alot longer than most of the other Baby New Years. Don't worry, it'll all end tonight at the stroke of midnight."

Ryan nods, shakes Travis' hand, and then hugs him for good measure.

"I'll miss you, man," Travis says, stepping away. Ryan gives him a small smile, and heads back to his bed. Its already eleven thirty.

When he gets back Spencer frowns over at him, "What did you have to do?"

"It's not a big deal," Ryan says, even though it is. It's okay, Spencer will understand.

Ryan lies down and closes his eyes. Spencer sighs, and takes Ryan's hand. Spencer is a good friend, and he doesn't leave his friend behind.

XII. One Week

Spencer realizes there is something wrong when after a week Ryan isn't rapidly aging. He grimaces and looks down at his best friend.

"Damn it, Ryan," Spencer mutters, "You know," he says, "You are one ugly baby."

It makes him feel a little better to say it out loud. And now Spencer has to figure things out, because what the hell Ryan, seriously. Some times Spencer really wishes he had a less selfish best friend.

The first thing he does is call Travis. After he bitches at him for an hour he gets Travis to get ahold of Patrick for the proper paper work. They're going to need new birth certificates, social security cards and adoption papers. This is a whole long, drawn out process.

Spencer is probably the best friend a guy could have. He doesn't want Ryan to ever have to live another bad childhood like the one he originally had. Spencer wants Ryan to have one childhood that won't scar him permanently.

Travis said that Ryan wouldn't remember his past lives, which is okay with Spencer. There are some things you really just don't want to remember living through. (Like alcoholic fathers, the great depression, or that time they almost got lynched by a mob in Alabama when Ryan was mistaken as a girl. The dress hadn't helped matters.)

He makes a few more calls and then he's almost ready.


Ryan smashes cake in between his fingers, smearing it all over the floor. Brendon laughs, picking him up and putting him on his hip. He bounces Ryan up and down and laughs when Ryan smears frosting all over his face and in his hair. Sophie puts a hand on his arm and tisks. He sets Ryan down gently and smooths a hand over her protruding stomach.

Patrick reaches down to mess with Ryan's hair and Pete's braying laughter comes from the kitchen, where he and Travis kidnapped Spencer earlier.

Ryan has mastered the art of walking already, and he scoops up a handful of cake and smushes it into his mouth before taking off for the living room.

"Gerard!" Lyn-Z yells, "Grab Ryan before he gets the frosting all over the couch cush-nevermind."

Gerard and Lyn-Z can't have children, so they were thrilled when Spencer called them. It works out well for them, because they get something they wanted, and Ryan gets a good home. Gerard tosses Ryan above his head, blowing raspberries on his stomach. Ryan squeals, twisting in Gerard's hands and Gerard sets him on the floor at Frank's feet.

Ryan shoots off into the kitchen. There is a loud squeal and then a bang and then two little blurs shoot out of the kitchen doorway. Spencer isn't quite as steady on his feet as Ryan and he toddles a few steps, knocks into Ryan and they both go sprawling on the dining room floor. A large pot rolls out the kitchen door after them.

Ryan looks up wide eyed and innocent and crawls to his feet. He's running down the hallway to his bedroom before anyone can say anything. Spencer climbs to his feet in nothing but his diaper, sways a little and then runs after him. Because where Ryan goes, Spencer follows.
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant for this to be out for New Years, but I got distracted with other things, so here it is for your viewing pleasure. If you see any mistakes please message me and let me know.
