What If I Wanted to Break?

Okay, this story could get a little confusing, so if you have any questions, just send me a pm
and ask away.

This is a basic character list, with descriptions. I will also list the character
accompaniements to minimize confusion.


Miku- The quiet mysterious one. Very untrusting; she has been hurt many times in her 15
years. She enjoys studying people. She is fairly tall, with long black hair, her right bangs
always covering her face. She has piercing midnight eyes, clear as a cold winter’s night.
She is slender and small, but she is fiery and formidable; good to have on your side in a
fight. She is a vampire.

Riley- Quiet until spoken to; funny and sarcastic; patient and friendly. He is tall, slender,
fairly built, and sports shoulder length tawny hair and beautiful aquamarine-like eyes. He
has a unique scent that changes with the shade of his eyes (Miku is the only one to notice
this feature). Miku harbors a secret and forbidden love for him.

Gage- He has Italian heritage, stands about 5’9, and has long, curly dark hair. He is
average sized, slightly muscular, and enjoys harassing and threatening people. He is very
protective of the woman he loves and those close to her (especially Miku, who Dawn
considers a sister). He is slightly masochistic, and easily amused. Miku finds him rather
annoying, yet she tolerates him for the sake of Dawn.

Dawn- Gage’s fiancé. She is fairly short, standing only at about 5’5, and is petite to the
extreme. She has short black hair (like Yuffie’s); her bangs fall over her eyes. She loves
Miku dearly, and protects her much like an older sister protects a younger sibling. She is
very friendly, and easy to get along with.

Yvette and Yvonn- Twins. Both are tall and slender; almost always by each other’s side.
They both have mid-back length, straight, black hair, and emerald green eyes. They also
have very pale skin. Both are psychic vampires, and their eyes turn full black when they are angry.

Character Accompaniments

All of the characters have “pets” that follow them around. Typically, only the “owner” of
the “pet” can see the “pet”, however, should the “pet” want to be seen by others, they can
choose to show themselves. They are always there, and they can talk to their “owner”.
The “pets” are very intelligent, or at least as intelligent as their “owners”. The “pets”
represent the character’s fursona.

Miku- Arctic wolf, same color eyes, long, shaggy fur.

Riley- Fennec fox, same color eyes, shaggy fur.

Gage- Cougar, sleek fur, with forest green eyes.

Dawn- Siberian husky with ice blue eyes and shaggy fur.

Yvette- Snow Leopard with emerald green eyes.

Yvonn- White Siberian Tiger with ice blue eyes.
  1. Chapter 1
    A typical day in the life of a teenage vampire