Not So Graceful Grace and a Vampire.


I was trying my hardest not to think about how attractive the man before me was. He had a strong jaw bone and his plump full lips were in a crocked half way smile. His face was slim and his cheek bones high of his face, pulling my eye sight up to his perfect blue eyes. The glittered in the moonlight like electricity. He had black hair that was laying on his forehead in a wind blown way.

“where you ladies going?” he asked me. His eyes lingered for a second on each of my friends, ut came back to my face.

“erm…” I said. What do you tell some gorgeous creepy guy you don’t want to know where your going? “we are going…to the store!”

My friends all looked at me like I was crazy. The store had lots of people, right? Plus it was brightly lit.

“Yes. We’re going to store to buy fruit.” Bri said matter of factly. “We love fruit.”

“Is that so?” the stranger said. “you all look a little lost. Except ballerina girl over there.” I blushed a little and he turned the intensity of his gaze on my face as if he was trying to figure something out about me. “You want me to help you find your way?”

“No thanks.” I stated in a fast manner. “We enjoy adventuring.” Monica gave me a dirty look, and Kiki looked like she was… having fun?

“Why don’t you all come with me to a bar? There is lots of adventuring there.” he said. I heard Bri gasp, and watched every one turn their expectant gaze on me. I closed my eyes, hoping it would all just disappear. I could hear some one stumbling, and opened my eyes immediately.

What I saw threw me off to no extent. No one was there. I was standing in an empty street by myself, the moon my only light. I started to say something, but was stopped by a cold hand over my lips.

“If you relax it’ll be easier on both of us.” the voice said. I started to see spots in front of my eyes, and a grueling pain shot to my head right before I passed out.


I woke up underneath a heavy sheet of something. I shot up so I was sitting as fast as I could, and saw that the ‘heavy sheet’ was just blankets, placed over my body.

I looked at the red sheets for a long moment before I realized that my sheets were blue at home. I jumped up out of the bed. My shoulder hurt when I moved fast like that, and I looked down to see if it was scabbed.

The memory of last night was fresh in my head as I looked at the band aid on my shoulder. The scrape stung, and it felt like I had sprained it. My head throbbed, as well. I couldn’t remember tripping last night, or falling.

I shook the thought away by actually shaking my head, and bit my lip. So I was in some strangers room. Some hot stranger, but a creeper all the same. Looking around the room, it was pretty plain. A desk was in the corner, and I looked like it was used a lot. A leather couch was placed in front of a large flat screen TV.

“Your awake.” a voice stated, behind me. I swung around to fast and my shoulder screamed in protest. I winced a bit and the man noticed. “Sorry ‘bout that. I dropped you on the way home last night.”

“Who the eff are you?” I asked cryptically, looking at him. He was indeed the same man as last night, his hair still looking wind swept.

“I’m Bryce Hillings.” he stated, grinning his crooked smile. “And your Grace Roberts. Nice to meet you.”

“Why the hell do you know my name?” I asked, glaring at him. “Where the hell am I? What did you do to my friends? Why am I here?”

“I know your name, Grace, because, unfortunately, you are my fiancé. Your in our room, your friends are fine, and you’re here to be the princes of Vampires, until its our turn to rule.” Bryce said.
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