Forced to Love

Chapter 9

After a couple of hours someone entered the Library. Annabell was so occupied with a large book filled with fairytales that she did not notice the person before he was right in front of her.
Suddenly a high voice filled the library.

“Why, you must be Annabell.”

Annabell flinched, surprised by the sudden interruption. The other person, a rather lean, young man looked at her, obviously expecting an answer.
“Y-y-yes I am.” Annabell answered, uncomfortable. It was unusual to greet someone like this, not even been properly introduced.

She studied the man as he sat down in one of the opposite chairs. He had brown hair, his small, greedy eyes were swollen, and he had the generally unhealthy look of someone that was used to consume large amounts of alcohol. He leaned back in the chair, and seemed awfully satisfied with himself.

“My oh my!” He suddenly laughed. ”You are not much to look at are you? Nathaniel, the famous bachelor! What a joke!” He measured her while he paused “He could have every woman in the entire kingdom, they were all over him, and yet he married you. You, a not-to-good-looking and way to thin girl. Though, I suppose if you gained some weight, you could be a descent sight”

Annabell was hurt by his words, they stung. She knew she was not much to look at; her father had made that clear. But, this stranger had no right to address her in that way. She rose from the sofa and glared at him.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. Now, if you’ll excuse me I..” Before she could finish the sentence, a cold hand held her arm in a steel grasp.
“No, I will not excuse you” His lips were almost touching her ear as he whispered. He raised his hand and slowly let his fingers run through her hair. Pushing some loose hair straws behind her ear. He licked his lips slowly before he continued.

“Now little girl, sit down, and we’ll talk properly.”

With this he pulled her down to the sofa and settled himself close beside her. Annabell moved uncomfortably and tried to create some space between them, but he just laughed and moved closer. Slowly he laid his big hand high up on her thigh. Annabell froze. Please take the hand away she thought while looking at the door. Please, anyone, open the door and disturb him. But no such think happened.

“Little girl. Pray tell me, how did you get to know Dear Nathaniel?” As he spoke, he started to rub her thigh lightly. ”Ehm…” Annabell did not know what to say. She could faintly remember something about maintaining a good facade. “ehm.. he is an acquaintance of my father.”

Annabell answered slowly. He chuckled. “Now, little girl, I want you to listen to me, and listen very carefully. If you treasure you life, you will not mention this conversation to anyone, especially not Lord Darshia. I would also know how to pick my enemies, and you do not under any circumstance want to be my enemy. So next time, you may want to be a bit more friendly to me.”

He measured her once again before he moved his hand from her thigh and rose from the sofa. When the door closed behind his back, Annabell started to shiver violently.

She had started to relax here. She had just started to feel safe. What a fool she had been, she should know by now that she could never be safe.

As Annabell tried to stop the shivering a servant entered the room. “My Lady.” He greeted and bowed. ”My Lord had requested you presence in the dining room. The dinner is served.”

Annabell managed to stop her shivering before she entered the dining room. Surprisingly she found not only Nathaniel, but also an elderly looking man. She looked at him surprised. He could be an older version of Nathaniel.
They had the same ice blue eyes and the lean, but still strong body. The air around this man seemed to crackle, it was like an aura of force and power surrounded him. It was so overwhelming that Annabell could not move a muscle.
Once again Annabell found herself being measured by a stranger.

Annabell glanced towards Nathaniel and noticed that he seemed strangely nervous.
“Annabell, this is…this is his Majesty King Leonard.” He introduced. “Your Majesty, Annabell Darshia”
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U like? thanks for all the comments, they make me happy!

sorry, its a bit short, but i might be able to update once more today. But not tomorrow though, i have to work on Monday, and i have a big test on Tuesday.