Do I Really Love You, Or Is It Just Me?

Chapter 13

Holy. Hell. This was taking way too long. I felt as if these five minutes were more like five hours. Gym had been a bit boring, as usual. But there was a definite improvement between this class and the rest of the past week’s. Today was Frank’s first day back to gym. His ankle was finally good enough to start gym again. That wasn’t the boring part. The boring part was the beginning and end of class, getting dressed.

Cause now that Frank was back, it took me less than two minutes to get dressed. Sometimes I feel like such a fucking thirteen year old girl. Yeah that was really random…I like Skittles! I blame Frank for my moments of randomness, he’s the one who brought the Skittles…when is the fucking bell going to ring!?

I entertained myself by throwing my pen up in the air and catching it. That lasted for about thirty seconds. I sighed and leaned against the doorjamb. I started to play with a loose string on my sleeve. The bell rang and I was out the door faster than you can say ‘Flying monkeys with pink polka dots with fangs.’ And if you say that really fast too. That didn’t make any sense did it? I didn’t think so. Just forget the whole thing, k? I just ran out of there really fast.

I was gonna run down the hallway, but decided against it. Didn’t want to appear too eager. I walked into the main hallway, expecting to see Frank leaning against the wall across from me, except someone ran over to me and threw their arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground. Good thing we’re both really short, otherwise, all of the guys would be having a blast.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lowered me to the floor and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back, and we stood there for a few seconds kissing. “Ready…to…go?” he asked between kisses. I nodded, not breaking the rhythm of kisses. He unwrapped his arms from my waist and mine from his neck. He took my hand and towed me to the exit. I stuck close to him, having no wish or desire to be separated from him.

We burst out into the school yard and I began to swing our entwined hands. He giggled and pecked me on the cheek. I giggled too and I nuzzled my face into his arm. Then he stopped and pulled our fingers apart. A wave of hurt washed through me, followed by ecstatic-ness when he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his middle and snuggled my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and we walked like that to our tree.

The others were already waiting by our tree. Yeah, we started calling it our tree last week. It was Mikey’s idea actually. He had shouted, “Hey! We should name this tree our tree! Cause we’re always here!” We all agreed and said that it was a good name. Yeah, I know, we’re fucking original, aren’t we?

They were sitting under the tree, just relaxing and hanging out. We joined them and Frank sat down, pulling me onto his lap. I moved around on his lap a little, trying to get comfortable. Once I did, I rested my head on his chest and relaxed. Gerard was leaning against the tree, writing down lyrics in the notebook they use for the band. Bob was laying back in the grass, talking about a new video game that came out the other day, with Gee commenting every once in a while. Mikey had Nathan sitting on his lap with his arms around Nate’s waist, having a whispered conversation. Ray seemed to notice us first.

“Hey guys,” he greeted us, turning away from a slightly glaring Bob. I guess Bob hadn’t forgotten what happened earlier in lunch. Frank smiled angelically. “So what are we gonna do now?”

“We can go to my house. Band practice and all. I think Gerard’s been working on some new stuff,” Bob suggested and gesturing to Gerard with his thumb, sitting up as he spoke. Gerard looked up at his name being called and closed the notebook and placed it carefully in his bag.

“Actually, we’re not gonna be coming with you guys. We have something else planned for the rest of the day,” Frank said, his arms tightening around me.

“You guys have a date or something?” Mikey asked. I nodded my head against Frank’s chest. Nathan made an ‘Aaw’ sound at us. I could feel my face heat up the second time that day. Good thing I missed the brief flash of hurt on Gerard’s face.

Frank turned his head and kissed the top of my head. “Speaking of our date, we need to get going,” he said and untwined his arms from my waist. I got up and he stood up as well. He took my hand and began to lead me away, waving bye to everyone, they waved back. I waved in turn and didn’t fail to notice that one guy didn’t even look up once, let alone wave. Gerard seemed to think that his beat up Vans were very interesting at the moment.
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Hi peoples! yea here's the next chapter! I was starting to annoy myself when I realized I pretty much called Frank Frankie throughout the entire chapter and yea. Sorry that this one is realy short and kinda shitty. I promise the next one will be longer. And don't worry, Frank's and Raven's lives aren't just going to be happy daisy throughout this whole chapter. Lots of drama and tragedy coming soon. Maybe even the next chapter, depends on how many comments I get. And thank you to XxBuryMeInBlackxX and drowningpagan for commenting! Please comment! Remember, if you do, you get a MCR plushie of your choice! Enjoy!