Sequel: Save Me

You're Right That It's Wrong To Spend the Night Alone


I ran and jumped up into his arms.

"Ryro!" I felt him smile into my hair. "Ahh, it's been too fucking long!"

"Definitely!" I hugged him tighter, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling away to look at his face. "Damn, your hair is getting long..."

"Ahaha, yeah, it's hotter that way!"

I turned my head to see Gabe Saporta.
"Oh, my God, shit, I'm sorry!" I jumped off of Will.

He laughed. "It's okay. I'm Gabe."

"Yeah, um, I'm, um, Ryan."

"I know. What's up?" His smile never faltered from his dark skin.

"Um, nothing. How about with you?"

"Nothing." He smiled at Will. "He's so cute."

I blushed as Will replied, "I know, right?" and giggled, wrapping an arm around Gabe's waist.

"Hey, Will." Brendon came up beside me, smiling at him.

"Hey, Bren!" Will hugged him. "What's up?"

"Not much. Um, hey, Ry, Marty's here, I'm gonna go hang out on their bus for a while, okay?"

My stomach dropped, and I'm sure my face fell. "Oh... I mean, I didn't know they were here. Okay. Tell them I said hi."

He nodded, quickly kissing me. "I'll be back on the bus later. Probably."

I smiled. "All right, see you later, baby."


I watched him walk away, feeling empty yet again. I Pushed away all the thoughts of what he and Martin would end up doing. Or at least, I tried to.

"Ryan, that doesn't upset you?"


Will looked shocked. "Ry-"

"I'm fine, Will. Promise."

I would lie, if it would make him feel better.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I really just want to finish this story up. there are (I believe) nine more parts, and then the sequel will be up. I like the sequel much better myself, so the last few parts will probably be up by the end of the week
<3 Manda