Status: Finished.


chapter 2

That’s another thing I love about Bryan he always showed up on time whenever he said he would. I open the door and stop myself from drooling over him.

“Hey Bry right on time” I say enthusiastically.

“Hey little J, in time for what? A striptease?” he steps inside the door and closes it behind him. He follows me to the kitchen and leans against the kitchen counter. He keeps staring at me while I take my plate of lasagna out the microwave and set it on the table. He is staring a whole into me. I was becoming more nervous than I usually am around him. My palms are sweating. I kept looking at his expression trying to figure out what he was thinking. I just can’t read it.

“Do you want anything to eat?” I manage to ask.

“No thanks, you never answered my question little J” he replies.

“I am not giving you a striptease Bryan” I say sternly.

He pouts. He is so fucking hot.

“Why not Jess? You are such a party pooper” he smiles as he says this. I want to kiss his lips. They were very appealing. I shake my head.

“Because I have a boyfriend who would probably get mad and I actually do have morals, contrary to belief.” I answer trying to sound as convincing as I possibly can.

“Yeah he’s totally lucky.” He sits down next to me and moves his chair as close to me as possible without invading my personal space. He smells so good. That damn Armani cologne I brought him last Christmas. What was I thinking and why did I invite him over? I don’t know how to react; he’s never acted like this before. He slides my plate towards him and takes a bite from my lasagna. He chews carefully and slowly, as if he is in deep thought about something. I try to think of something to say. “So how was your date with Marilyn last night?” I ask. I am genuinely interested.

“It was horrible. She was boring and shallow. None of these girls can keep my interest. Even if I try and give them a chance and go out with them, I’m bored after a week. It’s hard out there lil J. It’s depressing” he sighs as he cuts a corner off the lasagna and stabs it with the fork.

“Oh…that sucks” I reply solemnly.

“It really does Jess” he leans his head on his hand and brings the lasagna to my lips. I open my mouth as he put the fork in and bit down to release the lasagna. He rubs my cheek and grins at me. His eyes are tender and beautiful looking back at me I try to hide my smile but have no luck.

“Don’t hide” he says as he feeds me another piece.

“I’m not” I say instantly embarrassed.

“You’re cute” he says playfully.

“You’re playing with my mind” I say as I clear my plate. I head upstairs. What the hell is Bryan thinking? He is driving me crazy. No not crazy insane. I hear his footsteps behind me. Oh lord please let me get of this situation faithfully. Although I don’t even think God can help me right about now.

“Jess I wasn’t playing but if I crossed the line, I apologize.” He sounded sincere.

“Your forgiven” I say glumly as I sit in my computer chair. I read his IM where’s my insanely hot bestie at? What ur not answerin, u must b in trouble. Ring ring. Insanely hot that was a new one.

Bryan lies out on my bed and beckons me to join him. I shake my head no. That was the last thing I need to do right now.

“Come on J when’s the last time I painted your toes.” It has been awhile. I cave and climb into my queen sized bed with the mesmerizing creature before me. I give him my purple nail polish and wiggle my toes. He smiles at me, takes my feet in his hands, and begins painting my toes. I start to sing my favorite Paramore song.

“No sir. No I don’t want to be the blame not anymore its your turn so take a seat were settling the final score and why do we like to hurt so much I cant decide you have made it harder just to go on ohh why all the possibilities but I was wrong. That’s what you get when you let your heart win whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

“You have a pretty voice.” Bryan comments as he finishes up my left foot.

“No I don’t” I reply quietlly.

He blows on my toes. “If you say so…”

Why was he being so nice to me today? Did I smell good or something? I watch him as he finishes painting my right foot. It comes out good. “Nice” I say happily.

“Jess?” he says as he takes my hand. My heart feels like it is going to jump out my chest. There’s sadness in his eyes.

“What?” I ask with my guard up. I have to stay strong. I have to do it for Jake.

“He is cheating on you.”

“Huh?” I didnt understand


“Jake with that Perkins girl you told me about the other day. Umm I saw him with her when I was on the date with Marilyn. They were holding hands and were all over each other it was rather disgusting.”

He was joking he was playing a mean sick cruel joke on me like we always did to each other. But his face is so serious…

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Quit joking like that. Sooner or later I’m going to believe you.”

“I wish it was a joke.” He replied as he put my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. I can’t think straight when he does things like this. I quickly pull my hand back and inch away from him. He frowns at me and puts his hand out. I stare at him. I was trying to make sense of what he just told me, trying to clear my head but it wasn't working.

“Bryan do you swear on our friendship that, that’s what you saw” I was fuming. My eyes were burning.

“I swear.”

“Bryannnn how could he do this to me he was supposed to be working. He is such a liar and a cheater. I don’t deserve this” I am hysterical. It isn’t right. I am over here trying to stay faithful while this scumbag is getting his jollies off with Katrina. I’m going to murder her. How could he lie to me so easily? I am so furious with him and even more furious with myself. I feel like a complete idiot.

“Jess don’t cry. Your way too good for that jerk” Bryan says as he pulls me into his arms. He holds me for a long time until my hyperventilating stops and my tears subside. He lies back on the bed with me in his arms holding me tight. It feels good to be there I must admit but I refuse to fall into a damsel in distress trap. I am not that naive. I roll out of his arms and onto my side.

“Your plan isn’t going to work” I say coldly.

“What plan?” Bryan asks as he turns me over then looks at my face. His eyes seem innocent but I am not taking any chances.

“To lure me into your trap. I’m done with boyfriends I am done with best friends I am so completely done.” He looks hurt. He grabs me by the wrists with a torn expression on his face.

“What are you saying? That you’re done with me as well” he yells.

“I’m saying I am done with having the people I trust fuck me over” I screamed back. He is getting so emotional and I am getting more confused.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean Jessica. Did I fuck you over? Am I one of those people too?!”

“It depends are you going to break my heart too?” I asked quietly. His eyes soften and his grip gets looser.

“Would you believe me if I said no?” his voice was still angry.

“Not really” I respond honestly. If that didn’t piss him off…

“You are un-fucking-believable. Honestly I don’t even know why I wasted my time coming here. If you can’t see after all this time that I would never do anything like that to hurt you than I don’t see why we have been friends for this long. You’re so dumb. I’m leaving.” He lets go of my wrists as he gets off my bed. Tears are welling up in my eyes as we speak.

“If you leave I wont have anybody left” I say softly. He stops at the door his back turned to me. I put my hands to my face to hide my tears. I am a mess. I don’t want him to see me like this. He closes the door behind him and I hear his footsteps get farther away. I am so stupid. There goes everyone. Loneliness is a horrible feeling.
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