We Will Not Let Time Erase Us

Frank's cousin, Silence, is newly deceased, and so is her best friend, Ivy. The catch is, she didn't die a peaceful death, and not dying a peaceful death leads to unseen concequences. Such as dealing with a vindictive queen and her bitchy daughter and manipulitive, nacissitic son.

-My Chemical Romance as The Black Parade

This is a Fiction story people FICTION!
This never happended, I don't know, talk to, or have ever interacted with My Chemical Romance.
  1. Paint it Black and Take it Back
    The first chapter of my new story. Silence is dead, and meets up with 5 very surprising people.
  2. Go Back to the Middle of the Day that Starts it Al
    part two, Silence sees Ivy, explanation is next chapter .
  3. We Hold in Our Hearts the Sword and the Faith
    This is what I like to call the explanation chapter, it will be long and kind of drag on so i'm sorry!
  4. We All Want to Party When the Funeral Ends
    Quite a bit shorter than the last chapter. Please enjoy, in this chapter we finally meet the bad guys!
  5. And I Wish You Away
    action time :) sorry for not updating for awhile x.x
  6. And Never Be Afraid Again
    Sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy this.
  7. Just to Hold You Close and TIght
    This one's a good chapter, I promise XD