It's Not Always Easy, but I'm Here Forever

Chapter 4

I was tossing and turning all over the place. There was No way to get sleep in a cramped floor! Danny had the brilliant idea of having a sleep over and it had to be in the living room with everyone sleeping on the floor.

“Ella stop moving.” His voice sent shivers down my spine, in a good way. I turned around to see a sleepy face on Tom.

“Sorry.” I whispered back at him. “I cant get any sleep on this floor.” I gave him a cute pout.

He looked around the room and noticed that somehow everyone had paired up during the night. “I wonder how that happened?” Tom was talking about Dougie and Lou. Dougie was holding onto Lou like she was a life size teddy, and he had been so shy during the day.

I got up and stretched my arms. “Where are you going. “Tom asked me a cute pout on his face.

“I cant sleep here” I told him.

“Your gonna leave me all alone?” He had that same pout still on his face. “Who’s gonna keep me warm?”

“I smiled at him. “I never said you couldn’t come.” I started walking to the guest room in Danny’s flat. I could hear Tom coming behind me and I smiled to myself.

I opened the room Door and walked to the bed lifting up the covers and sliding in. A few seconds I could feel the bed shifting telling me that Tom had gotten in beside me.

I sighed and looked up blankly at the sealing. “Do you remember when we were little and we would lay out in your back yard and just look at the stars?” I said as I turned to look at him.

He turned and looked at me. “Yeah, we should do that again sometime.”

I smiled to myself as I watched his eyes close. “Defiantly” I turned so I could face the wall away from Tom. I felt him pull me closer to him.



“Promise you’ll be my friend no matter what.” He asked me as he held me closely, making those darn butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

“Why wouldn’t I be.” I whispered back

“Good” Was all he said after that. All I could hear was his rhythmic breathing telling me he had fallen asleep.

I wonder what he meant by that?

I woke up to find myself in a empty bed. I sighed and got out of bed. I walked out to the kitchen the smell of eggs and pancakes filled the air.

“Morning.” I was greeted by Clara who was flipping a pancake on the skillet “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, The floor was killing me so I went to sleep in the guest room.” I poured myself a glass of milk.

“So how long have you and Tom been dating.” I choked on my milk spitting it back into the cup.

“Oh, are you okay.” She left her place on the stove and came and patted my back as I coughed.

“Yeah, I just, I’m fine.” I cleaned the milk that had spilled around

“She’s not dating Tom” Hannah said as she walked into the kitchen. I looked at her. “The boys aren’t here, they left to finish up some writing.”

“I’m not dating Tom where just friend.” I said the last part a little to quickly.

“I see.” Clara said not convinced. “So how long have you liked him for?”

“What?” I tried to play it cool but my voice gave me away.

Hannah looked at me in disbelief. “Wait when did you start liking him?” She got a smirk on her face. “You didn’t like him before,”

“How long have you and Tom been friends for?” Lou asked me as my face was getting hotter from al the questioning.

“Since birth actually.” I told her as I sat down at the table.

Lou smiled and sat next to me. “You to look really cute together, we honestly thought you were a couple.”

“I’ve been telling her that since I met her, but she hasn’t said anything about liking him.” She looked at me and smiled. “Do you like him now?”

“What!, No!” They all looked at me like they knew I wasn’t sure about my answer. “I don’t know.”

They all smiled at eachother knowingly. “Spill.” Clara sat down next to me.

I took a breath. “Well I don’t know, I started, you know feeling different around him.”

“Like what?” Hannah asked as she sat down.

“Well, This is so cliquey, but” I sighed “He makes my heart beat a little faster every time he hugs me or holds me. That’s silly right I mean he’s done that so many times before but now it makes me feel different.”

“Are you gonna tell him?” Clara asked.

I looked at them wide eyed. “No! and you cant tell anyone, You got that.” I said pointing my finger at them.

They mumbled their responses and I just sat there. We heard the door open.

“Honey I’m home!” Harry yelled from the door.

Hannah smiled at his joke. “We’re in the Kitchen.” She called back to him.

The boys walked into the kitchen with smiles on their faces.

“Pack Your bags!” Dougie yelled excitedly.

We all had confused faces. “Why?” Lou asked them

“McFly is going camping!” They all yelled together like they had been planning to say it in unison. Everyone made their way out of the kitchen to pack for the trip. It was only me and Tom left in the Kitchen. He just smiled at me.

“What?” I asked him feeling my face get a little hotter.

He just smiled at me. “I told you we would see the stars together, real soon.” He walked out of the kitchen leaving me there with a smile on my face.
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Eh I don’t know what to think? Let me know what You think!