It's Not the Life It Seems

Chapter One

She sat beautifully poised against the soft leather seats of her limousine. Her soft chestnut hair fell into curls around her perfectly made-up face, white headphones placed in each diamonded studded ear. She looked out the window, watching with amusement as passers by peered into the limo to see if they could recognize a famous face staring back at them through the heavily tinted windows. Oh wouldn’t they love to know who’s in here, she thought to herself miserably.

“Ugh!” One of her own songs began playing on her i-pod. She quickly changed it, as that was the last thing she wanted to hear. Oh well that’s what you get for leaving it on shuffle, she thought as she changed it to a song by the Used, one of her favorite bands.

“Honey?” Her personal assistant, Kirstin, broke into her thoughts, “were almost there, just two minutes away."

“Oh yay,” Honey replied sarcastically.

Honey Meadows was 22 years old and hugely famous. She was, as they say, a pop princess. Honey had first burst into the scene at just 18, with her hit song ‘you should be so lucky’. It was a raging success, as were Honeys follow up singles. Honey had made 3 albums, and her fame never wavered. She was always the girl that every teenage boy wanted to date and every teenage girl wanted to be. However with all the fame and money that Honey had it came at a price, her privacy for one thing, not to mention the chance at a “normal” life. After four years of constant work commitments, making albums and paparazzi following her every where, Honey was definitely feeling the pressure of always having to be perfect.

“Okay Hon, here we are," Kirstin said, as they arrived at the MTV music awards in Los Angeles, “You ready?”
Honey replied with a nod of her head and placed her i-pod in her bag, which she then handed to her assistant to carry. The limousine pulled up at the red carpet, which was swamped by A-list, B-list and C-list celebrities (if they were lucky!), many photographers and reporters and then the celebrity’s entourage which accompanied them everywhere. Honeys “entourage”, which consisted of her publicist, a body guard and more assistants, were waiting just outside her limo.

Honey took a deep breath and plastered a huge smile on her face as she placed one slender leg out of the limo. She ducked her head, to avoid hitting the roof, and placed another high heeled encased foot on the floor of the red carpet. The second the fans realized who had just stepped out of the limo the MTV music awards red carpet erupted in screams. Honey stood their smiling and waving to her adoring fans, whilst some of the other celebrities covered their ears in an attempt to block out the loud noise. Honey began to glide forwards, placing one foot in front of the other while still waving and smiling to the people who were screaming her name. Everyone else on the red carpet craned their necks to see what the source of all the noise was, celebrities and reporters included.

“Oh it’s Honey Meadows,"they would say to each other when the realized who it was. “You know I heard that she’s dating Adam Brody these days." To which the other person would reply, “No I heard she stole Pete Wentz from Ashlee Simpson, do you know she was the reason Jessica Simpson is no longer with Nick Lacey as well?”

To all this, Honey would just smile. She knew everyone was talking about her, how could she not? They would whisper the latest rumors to each other, as they looked directly at her.

Honey signed a few autographs for a couple of fans, before she was moved along to pose in front of photographers. She plastered a huge smile on her face, but even that couldn’t hide the obvious sadness in her eyes. Not that the photographers cared, they only cared that she was wearing a hot little Dolce and Gabbana dress.