Mayberry Academy

Chapter Ten - Annoyed

Kailey’s POV

I watched Jason approach Ami and I and I felt my heart rate speed up a little. Stop it, I told myself. You got a boyfriend, one who you love, you don’t need to get caught up in even more drama. Ami appeared a bit shocked that he was walking up to me, and to be honest, so was I. Mel was staring at him while he was walking towards us, um correction, glaring is what I should say.

“Jason!” Mel said, obviously annoyed. Jason didn’t even look back. Then before I knew it he was in front of us.

“Hey,” he said, smiling. Then in a lower voice, “Thank you for coming at this time,” he looked almost pleading. I couldn’t help it, I laughed. Ami looked back at Mel and she laughed, too.

“She isn’t that bad, is she?” I asked. Before Jason could even answer Ami answered for him.

“Not that bad?” she whisper-shouted. “She’s horrible, and annoying, and Ms. Everything-has-to-go-my-way.” Jason laughed but he nodded in agreement.

“How about you two come with me back inside?” Jason asked.

“Sure,” I said and we made our way inside, completely ignoring Mel. I spotted Carter at the same table he was at yesterday and I waved to him when he saw me. After Ami and I got some food I’d decided I was going to sit next to Ami but she took the seat next to Lance and Jason sat next to her. Which of course left me only two options, sit next to Lance or sit next to Jason. So I sat down next to Jason. He smiled at me and my heart did that little flutter thing. Stop it, I scolded myself. I started on my food, which happened to be scrambled eggs. Shockingly the food was really good here.

Typically I started wondering if I felt this way with Jarrod and I scolded myself again. Of course I do, I love him.

I looked up from my plate of food to see Carter approaching our table. He smiled at me.

“Hey,” he said when he reached our table. Jason didn’t look too happy.
“What do you want Carter?” Jason asked.

“I’m saying hi to Cami if that’s alright with you?” Carter answered, raising one eyebrow. Jason was obviously annoyed by now, but he just shrugged and went back to eating. Carter took a seat next to me.

I looked over at Ami and saw her raise her eyebrows at me, but she went back to talking, well flirting, with Lance.

“So how is your second day going?” he asked me.

“It’s going okay, thanks for asking.” I said.

“I could show you around if you wanted?” Carter asked. Before I could answer Mel came back in and was back in front of our table, clearly point was not taken.

“Jason, can we pleeeeeeeasse talk?!” She asked. Could she sound any more desperate? Jason looked up at her.

“What’s there to talk about, we just had this conversation. I’m NOT getting back together with you,” he answered. Everyone in the cafeteria had stopped talking to see what all the drama was about. So of course his message was said loud and clear for everyone to hear, not to Mel’s liking. For a brief moment she looked sad and confused and I almost felt bad for her, but then she changed her expression and just walked away. Just like that.

“That girl gets stranger every time I see her, I swear,” Ami said. “She’s such a bitch.” Lance nodded his head in agreement.

“I don’t see why you ever went out with someone like her Jason,” he said shaking his head. “She’s too high maintenance for someone like me.” He laughed. Ami laughed along with him.

“Anyways,” Carter said, making me look back at him. “Like I was saying, I could show you around if you wanted.” This time as I was going to answer, Jason interrupted me.

“It’s fine, I already agreed to show her around Carter,” Jason said. I raised my eyebrows at him and he gave me a look that said “just go along with it” so I did.

“Uh yeah he did actually, a little while before you came over,” I said. I felt bad about lying but this gave me more time to get to know Jason better. I was surprised he had openly volunteered like that, but I wasn’t complaining. I let my heart do its flutter thing this time, without yelling at myself. I just hoped I wasn’t planning on doing anything stupid or rash, but honestly, do we ever really plan for these kinds of things to happen?
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Hey people! =] I'm sooo sorry i havent updated for the past basically 3 weeks. I share a computer, and lately its always been occupied by the time i get out here, and then i have my fair share of writers block to go along with that. I hope you enjoy this chapter and i hope to pick things up in the next few chapters =]
tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions let me know =]
Thanks to everyone who has commented and subscribed!
I love you guys!!
Same rule as before, at least one comment before i update and i really will try harder to update faster!!