Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

The Bitch Crew.

Fred's POV
We all met up at break, like usually. Despite like, everyone being late, everyone was here. Except Kath, who was probably raping someone behind the chimneys. Or had a detention. I don't know, but Hurl assured me she was here, and since she walks with her to school, I guess she was right.
Hurl is the nice one of the group, and even she bombs and blows up places in her spare time. No, she doesn't. She's in my year [whoop] which is yr 10, if you really wanna know. She's got quite dark skin, and is slender and curvy. Her hair is thick and curly, but she straightens it. Her name isn't Hurl, but we call her that anyway. Coz we can, and nobody is gonna stop us. All of us together, Zara, Nova, me [duh], Abbi, Hurl, Kath, Cherri, Emz, Jess and Ruthie form what a lot of the students call "The Bitch Crew." What can I say? We ain't bitches, not really, and its just idiotic small minded people again who need to call us stuff to make themselves feel better.
We shoved some dumb little yr 7s outta the 'outdoor classroom' , despite Hurl's protests, and sat in there.
It's basically like wooden benches with a roof over the top. Nova and Cherri were engaged in a conversation about god knows what. I'd describe them, but really, since I see them most days I don't really need to run there appearence through my head, do I?
Anywayz, we were all happy, and gay [as in happy, dope, not homosexual] and then these lasses turn up.
Turns out Zara, always the clumsy one, had done something that involved 'accidentally' tipping coke all over their designer bags. Shock horror! It's the end of the world! Actually, by the way they were reacting you'd think it was. I swear one girl was actually CRYING.
"You, bitch," said one girl, looking at Zara.
Oh the irony.
"You what?" said Zara, sharing a what the fuck is she on about look with me.
"You fuckin' slag," the lass continued. I think her name was Emma.
Again, the irony.
There were quite a lot of them there. The ones Zara offended musta brought friends. They outnumbered us, but only just.
Damn, we needed Kath.
"I'm not a bitch or a slag," said Zara.
"Damn right," I added.
"More like you are," said Abbi, her headphones in. No doubt she was listening to her beloved Eminem.
Emma glared at us. And that's when it happened.
She hit Zara.
Nova and Cherri looked up. Even Ruthie stopped staring at Emz.
And we struck.
We kicked ass! Mostly. Zara lashed out at Emma, while me and Abbi took down her friends.
Actually, they did put up quite a fight, pulling our hair and other seemingly lame stuff that actually hurts.
And then Kath appeared.
And Kath killed them.
Not literally, idiots. But Emma ended up really battered. Ha!
Unfortunately, all of us got sent to the head's office, apart from Hurl, who the teachers think can do no wrong. Even though another off the girls, Nicola, insisted she was responsible for Jessica's black eye. Whoever Jessica is.
Judging by the look on the head's face, he wasn't very happy.
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Dedicated to Hrl.