There's Just Too Much That Time Cannot Erase

Chapter 53

The Plan

We finally arrived at the venue, which turned out to be packed. Jared was the first to exit the bus, Shannon followed by Layka and Tomo, Matt letting me off before him. There were tons of screaming fans, and I wanted to laugh at the girls with confused faces that stared at me, probably wandering why I wasn't with my own band, at least they weren't alone on that thought.

From what I could tell, there were already a few bands up, and taking a look at the set list, I could see that My Chemical Romance would be playing soon, and so would my band.

"They should be in their dressing room, come on," Jared said leading the way down the hall of dressing rooms. We finally found the one with a piece of paper taped lazily to the door, 'My Chemical Romance' written in letters that were barely legible.

"Okay, start explaining before every one of you is trouble, we know you got The Used in on it, spill," I demanded as we walked in the room to see the guys all sitting on the couch, smiles on their faces.

"Well to start off, we admit to asking Bert to keep you guys busy, but we have no way of knowing exactly how they did so, so we can't be held responsible for that," Frank said holding his hands up as if to ward off an attack.

"We've been arguing and debating for the last hour and a half, and we finally figured out a way to start promoting the album," Ray started.

"So tonight we won't be performing, and we need you to explain that to the crowd," Gerard said standing up and walking over to me, placing his hands on my waist.

"And how exactly do you expect me to do that without them starting a riot, Gee?" I said looking into his eyes, it really suprised me how I couldn't stay mad at him, especially when he looked into my eyes like that.

"Our fans don't know why I dyed my hair, we were already planning to have a story for the album, but after Fear and Regret came, we have an idea of how to start off The Black Parade. We won't be performing tonight, but The Black Parade will," he said smiling.

"I'm following, but what the heck do I say? Did I mention that your fans scare me sometimes?" I asked with a smirk.

"Something like we couldn't make it to the venue but our good friends will be taking our place, the name of the album hasn't been released yet, they'll never know," he said with that same smile.

"I swear, you all are too creative for your own good," I said rolling my eyes as I leaned forward to kiss him softly. "But I'll have you know, Bert's an evil mastermind, please don't leave it to him to figure out things like that."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said laughing before leaning forward to kiss me again, arms wrapped around my waist.

"Awww, that's so cute," Jared cooed as he and his band took a seat on the couch with the rest of MCR, making Gerard flip them all off when they started a round of applause.

But hopefully I could do this without their fans killing me.

Where's My Chem?

I gulped loudly as I stood beside the curtain that seperated me from the stage where MCR was supposed to perform, already hearing the loud chanting of anxious fans. Layka stood obediently beside me, eager as I was to get this over with.

"I can do this girl, I know I can, they're just teenagers, right?" I asked looking down at her, knowing already that I was loosing it. What was there to be afraid of? The worst they could do was throw stuff, and the band assured me that their fans were more well behaved then that, so I had nothing to worry about. I gulped one last time before I pulled back the curtain enough for me to walk through, and Layka stuck to my side like glue as I walked out on stage toward the microphone's stand.

"Quiet!" someone shouted in the audience, the whole place going silent, allowing me to begin.

"Listen up guys, My Chemical Romance asked me to tell you all that they're unable to make it to the venue tonight, Gerard's got a problem with his throat and they didn't want to disappoint you guys. BUT, they also wanted me to introduce some good friends of their's who'll be taking their place today, so please welcome, The Black Parade," I said bowing, smiling when the lights went out and the audience gasped. I could barely make out the guys walking onstage, but Gerard gave me a peck on the lips before I exited with Layka, smiling as Frank, Mikey and Ray started off with the guitars. Every one of the people in the audience was shocked when the lights turned back on and they saw the members of My Chemical Romance onstage, in uniform, marching band uniforms.

They started out with The Sharpest Life without hesitation, and the crowd absolutely loved it.

"Well thanks to the introduction by my beautiful fiance, I'd like to explain some things to you guys," Gerard breathed into the mic after the song had ended, pacing back in forth like he usually did when he was speaking. "First, we are no doubt still My Chemical Romance, we're not going anywhere. You all are the first to hear a song off of our upcoming album, titled The Black Parade. So up until the day it drops in October, we will be performing under the name of The Black Parade. We've worked our asses off on this album and still have to finish a few more songs, but we hope you like what we have for you, this next one's called The House Of Wolves."

I stood offstage with a smile on my face as I watched them start off the next song, glad that I was here to see this. It was like electric with the band, their dedication to their music really showed in their fans, and there was no shortage of crowd surfers as the hype picked up. Only MCR could pull off something like this and have fun with it.