I Know Something You Don't Know


Brody was off that day- Mike had offered to work the merch booth all day, and Brody was greatful. She hadn't had a day off in a long time, and it was time much needed. She hung out with The Devil Wears Prada for the majority of the day. They were nice guys- and she was thankful for that. She watched their set and was surprised to see Bring Me The Horizon was to play after them. Well, after the band on the stage over finished that is.

Well, she actually wasn't as surprised as you would think. Her life kind of worked on that whole irony thing. She always expected the unexpected, which is perhaps why when she felt an arm snake it's way around her waist, she didn't even flinch. She simply turned herself around slowly, so she was facing him. His green eyes were gleaming and he was smiling. She was actually surprised to see him smiling though, he tended to smirk a lot more when he was around her.

"Didja like the flowers?" He asked her softly, his arm dropping from around her waist. Brody scrunched her face up and looked around the stage. Everyone around was mostly techs and seemed to be too far into their job to even notice them. She turned her attention back to Oliver and gave him a tiny smile.

"How did you know lilies were my favorite?" She asked him seriously.

"I did the research," he said with a nod. "I wouldn't spend that much money on somethin' I didn't think yeh would like," he reasoned. Brody nodded her head slowly at his words and cast her gaze over his shoulder.

"Thanks," she said awkwardly.

Brody wasn't used to being nice to boys she had been with, espeically Oliver. The fact that he sent her flowers made things harder for her. Being mean and playing hard to get came naturally, thanking someone for flowers did not.

"You're welcome," he told her. "Are you gonns stay to watch our set?"

"I suppose so," she sighed heavily before smiling. Oliver smiled as well and wrapped his arms around her small body. She smiled, but kept her hands to the side; she knew better. He pouted when he realized he wasn't going to get what he wanted and Brody rolled her eyes.

"Must you make that face every second of your fucking life?" She asked. Oliver's pout turned into a smile and he placed a tiny kiss on her nose.

"You're kinda hot when you get all mad," he purred in her ear. She closed her eyes and bit her lip hard, trying her best to resist him. She couldn't give into him, because that's what he wanted. No matter how sex deprived she was, and no matter how much the idea of fucking Oliver appealed to her, she had to resist. The last thing she wanted was for Oliver to get his way, espeically when it came to her.

"You're kinda annoying when you make the same face for everything," she mocked him. Oliver pulled away so he was able to look her in the eye. He smiled softly and rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

"That's one thing I do like about yeh, believe it or not," he said with a smile.

"And what's that?" Brody asked.

"Yeh always tell the truth, no matta' what."

"I guess I am good for that," she said, a smile spreading across her own face.

To many people around them, at that very moment, with smiles on both of their faces, almost no space between their bodies, and Oliver's hand still on Brody's cheek, they probably looked like the cutest couple you ever saw. To the ones who knew them, this only meant something bad was lurking around the corner. Their friends had come to learn very quickly that with Oliver and Brody, for every bit of good they had in their relationship, there was a lot more bad.

After a few more minutes of quick, meaningless conversation, Bring Me The Horizon hit the stage. Sean had come over to watch them with Brody and together they stood sidestage. Almost halfway through their set, Oliver looked over his shoulder and smiled at Brody, who in turn gave him the finger while smiling as well. He then turned to the audience and brought the mic up to his mouth.

"Well, I know this isn't the whole world," he said, turning around to glance at Brody quickly once again. "But I like yeh, alright?"

Brody's- as well as Sean's- jaw almost dropped to the floor. Although he wasn't specific in who he was talking about, she was pretty sure everyone got the message. Well, everyone who mattered anyway.

"What the fuck," Brody breathed.

"Seriously, so stop being a proper bitch and come make out with me after the set," he added with his signature smirk.

"Of course," she muttered under her breath as she fake glared at him. He turned around to look at her quickly to blow a kiss in her direction. She gave him the finger, but she did it with a smile on her face.

Oliver thought that was at least getting somewhere.
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so does anyone wanna tell me why my profile is the way it is? what's with the tinypic thing in the backround?
&does someone wanna point me in the direction of a good layout site? or does anyone wanna make me one? i would love a website with hockey layouts, if you know of any. but i'll take what i can get :]

thank you for your feedback! i love you guys!<3
