Falling For a Ghost? How Is That Even Possible?


When I got back to my room, I expected to find Cale. I wasn’t sure whether I expected him to angry, upset, sad, or depressed… I had kissed another guy right in front of him. I couldn’t even begin to understand what he was feeling. But I told him that we couldn’t be together; that there was no way a relationship between us could work. He should have known…

“Dad?” I asked surprised. He was sitting in the desk chair with his hands folded neatly across his lap.

He smiled. “Amy, good. I was wondering when you’d be home.”

I wasn’t sure whether I should make a run or just listen to him. “What are you doing here?”

“Why, I live here!” He seemed shocked that I would ask such a stupid question. “When I was away, I got to thinking… Ghosts don’t exist! I realized that the only thing you could have done was to plant some kind of trap in here. And I don’t know what kind of trap it was or how you did it -” He quickly pushed himself up from the chair and stomped towards me. “– But I did NOT like it!”

I took a few steps back but stumbled over a pair of shoes. And before I hit the floor, he grabbed me by the arm and flung me towards him. He moved his body out of the way so that I went tumbling to the ground.

“You need to have some respect for your father!” He yelled.

Tears were streaming down my face. I was scared, confused, shocked, and angry. I just wanted to die. Austin was furious with me and I had no idea what happened to Cale.

Then I swear my heart stopped beating.

Cale said that when the other two humans rejected the ghosts that they committed… Suicide.

Oh my god!What if Cale…

“You’re a fucking, stupid, bitch!” My father kicked me in the stomach and grabbed my hair. “I saw you with that boy outside.” He shoved my head towards the ground. “Fucking slut!” Then he kicked me in the stomach again.

“Cale…” I whispered quietly. If he could hear me, I desperately prayed that he would.

But he didn’t hear. Instead, my father heard.

“HA! You think he wants you?!” Kick. “You think he likes you!?” Shifting in and out of consciousness. “What could anyone possibly see in you?!” Kick below the stomach. “No one will ever want you! You’re just a stupid, ugly, fucking girl!” Before he left, he spit on me like I was some kind of mutt.

I stayed on the floor crying for a while. What was the point in getting up? But I did eventually. I took a shower, doctored my bruises, and then went to bed.

The next day at school in Home Ec. I knew what I needed to do. I liked Austin, I really did. He was sweet, and nice, and completely amazing. I didn’t deserve someone like him.
When we all took our seats, I immediately turned to him.

“Austin, I’m really sorry for what I-”

“Amy, no,” he said cutting me off. “I should be the one apologizing. I overreacted. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

I blinked. “Well, you had a perfectly good reason to. I would completely understand if you wanted to hate me right now.”

His face softened and he started to reach for me, but pulled back. “Amy, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. I just moved too fast was all. So you forgive me?”

I sighed. “Yeah, sure.”

He smiled. “So, I’d like to ask you out tonight if you’re not doing anything. You know, to make up for last night. Maybe we could have a better ending?”

“I can’t,” I quickly answered. Austin frowned. “I mean, I already have plans. My dad and I are going out somewhere.” I mustered up the biggest smile I could. “You know, father daughter night?”

“Oh, um, yeah.” He waved his hand absently. “That’s okay. Maybe some other time?”

I nodded. “Sure.”

Father daughter night? HA! We never had one of those. The closest we ever got to father daughter time was him eating in the living room while Mom and I ate in the kitchen when I was like five years old or something. Father daughter time my ass.

After school, I studied in the library until six o’clock, and then I went to The Diner.

I walked in the door and was instantly greeted by Rick. I took my usual seat on a stool and swirled around.

“Same?” Martha asked me.

I smiled and nodded. “Yes please.”

The Diner was low on customers today. Only three other people were there, making it seem extra empty and lonely. But the jukebox was playing some Elvis song, so that brightened the mood a little. God knows I’ll need it if I get stood up.

“Here ya’ go.” Martha set a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of chocolate milk in front of me. Then she put one hand on a hip and cocked her head. “Okay, what’s up?”

I took a bite of the cake and shook my head. “Nothing’s wrong, Martha.”

She let out a short laugh/bark. “Sweety, your day is Monday. This is Friday. So ‘fess up.”

Man she was good. I poked the cake with my fork. “I have this…date tonight.”

She leaned forward, set her elbows on the counter, and placed her head in her hands. “Ooooooh! Is this that man you met at the movies?”

I hesitated before nodding.

“What’s going on?” Rick asked, coming from the kitchen.

“Amy’s got a hot date,” Martha told him with a smirk.

Rick raised his eyebrows. “Really? Is it with that one-”

“Yes,” Martha interrupted, then she turned her attention back to me. “Okay, explain what’s going on then.”

I set my fork down and stared at the cake. “I don’t think he’s gonna show.”

“What?!” Martha seemed shocked. “What makes you think that? You’re a beautiful, smart, wonderful young lady!”

I half smiled at her in embarrassment. The mother I never had, I swear. “I… I kissed another guy in front of him…”

Rick stopped cleaning the counter and stared at me wide eyed. “Wait, wait, wait! You kissed another guy in front of movie theater guy?”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Cale. Movie theater guy’s name is Cale. And yes, I did. I didn’t mean to though!”

Martha gave me a look.

“Alright, fine! Yes I knew what I was doing, but I didn’t meanto do it. I just…I have feelings for both of them, okay? I’m just confused.”

“I would stand you up,” Rick commented lightly.

“Rick!” Martha scolded him. “Don’t say that! Don’t you remember how confusing things was when you were her age?!”

He shrugged. “I remember having the biggest crush on this girl name Hilary. She was the cheerleader captain with these huge jugs and-”

Martha waved her hand. “Okay, never mind. Forget I asked.’’ She looked back at me. “Honey, just…Well, I’m not really sure what to tell you. The best thing is to figure out which one is more important to you. Who could you not live without for the rest of your life?”

I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.
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SORRY! I know I didn't post yesterday, but my whole family was over and then I was(am) really sick. SORRY :(

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!