Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(28)Looking like a princess

You plopped down on the bed, and laid there, starting to feel sore already from the night of dancing and craziness. You didn’t even know that Akito had stayed in the room until you felt a heavy weight on top of your back then fingers brush away the hair behind your neck. Soft kisses followed trailing down your neck and shoulders, and you peered behind you to see Akito.
“Ahem…” you said seriously, threatening to roll him off of you onto the floor.
“Yes love?’ He asked, between kisses, as his hands trailed up your back under your shirt sending shivers up and down your spine.
“What are you doing?” You asked, gulping, trying to keep control over yourself.
He shrugged as his hands reached your bra and he began to unbuckle it. “What do you think I’m doing?”
“Something without my consent,” you tried to sound annoyed, but it was so hard as he pulled you up, his hands going under you to touch you.
You could feel him smile against you as he kissed you down the side of your neck and simply said, “You know you want me…”
It was true, you did. But you felt like arguing. “I bet we shouldn’t of even done anything before the wedding. Isn’t it some unwritten law for vampire princesess?”
Akito sighed and turned your head to look into your eyes. “It is. But rules are meant to broken.” He smiled oh so sexily and kissed your lips now, going down your throat.
You took a deep breath in and held your resolve. “I can always made you get off of me you know…”
Akito laughed and sat up on your back. “And how do you think you’re going to do- ah!” And he landed with a thud on the floor as you used all your strength to throw him off.
Giggling you turned around and sat on the bed and looked down at him. “Like that.”
Akito groaned as he sat up on his knees and looked up at you. “For a soon to be wife you’re not being very nice to me.”
“And,” you replied pulling him close to you, between your legs. “For a soon to be husband, you’re kinda being a jerk to your soon to be wife.”
“I’m sorry,” he smiled and pressed his lips against yours softly, taking in the taste of you with longing. “I just want to be close to you… all the time. As close as I can be. Is that such a bad thing?”
You smiled and shook your head, still blushing over the thought. “No, of course not. But I’m still sore…” you blushed really bright at that statement and looked down. “And I think we’d better wait until the honeymoon.”
Akito sighed, but kissed your forehead and nodded. “I understand,” he took your hands in his and held them to his face. “But once we’re on the honeymoon you’re all mine.” And with that he jumped on top of you, knocking you back on the bed.
You laughed and snuggled with him saying, “Deal,” before the two of you held each other close and fell asleep.

“Master Akito!” A woman’s voice yelled from the doorway of the room, instantly waking you up. You felt Akito moving around beside you, and turned to see who had so rudely woken you up. It was an older looking woman with white grey hair, stooped shoulders, and a bundle of clothes under one arm. She marched right up to the bed and poked him in the side. “You know it’s bad luck to sleep in the same bed as the bride before the wedding!”
Akito groaned and shooed her away with his hands. “Can it old woman! I’m too tired to mess with you…”
Her face turned a bright color red and mumbling she pulled on Akito’s shirt and he went right off the side of the bed. “You won’t be talking to me like that, young man, now your father is calling for you, and you better be quick about seeing him.”
Again Akito groaned and pushed himself up from the floor and looked around sleepily at you and the room. He looked so cute with his hair all messed up, you had to giggle.
He leaned over the bed and kissed you whispering in your ear, “See you before the party, love,” and disappeared with the bickering old woman behind him.
You wondered who she might be, to be able to treat Akito in such a way, and then wondered if maybe she could give you lessons…
You shrugged and stood up and opened the blinds that had been shut tightly so no sunlight would get in and looked around confused to see it was still night. You felt well rested, and it was near dawn when you had laid down with Akito, but it looked like the sun had just set outside.
“Come, come miss Ai, we must get you ready,” you heard the woman say from behind you now. She sure was a quiet one to sneak up on you like that, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard her.
“Ready for what?” you asked, yawning and stretching like a cat. “What time is it anyway? I feel like I’ve been sleeping for hours…”
“It’s nearly nine, miss,” she said setting out a beautiful white and silver dress for you. “Almost time for the party. People have already started to arrive.”
Your eyes opened wide and you shook your head. *It’s already the next night?! That’s… impossible. I’m not ready…*
“Come now, get in the shower, you have a lot of important people to meet,” she said as she led you by the arm to the bathroom.
“But I just went to sleep, how is it already tomorrow?” You asked, in a panic, trying to stall her.
“You slept all day, miss, and no wonder, you need to be well rested, now go,” she pushed you into the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
You leaned against the door and looked around. It was almost time for the party… and tomorrow would be the wedding! Taking in a deep breath to calm your nerves you got ready for the next few steps in your life…

“You look lovely,” the old woman said happily looking you over after she had helped you put on the dress. “Master Akito is going to be so happy.”
“Yeah…” you smiled, trying to breath through the corset she had squeezed you into. “If you don’t mind me asking… what is your relationship with Akito?”
She smiled at you, and had a look in her eyes that was far away. “I was his nurse when he was just a babe. I’ve taken care of him, and his father and his father before that for many generations.”
You knew you shouldn’t but you had to think *She’s gotta be so old…*
“Older than you could possibly imagine, dear,” she winked and slid a necklace of crystal and silver around your neck. You touched it, looking at yourself in the mirror. It was like you were made of glass, your skin was so pale, and your hair fell like waves over your back and shoulders. Akito would be happy… or so you hoped. You wanted to look perfect for him. This was a very big day in your lives, and you didn’t want anything to get messed up.
“You’ll do fine, my dear,” the old woman, we’ll call her Shera, said reassuring and patted you on the back.
You straightened up and held your head high. You were about to become princess of all vampires after all. You shouldn’t look like some weakling human/neko girl. So walking out of your bedroom, you did your best to look the part of being a princess.
You walked slowly, with confidence down the hallway, nodding and smiling to each person who looked your way. That’s what you thought a princess should do, and you’d seen them do it in the movies so you gave it a shot and people responded well to it.
“Ai…” you came to him, standing before a pair of double doors, and he looked you over, as if trying to come up with words to describe you. “You look… perfect…” he said breathlessly, and kissed your forehead as he took you in his arms.
“Yeah I know,” you giggled, looking up into his eyes. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Akito laughed and took your hand. “Are you ready for this?”
“Let’s see can I have a few days to think it over?” You teased, pulling away from him.
But he smiled and pulled you back. “No this is it, my love. Not the wedding it, but still a pretty big it. Are you ready to meet all of the people who will adore and worship you?”
“Well when you put it like that,” you answered thoughtfully. “I guess I do have a responsibility to them.”
Akito laughed again and took his place, standing beside you, holding your hand lightly.
You stood there, nervous as heck, and took in a deep breath as the doors slowly opened to reveal hundred, maybe even thousands of people standing inside.
For so many people, it was deathly silent as Akito led you through them, a path parted through the middle of the room. The whole corset thing, along with the nervous passing out thing was all the sudden hitting you, and breathing became less and less of an option. These people… were vampires. All of them. And they all looked at you, with so many different emotions. They weren’t all good either. Some were love and admiration, but others seemed jealous and filled with hate. You tried not to let it bother you, as you dragged down, at a snails pace to the other side of the room.
“My love,” Akito whispered into your ear as he squeezed your hand tightly. “Are you doing ok?”
“Just fine,” you breathed, putting on the fake smile so he wouldn’t worry. The last thing you wanted to do was make a scene in front of all these people. Especially the people you knew would be thinking you weren’t good enough.
Finally, after the mile long(or what seemed to you to be) walk to the other side you reached a pair of thrones, decorated in gold and red, and there Akito stopped and turned with you to the masses who were all staring right back at you.
“My people,” he said, loud and powerful gaining the attention of everyone. “I give you my future wife, and your future queen, Ai…”