Bride to a vampire? But I'm still in highschool!

(30)Akito with Akane? That's a disturbing thought.

“This is Madame Illiset,” Akito said pointing you to one person, “And this is the Duke of blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah.”
That’s how it sounded to you anyway, while Akito moved you on from one person to another. You barely had time to say a greeting before it was on to another and another. Very quickly you found yourself even more lost in a room full of people you didn’t know, and the worst thing was that you were expected to know them after being introduced. You finally resolved to smiling, and nodding politely, since every time you tried to say something, you’d get cut off anyway. You hated being forced to be so rude, but Akito did have a point in doing all this. There were A LOT of people there, and having a friendly chat with each and every one of them would take years… And you had until dawn. Or… before dawn actually. Since a lot of the people there were vampires. Or so you assumed, since you were marrying the prince, soon to be king, of vampires, so why would the room be filled with werewolves and nekos? So you assumed they were mostly vampires, although you had seen that Jezebel(the mean girl who wanted to kill you for stealing Akito away if you’ve forgotten her) was a neko. It went on endlessly, person by person, group by group, smile by smile until your face was really starting to hurt from it. Thankfully, there was the sound of someone speaking at the very front of the room, and you had to squint to see what was going on.
“What’s going on?” You asked, pulling on Akito’s sleeve as he was taller, and could see better at the moment since people were milling around you.
Akito smiled and looked down at you, and took your hand in his. “It’s father. He’s decided to come after all. I was worried that he wouldn’t be able to make it…”
You beamed up at him and began to gently push your way past all the people to the front where he was sitting in a wheel chair being pushed by the woman you said she was Akito’s nurse when he was just a baby. Thinking about it filled your mind with questions that you would definitely have to ask her about later, but for now you were shocked to see how different Akito’s father looked. He was so thin, and looked like he would break just if you touched him. You were almost afraid to go up to him, but Akito took your hand and led you closer, where his father weakly raised his head to greet you. Strangely he didn’t look sad, and actually you thought you saw… happiness in his eyes. For a dying man it wasn’t something you expected.
And then he actually smiled, like a ghost, but it was there and whispered something back to the nurse woman who then helped him to his feet.
He stood on shaking legs, but when she let go of him he stood tall, and embraced you into his arms, as if accepting you into the family.
And that’s exactly what he was doing. Welcoming you, formally, into their lives, like he had never done before. You could understand though. With his desecrating condition, if you were him, you wouldn’t want to get out much either. But he made this special appearance all for you, and it brought tears to your eyes, though you blinked them away before he pulled back. You were only sad that the two of you wouldn’t have time to get to know each other. Akito’s father, was obviously big in his life, and you hated the thought of never knowing someone who was.
“I was wondering, my dear,” he said in a dry, hollow sounding voice. “If you would like for me to walk you down the aisle tomorrow.”
That was enough to make you cry. You had been taken away from your own parents, although they had never really been there for you, and you hadn’t even really been thinking of who would walk you down, which is always an important part of a wedding, you thought so anyway, and here he was asking you. Maybe he was reading your mind… maybe not. You hoped not, and that he was just asking from his heart, but regardless you answered him, “Yes, I would be honored.”
He smiled, brighter this time, before letting himself be helped back into his chair. And with a nod, and smile to Akito, the nurse pushed him away from sight.
“Are you ok, Ai?” Akito’s voice sounded so distant at first, but then his touch brought you closer to him. And you looked up to him, smiling, letting him know you were perfectly fine. Then you wondered why he didn’t read your mind.
“There are something’s your heart may lie about,” he said with a chuckle, answering your thoughts. “And something’s that you alone should know… I won’t always read your mind. Just if I think you’re hiding something from me, or if there’s nothing I should be concerned about. I know the look you get when you’re thinking of a question,” he tilted your face up to him, by holding your chin. “And besides… I like hearing your lovely voice,” he said with a kiss on your lips.
You blushed, trying to keep your mind clear, but thoughts of the other night made their way through, and when Akito laughed and winked at you, it didn’t really help matters.
Thankfully, Akane came walking up to the two of you, and hugged you as soon as she was close enough. “This is amazing,” she whispered, as she led you off to the side, while Toshiro chatted with Akito. “I hope I get a party this big when I get married.”
You shook your head, wishing you hadn’t gotten such a grand party. There were so many people, and you really felt bad not knowing who any of them were. But you supposed there was nothing you could do about it, since it was already happening. “Yeah it is pretty nice,” you lied.
“Have you met very many of the people?” Akane asked, looking around, and waving at some of them who waved at her and smiled.
*She seems more the type for this kind of thing…* you thought to yourself, as she continued to wave and look so excited. You looked from her to Akito, and imagined what it would have been like if they would have ended up together. The thought bothered you, but really you couldn’t imagine it, so you laughed it off. “I’ve been all over the place, but I can’t honestly say I’ve actually met that many people.”
“Well I can show you around if you like,” she offered.
“You’re not stealing my fiancé again,” Akito laughed putting his arms around you from behind. The whole no touching in front of relatives thing must have worn off, because now he was all over you.
Akane giggled and ran over to Toshiro, who smiled and took her arm to lead her through the crowd again.
“Akito?” You asked, looking out to the mass of people talking, laughing, dancing with one another.
“Hmm…” he mumbled, laying his head against the side of yours and following your eyes.
You smiled and closed your eyes. “Have you ever thought of how it would have been to be with Akane, and not me?”
Akito laughed, and kissed the side of your neck. “Now what would make you think of something like that?”
“Well…” you bit your lip wondering if you should be honest about everything you had been thinking. You didn’t want to keep secrets from him, especially since you were just about to start an eternity together, so sighing you admitted, “Akane just seems so natural at all of this. Meeting people… I don’t know. Maybe I was just wondering if you ever thought she’d make a better queen than me.”
“Maybe she would,” he said, and your heart dropped until he continued, “But you are the love of my life. And I love you exactly how you are, socially awkward and all.”
Well that made you feel better. Kind of… It was one of the most romantic things you’d ever heard in your life though, so you turned and kissed him. “And I love you, kidnapping stalker and all.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead, “You know you want me.”
You laughed and hugged him, leaning into his chest, “I know. I know…”