What If The Dead Came Back To Life

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I woke up with the sun shining bright through the window. Shadows laid across the table as Jennifer stood in front staring out at the parking lot.

I stood up and walked towards the window. There was only one out there walking around seamlessly. It was a woman missing her right arm and jaw. I couldn’t see how Jennifer could watch the woman, though it seemed she was sort of in a trance.

Helena woke up whipping her eyes and yawning. She then grabbed her doll and looked over at Jennifer.

“Auntie, what’s wrong?” she asked.

Jennifer snapped out of what ever she was in and turned around to look at her.

“Nothing Sweetie.” she replied the closed the curtains to the window. She walked back over and sat by her.

I looked around the room and wondered if they had a locker room. I was in dyer need of new cloths.

I spotted the door I went into a few hours before. It was locked. Bob must of locked us in.

Not wanting to cause any trouble by waking him up. I pulled a pin from my hair and picked the lock.