You only have this one-shot

So what's that plane ticket worth now

Pavel Datsyuk

That name, I love how it tastes in my mouth. I love you it gives me goose bumps. I love how it makes my heart skips beats.

I hate how he doesn't even know how he makes me feel.

"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Breanna." he said.
"Pavel." I said.
"What's really bothering you?"
"Nothing Pav."
"Bree, come on."

I just got up because tears were pushing their way down my face. My blonde hair blocked his view but I couldn’t make him feel bad. I was halfway down the hall when a hand around my wrist turned me around. His eyes showed pain, confusion, but mostly pain.

“Bree, please.” he whispered.
“Pavel, just let it go.” I begged.
“It’s killing me to know that something’s hurting you and I don’t know what to do or how to help you.”
"I can't tell you what's hurting me." I said.
"You don't need this during the Cup finals."
"No Pavel. I'm fine."
"I need to know." he demanded.
"Because I hate when you do this because kills me! It was easier when you weren't here with me." he yelled and walked down the hall. He walked down the steps and the front door slammed shut. I just stood there. I was shocked. I walked to my room. I lay down on my bed. I actually started to cry. He was mad or upset. I don't like being screamed at and he knows that. I had been crying for about an hour when my bedroom door opened. Henrik Zetterberg stood there.

"Bree, are you alright?" he asked softly. He had a tone of concern in his voice.
I felt bad for not answering but I was crying too hard.
"Shhhh, Bree calm down." he said hugging me. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.
"I know what happened. He's sorry. He really is sorry. He was mad and didn't mean to say after that. He's a little afraid to come back."
"He didn't want to see you cry." Henrik said.
"I didn't want to see her cry knowing I made her." Pavel said standing in the doorway.

Pavel walked over to me and just held me while I cried.

"Bree I didn't mean that." he whispered in my ear.
"Pavel, why did you say it?"
"I was mad and wasn't thinking."
"Well while you were gone I called my mom and I bought a plane ticket for New York. I'm going home."
"Please don't leave." he said crying.
"You can't leave me." he whispered.
"Can we work this out?"
"There's nothing to work out, you obviously don't want to be here."
"No Pavel, I obviously love you and you don't even realize."
"You love me?"
"Of course I do."
"I love you too Bree." he said.

I said nothing.

"So what's that plane ticket worth now?" he asked.
"Nothing." I said.