Sealed With a Loving Kiss

Sealed with a loving kiss

Yesterday a young woman was found dead at the bottom of a cliff face. It was discovered the woman was called 'Alexandra Swiffen' who recently was found to one of 'the others'psychics. It was only the other day that she was given 'the cure of elimination', but the NG31 control centre for 'the others' claim that she was still suffering from the psychological trauma of 'the other' which led her to commit suicide and that the cure is designed to help; not cause this type of grief.'

Some would say it’s a gift. Others would say I’m crazy. If it wasn’t for this psychological dysfunction I probably would have never have met you.

Would have never known you were always there.

You would have just been a whisper is the non-existent wind.

I remember when I saw you. You towered over my bed with a melancholic look on your angel-carved face. Every intricate detail of your expression looked drained of life, but exquisite; like you were made out of the finest marble stone.

No eyes could have explained the rivers that were made from your tears. You spoke no louder than a murmur, but your voice sang a thousand sweet symphonies.

“My name is Alec.” You said so softly, it could have been a lullaby.

I was mystified yet strangely calm with this intruder’s presence.

“You can see me...?” He looked strangely baffled yet perplexed. I remained in my speechless glare and just scanned the figure that stood near my bed.

Suddenly he disappeared like a hologram. Just like a programme suddenly loosing signal. The room gave out a cold atmosphere. I pulled the duvet up to my shoulders, but remained sitting up from the anxiety.

That was our very first conversation.

Nights and days went on and your constant appearances were something I longed for. Each conversation grew longer and longer. After several months other cases of people over the country claimed they were seeing the same holographic-like presences. They assumed they could see ghosts.

I remember watching the news and with each report, raged war. You sat there next to me, blank with wonder. The news went on about how these new 'beings' were causing so much fear. I know my Alec wasn’t something of the damned. He saved me from myself. I hated being alone.

I remember when it was finally proclaimed. They were called ‘the others’. ‘A being’ to curse the safety of the human race.
Anyone who could see them was considered the ones to be avoided, as they brought on these ’damned souls’. Anyone who could see them had to be....eliminated.

“I won’t let this happen to you, you know?”He sounded so pure.
“I won’t let them touch you!”

A vase detonated into a thousand tiny fragments of glass, as his voice ranged from placidity to alarming frustration.

“You can’t do anything. You can’t even touch me.” I replied solemnly. I wanted him so badly to touch me. To hold me. To kiss me.

He fizzled out into the air. Every time he did that my heart threw itself against my ribs as if it wanted to follow.

Then a paper hovered across the room. I waited for it to come close enough to me so I could eagerly reach out. I leaned over the arm of the chair; my arm was out-stretched and the floating envelope brushed my fingertips.

Alec appeared again holding the envelope. I leaned back into my seat looking up into is sad grey eyes.
“If I can hold this, I must be able to hold you.” His jaw tensed and his chest seemed to expand. I couldn’t tell whether he had the ability to breathe, but sometimes I thought I saw his chest rise gently up and down as if he was.

I felt the pang of butterflies flutter is my stomach. I held back the adrenalin rush to just go and fling myself around him. I felt as if he was made of expensive ancient porcelain and could not be touched.

“Take my hand.” He said. His tone wasn’t instructive, but it was tense.

My hand shook with nerves, but excitement drew over that. He tossed the envelope to one side so it fell elegantly to the laminated floor.

And finally I took his hand. I had finally felt his cold soft skin on mine. His fingerprints would now be imprinted on me. No one could take that away. No one.

Our bodies were pressed gently up against each other, just swaying to silent music. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

“I love you.”

Three simple words. Three emotionally imbalanced words that struck my heart so wonderfully.

“I love you to.” I replied completely content in my moment of joy.

He began to pull back from our embrace and cupped his hands around my face.

“I never want to let go of you.” His eyes burned through my tangled thoughts and everything seemed so clear. We started to lean in; our lips brushed, as if to leave temptation for both of us to withstand.

A perfect moment.

But that was going to end.

The windows smashed in and a loud clamour penetrated my ear drums. I ducked down in instinct. Men dressed in naval uniforms surrounded me. Alec was there, but couldn’t touch me anymore. It was like he just fell through me. Like he was just air.

“Doctor give her the injection!” one of the uniformed men instructed. Immediately another figure barged past the circled men with a large needle.

I tried to struggle away. I tried to reach out to Alec.

I will never forget his face as he tried to fight, but failed miserably. They would never even know he was there let alone his desperate attempts to save me.

“Alec! Help me!”I screamed, but I found myself restrained to the floor. Tears stained my face.

“I love you!”

The needle was injected into my neck and I fell out of consciousness within the first three seconds.

When I woke up I found myself lying in my old bed. The house seemed peaceful as if the past destruction was never apprehended.

“Alec?” My eyes scanned the room questionably.

I frantically got up and searched the house.


It wasn’t a dream. They gave me the supposable cure after all. My elimination. I fell to my knees in dismay.

Never will I see him again.

I looked down at the floor unable to gather my thoughts. Unable to do anything. I was paralysed in time.

A white envelope caught my eye though. It lye underneath the small oak coffee table, untouched. I slowly crawled over and reached out to retrieve it. My fingers stroked the edges before I gently pushed my finger under a small gap in the flap to rip it open neatly. A carefully folded piece of paper was tucked inside. I unfolded it with great assiduousness and control.

In beautifully scripted hand writing were the words,

“Sealed with a loving kiss.

A sob ripped out from my lungs and my tears came like a waterfall of sorrow. His voice echoed in my mind.

“I love you. “
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Please tell me what you thought. I don't think it's my best stroy and feel its a little rushed. Please be constructive and tell me what you really think. thankyou.

1,200 words :)