Sequel: Let Your Heart Win
Status: Complete - check out the sequel...

The Only One Who Needs to Know

Chapter 21

Stepping out of the shower, Cali wrapped the fluffy purple towel around her body before grabbing another to try her hair with. She made her way to her bedroom and searched through her closet for some comfortable clothes to put on. She got dressed and tied her wet hair loosely in a scrunchie before heading back out into the kitchen.

As she grabbed the bottle of Dr Pepper out of the refrigerator her cell beeped in her pocket. Taking it out, she smiled when she saw Brian’s name on the screen.

“Hey beautiful.” His simple words widened her smile as she grabbed the large bag of peanut M&Ms off the counter and walked back into the living room, setting them down on the coffee table as she made herself comfortable.

“Hey handsome.” she typed back before reaching for the remote and starting her aimless flicking through the channels in search for something half decent to watch on a Saturday night. As she waited for his reply she deleted both messages, something she’d got into a routine doing. The last thing she needed was for someone to pick up her phone and see the messages her and Brian had been exchanging for the past week or so.

“What are you up to this evening?”

“Nothing much, just crashed out on sofa channel hopping.” She replied, placing her phone on the arm of the sofa, exchanging it for the remote to continue flicking through the channels. As she settled on an episode of La Ink her phone again beeped, flashing with Brian’s name on the screen.

“Funnily enough that’s what I’m doing.”

“No Michelle?” she typed and sent. Before she could reach across to open her bag of M&Ms there was a reply for her to read.

“She’s out with an old friend. Is he with you?”

She sighed before typing her reply. “No, it’s just me.” she pressed send and waited, something telling her that there would be another quick reply. She wasn’t wrong.

“Really now? That’s interesting. The two of us alone with nothing better to do than channel hop.” She smirked to herself, knowing exactly what he was implying. It didn’t mean she was going to have to make it easy for him though. She thought for a moment before typing her reply.

“Yeah, I really love nights like this. Just me, a bag of candy and the remote.” She sent, still with a smirk.

It was a few moments before she finally got a reply back from him. “Wouldn’t it be better if there was someone to curl up with though?”

“I guess you could have a point.” she replied simply.

“I think I do. I think it’s a shame that we’re both alone on a Saturday night.”

Cali sighed again, biting her lip. She knew what he was getting at and in all honesty she wanted him to come over. As she was typing out her reply she was interrupted by the sound of her door bell ringing. She got up, finishing her reply and sending it before pressing the button on the intercom.

“Hello.” She asked.

“Let me in.” she was so shocked at the voice that called through that she just pressed the button, staring at the intercom as she heard the door click open. It took her a moment to realise that she needed to move across to the front door to open it to let him in. she stood in the door way, waiting for him.

“Brian, what the fuck are you doing here?” she asked sternly as he appeared in the corridor in front of her.

“I’ve come to keep you company.” He replied with a smirk as he walked up to her. “I thought that’s what you wanted? Especially after your last message.” he added his smirk growing as he reached her, gently ushering her backwards into the apartment.

“But I’ve only just sent you that message. You had already rung the buzzer before I sent it.” She replied, walking backwards as he followed her, closing the door behind him.

“Don’t worry babe, I’m not stalking you or anything, but as soon as you text me saying that you were on your own I got in the car and drove over here.” He replied with a smile.

“What made you think that I would let you in?” she replied smirking up at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

“You did didn’t you?” he replied with an identical smirk. Cali narrowed her eyes at him as she tried to think of a reply.

“You know I’m right don’t you?” he said quietly as he inched closer to her, his smirk still firmly in place. His hands were suddenly on her hips, his forehead resting against hers. “Now, shall we do some snuggling on the sofa?” he asked in a whisper. A smile crept onto her lips as she tilted her eyes upwards to look into his.

“You only want to snuggle?” she asked.

“We can do more if you want?” he said with a twinkle in his eyes as his hands slipped up her hoodie and her top, his cold calloused fingers running circles over her warm skin. Cali fought back the urge to moan and to kiss him and instead pulled away from him as she replied, “No snuggling will be fine.” Before walking casually back over to the sofa and grabbing the bag of M&Ms. As she poured a few into her hand Brian came around the sofa and sat down next to her. He kicked off his sneakers and settled into the sofa, casually placing his arm around her shoulder. She glanced over at him and smiled as she grabbed the remote.

“So what are we watching?” he asked, taking the bag off her.

“Well, I was watching LA Ink until I was rudely interrupted, but that’s finished now.” She replied with a playful scowl.

“God you’re sexy when you scowl.” Brian murmured making her blush.

“Shut up.” she muttered playfully smacking his arm.

“Hey stop with the violence.” He teased clutching his arm where she’d hit him.

“Stop with the previness then.” She retorted.

“I can’t help it, you bring out my inner perv.” He replied huskily into her ear. Cali glared at him for a moment before she spoke.

“Just find us something to watch.” She replied lightly throwing the remote at him. Brian smiled at her, placing his arm around her shoulder again, pulling her so that she was as close to him as was possible.

He began to flick slowly through the channels, his hand running up and down her arm, occasionally turning his head to place a kiss against her temple. Her hands slipped around his waist, working it’s way underneath his t-shirt rubbing small circles over his toned stomach as her head came to rest on his shoulder.

“See this is so much nicer than being on our own.” He said quietly, placing yet another kiss on her forehead. She raised her head, her eyes meeting his as she nodded with a smile. “And there’s really nothing of interest on so I think we should make our own form of entertainment.” He added his smirk reappearing as he lowered his lips to hers. She responded to the kiss, leaning to press her lips more forcefully against his. Feeling his lips part slightly, Cali took advantage and slips her tongue into his mouth as he allowed his body to fall backwards onto the sofa, Cali falling on top of him. Her hands moved to his neck as his slipped under her hoodie and caressing her sides. Moans escaped both of their mouths as they moved against each other, Cali feeling Brian harden beneath her. Smirking, she sat up so that she was straddling his waist, maintaining eye contact as she slowly lifted her hoodie over her head. Brian’s eyes sparkled as he watched her remove the top she was wearing underneath, leaving her topless. Her hands then moved to his belt buckle, licking her lips as she slowly undid it, her back arching as Brian’s hands moved up to roughly cup her breasts.

Having loosened his belt she gently lifted herself slightly, tugging at his jeans to pull them down his legs. His hands moved quickly to slip under the waist band of her sweat pants and with a growl pulled them down her body as he flipped their position so that she was on her back, staring hungrily up into his lust filled brown eyes. He lowered himself so that he could press his lips forcefully against hers as his one hand made swift work of removing his boxers before he took hold of his hardened cock and rubbed it slowly over her entrance briefly before pushing it deep into her. her eyes rolled as she pushed her head back into the pillow, her hips raising towards his, allowing him to reach every inch of her.

Very quickly, Cali found herself nearing her peak, heat washing over her body as every thrust of Brian’s hips pushed her closer to the edge.

“Oh fuck!” she gasped as she dug her fingers into his shoulders that were still covered by his t-shirt, her eyes closed as little lights began to explode behind her eyelids. Brian’s thrusts quickened, spurred on by her moans of pleasure. A loud wordless moan escaped Cali’s body as she felt herself tighten around him, soaking his throbbing shaft with her juices.

“Fuck!” he growled hoarsely as he came deep inside her with a shudder.

“Mmm, now that really was better than staying in on your own.” He murmured huskily against her ear, sending shockwaves through her body.

He sat up and pulled his t-shirt off. As he lay back down he manoeuvred them so that he was laid against the back of the sofa, pulling her close to his chest and wrapping one arm around her body, the other coming up to her head, playing with her hair. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent as she snaked her arms around his waist.

They lay in content silence for a long while, Cali finding herself drifting off to sleep.
It was the feeling of Brian’s lips on her cheek that caused her to once again open her eyes. She looked up to find Brian staring at her with a saddened look in his eyes.

“I’m going to have to make a move soon babe.” He whispered.

“Before Michelle gets back?” she replied with a weak smile.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, I wish I can stay longer.” He said, placing another kiss on her lips.

“I know, but it’s the way it is.” She replied running her hand over his toned body.

“I’ll text you soon though.” He replied, rolling her onto her back before kissing her forcefully on the lips. She moaned as he pulled away, getting off the sofa and picking up his boxers. Cali watched as he got dressed, biting her lip, her hand slipping between her legs.

“Oh dear god.” Brian muttered as he turned around to face her at the sound of a soft moan.
Cali smirked up at him as she continued to play with herself.

“Woman, you’re driving me crazy. I’ve got to get out of here.” He replied, grabbing his sneakers before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers and leaving quickly, his jeans tightening.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was hoping to get this up sooner, but I was busy last night, watching Green Day at the MEN arena in Manchester! It was amazing (check out my journal for more details)

Anyway, here it is comments are welcome as always :)

Also please check out my new short story...One Last Wish