Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


In the end, we didn't go to the concert. Rosie's stitches ripped when we ran off the bus, a couple stops too early. She didn't want me to call anyone, mainly because she ran away from the hospital and Tessa, and also because the guy she was going to buy the tickets from would be kept waiting.

As I called Tessa, her laid-back demeanor slipped away, and she was left twitchy and agitated, scowling and pacing around, ignoring the blood that was seeping through her jeans. When I hung up the phone, she ignored me and when I tried to hug her she just got to her feet and ran away.

"Rosie, wait," I called after her, seeing the resemblance to the last time I'd made her run away. But she didn't run far, just far enough so nobody walking past would think we were together. The message was clear and simple.


Tessa offered to drop me off on the way to taking Rosie back to hospital, but judging from the black look she sent me, I gathered Rosie didn't want me anywhere near her, so I politely declined, claiming I had money for the bus.

Since that was a blatant lie, I had to wave in a false, cheery way as Tessa drove off, acting fine. Rosie gave me the finger out the passenger side window, and I let my smile slide off my face and my hand drop to my side. She must have been in so much pain, but still she tried so hard to act fine, if angry.

If only she knew how beautiful and amazing she really was, then maybe she wouldn't have to try so hard. Or maybe she would. I didn't know because I didn't understand her. If I did, it would have saved a lot of time. Maybe I should have just kept things simple.

'Simple, simple,' I thought to myself as I walked the long walk home, trying not to get lost. I shoved my hands in my pockets, and my fingers brushed against my mobile. I pulled it out my pocket, and pressed the shortcut for a new message.

WHY? I sent it to Rosie. It was short and simple. Surely she would be able to handle that?
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feedback is desired.