Status: Complete

Run Away With Me


"I bought it for you!" Jake said, trying to shove the bag at me. In it was the new James Underground novel, which I'd wanted for months. "Take it Rosie, please?"

"I don't know why you'd want to buy it for me," I said, glancing around us. There was two policemen walking, looking for trouble, and the crowds were thick. I steered Jake down a quieter street. "But it's not fair if you pay for the cinema too," Jake looked dejected. "But I do love the book, thank you Jake."

He smiled at me and we headed toward the cinema.

"It's okay Rosie, I liked buying it for you," he said, smiling.

"I just-"

My reply was cut short by somebody screaming.

"Look out!" They shrieked.

Only a split second later, I heard the noise of somebody slamming down on their car brakes, and their tires burning on the road. A dull thud came from the same direction and then more screams erupted from the crowds on the streets. All of this happened in two small seconds.

I turned, eyes wide. I grabbed Jake's hand, a little shaken up. I hoped the person was okay.

"Oh god," Jake muttered under his breath, and I squeezed his hand.

"I want to see if they're okay," I couldn't fight the curiosity building in the pit of my stomach, so I wormed my way through the crowd forming around a white van, and peered at the figure lying crumpled on the road.

His blond hair was matted with blood, oozing from a large gash on his forehead. His legs were twisted at unnatural angles and one hand looked like a bloody mess. His eyes were closed and he was too pale.

"Frank," I breathed, then shoved the woman in front of me to the side. I didn't scream, my throat seemed to have closed up, I could barely breath. I knelt beside the body of my fallen companion, and sighed silently. I wanted to grab his hand, like they do in the movies, but he looked so broken and fragile I was too scared too.

I wondered if this was how Frank had felt when he had found me bleeding in my bathroom. I fought a wave of regret as I understood why he'd called for help. As my friend lay bleeding beside me all I wanted was for him to be okay, no matter what. I felt stupid for being angry at Frank for all those times he'd tried to help.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I didn't hear it. I felt my lips move, but no sound seemed to come from my mouth which suddenly felt very dry.

"Are you with him madame?" The police were beside me all of a sudden.

"Yes," I said clearly. But it was silent, and I wasn't even sure if my lips had moved that time. I settled on jerking my head, in an approximation of a nod.

"The ambulance is on it's way. Do you wish to accompany him?"

I nodded again, and then two firm hands were taking hold of mine and helping me up. Jake held tight on to me and stroked my hair. It seemed very slow and soothing, but the whole world seemed to be going very slowly suddenly. I wanted to scream for the ambulance to get here, quickly! My friend was dying. Or was he already dead?

"Shh, calm down Rosie," Jake whispered and I frowned. I was calm. It was the wide-eyed crowd who need to calm down. The kept screaming and yelling things. I wanted to yell back at them. As soon as I thought this, the people nearest me stepped back. "Shush, Rosie, please be quiet."

I pushed away from him, confused. I wasn't saying anything. Why was Jake looking at me so scared and worried?

The ambulance pulled up and the paramedics who jumped out seemed to take a long look at me before they started moving Frank very slowly. I wanted to tell them to hurry.

Suddenly I was aware of my lips moving, very slowly. I focused some more, and my lips were then moving fast. I tuned in and I could hear the screams from the crowd again, but as I looked around I realized, it wasn't the crowd screaming, but me. With forceful effort, I clamped my lips shut, and placed my hand over my mouth, like I was about to be sick.

"Thats it Rosie," Jake ushered me into the back of the ambulance, and we sat there in silence as the vehicle moved at top speeds to the hospital.
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hope you like :D