The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 1

“Elle” screeched Kiara as she jumped on me as I walked into the Boarding School of Clear Falls.
It was a new year; and I was feeling jittery, I knew this year will be bounded for glory. I had turned 16! Come on of course it’ll be fun, the only scary thing about the first week or so of boarding school is, finding out who’s in your classes, who’s partnered with whom in subjects and most of all, YOUR ROOMMATE!
I’ve been here since year 7, and I’ve had girls as my roommate every year. There’s a lot of decent guys around this place, but having my babes with me is fine!
“How are you babe?” I laughed, in which she jumped off and we gave a proper hug.
“Oh you know! Excited! Anxious!” she answered.
Kiara has been my best friend since we got here, she was my year 7 roomie & we clicked. We can be so alike, yet so opposite. It was weird. I trusted her & she trusted me & we tell each other everything to know. Seriously; without her I’d die.
“Yeah same here, I wonder if we have any new students?” I replied, looking around to see if I saw any new faces. Kiara did the same; she flicked her black long wavy yet straight hair from her eyes. Her hair was beautiful, but so hard to explain. She had dark blue eyes that would scare you if you didn’t know her. She’s is quite tanned, slim & athletic. Athletic but stylish. She’s hot basically!
“ugh it’s Kara!” Kiara exclaimed and pointed! With a whole crowd around us turning to glare at Kiara she shut up and whispered “I always make a scene” something about it seemed sincere, and I felt sorry for her sometimes. She never thinks before she speaks, that’s why I love her though, even though we can fight about it sometimes. But looking at Kara I couldn’t blame her, Kara was no doubt the sluttiest girl in the SCHOOL. & yea, she’s in my grade. Woo. In Kiara’s outburst, she walked over.
“Summer didn’t treat you well I see Mora” she spoke; with this I could see the bubblegum in her mouth. She had a habit of calling me by my last name.
“What is THAT suppose to mean bitch!” Kiara, yet again exclaimed.
“Her tan, it’s pathetic!”
I sighed, I actually thought I had gotten a good one this summer, I had gotten a lot of colour and I looked better than I had. But no matter what she’ll figure out a way to verbally bash me. Just to try make herself look smarter. Keyword, try.
“At least it’s natural, and doesn’t leave hideous marks” Kiara grabbed Kara’s arm and showed the group around us a massive line of pale skin.
“Don’t touch me!” she jerked away and walked off.
“She’s so odd” I say as me & Kiara start walking to the Auditorium.
By the time we got there, heaps of people had gathered around. At the start of the year they get all the new students up in front of everyone, but none of the new students know and they stall and act as if they didn’t hear their name.
The lights dimmed and Mr. Jones, the principal & father of a good friend of mine, Danny, got up to speak.
“Well! Tans & hair changes seem to have occurred these summer holidays better enhance your learning capabilities!” he stated jokingly into the crowd. It went silent.
Then Danny, behind me, started making loud sigh noises. He’s such a funny one.
“Well, then, I’ll cut straight to the new students because I bet you are all willingly eager to find out roommates and schedules and such!” with this Mr. Jones shuffled the paper in his hand.
& then a guy fell right on top of me. Yeah. On top. Literally.
“Oh man I’m so sorry” he glanced up at me.
“Its, its.” I awkwardly gulp. “Okay.”
“Did I hurt you?” this time I looked into his eyes when he spoke to me.
I got shivers. In the dark all I could see were highlights of blonde hair & deep blue eyes staring eagerly into my dark brown ones.
“No, no I’m fine” I just managed to speak out. I hadn’t realized Mr. Jones was speaking while I was having a conversation with a guy with Blue eyes seen through the dark.
“Douglas Poynter”
“Its Dougie sir!” he yelled out across the stage and waved to let the principal see him. Kiara nudged me and mouthed “oh my god “
There was a spare seat next to me, until “Dougie” took his opportunity to sit.
“So what’s your name?”
“Uh, Elle, Elle Mora”
“Douglas Poynter. But do not call me Douglas, call me Dougie” he smiled, showing his teeth in which I was amazed by. He lent out his hand, in which I went to shake, but instead he raised it to his mouth and kissed it. Kiara was watching in stun as this happened. “oh my god” she mouthed again. Thank god it was dark, otherwise blushing would have ruined me.
“Okay, Dougie it is.” The lights came on and people started to stand, but me & Dougie were left sitting. I had actually seen his full face, his body, what he was wearing, his hair style, all that for the first time.
This time, it was my time to mouth “oh my god”
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i hope u like it!
plz comment!
i will try 2 post a few more chapters 2day, but idk if i can!!