On the Formation and Habits of Vampires, and other creatures

Chapter Six: Doctor Who?

When I came to, I was lying on some sort of gurney, in a sterile-looking room, all of the furnishings white plastic and shiny steel. I could hear faint voices outside.
"...be all right?"
"Don't know. Working on it."
"But is he going to be okay?"
A pause...it seemed awkward even to me, and I wasn't even in the conversation.
"Given the circumstances?"
Another pause.
That seemed to end the conversation, so I started looking around the room, trying to find some clue as to where I was. I couldn't see much from my lying down position: a lamp, a desk, and a few other fairly common objects; nothing that would tell me what my current location was. I went to sit up to get a better look at the room, and outside the voices started once more.
"He's awake."
I could hear one of the two people rush towards the door, so I sat up a bit, and turned myself towards the door. I was a little bit surprised when she came rushing in. "I was so worried about you!" she said, and started walking towards me. From out the door came the words:
"Don't touch. Ill."
At which point she stopped walking towards me, and shot an angry glance back over her shoulder.
"I think I'm fine," I said, and patted myself down, checking for injuries. Surprise, surprise, I didn't find any. "Wow," I said, still looking at myself, "Those, uh, stem cell things do good work, huh?" I looked up, smile on my face, expecting a bit of a laugh, but I was (for the umpteenth time today) wrong. When I looked up I saw her standing there, hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes, staring at me.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "I'll be fine, I'm already healed, look."
I pointed at my gut to prove my point, and promptly vomited blood over the edge of the gurney. Being wrong was starting to get tiresome.
"Oh," I mumbled, trying not to open my mouth too much. "That's not..."
Then I followed up my words with another contribution to the pool on the floor. I lay back, holding my stomach, and looked up.
She had gone back outside, closing the door behind her. I heard the voices continue.
"What do you mean you don't know!?"
"Running tests. Takes time. Know soon."
"Time? TIME!?! He doesn't seem to have much time left!"
"Calm down. Irrational behaviour because of-"
"Yes. Yelling won't help. He will still die."
Then silence. I was feeling fine, so I tried to stand up. Standing I could do, but I couldn't stay up, at least not at first. I fell over a few times before being able to work my way over to the door, and push it open. I saw her standing there, next to another woman. I assumed this was the doctor friend she had mentioned earlier, due to the white lab coat, glasses, and look of concentration as she looked from a microscope to a computer screen and back.
This time, I was right. Finally.
"Hi." I said, which caused them both to look up suddenly at me. The doctor almost immediately looked back down again, but still talked to me.
"Feeling better?" She asked, using very quick, cut off words. "Yeah, I suppose...what happened to me?" I asked, curious about where I was and what had happened, among other things. "Attacked." She said, still not looking up. "By what, an angry pickup truck?" I asked, wondering what could have thrown me so far and hard.
At this she looked up. She looked at my face, and seeing the little smirk there, she understood.
"Oh. Joke." she said, no expression on her face. "Funny." She flashed me a little smile, and then abruptly looked back down at her microscope. "Okay" I thought, "She's a little crazy...at least a little." However, she continued talking. "No truck. Werewolf. Bit you. Maybe infected. Testing now. Know soon."
"Okay, what's the big deal if it did infect me?" I asked, still feeling like I was missing a part of the puzzle, and not quite getting something.
"You die." She said, still not taking her eyes away from her work. "What?" I figured I must have heard wrong, or misunderstood. "If I got infected by the werewolf, I'll die?"
She replied, straight to the point, but still not being drawn away from her work.
I couldn't think of what to say next.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I'm the Doctor!"
"Doctor who?"
One of my favourite shows, from Britain.

The doctor's (current) personality, abrupt and maximally efficient, was based partly off of the character "Rorschach" from Watchmen. However, she had many other influences as well.