We're Heading to a Place Where I'll Prove I'm All You Want and More

You Wont Let Me In But I'm Stronger Than That

The idea changed into a plan with just one simple phone call. That plan was then put into motion. It all seemed so simple but so nerve racking at the same time.
What if what he’d heard was really what she wanted… what she was really sticking to?
Ian couldn’t take that chance. He wanted Haylee so bad it hurt. She was the only girl he knew he could love forever. He already knew that and it didn’t have to be proved.
Cash turned the simple idea that had popped into his head into a full plan. He’d called saying that he was thinking about coming to Vegas to say hi and maybe get a chance to talk to Haylee. If he could get just a few moments alone with her he knew he could explain. He wasn’t going to let her ignore him for the rest of his life.
It was decided that in a week Ian would fly out to Vegas. He would stay a week with Marshall. Marshall would help Ian plan the way he was going to ‘run into’ Haylee. They had ideas bouncing back and fourth already, but nothing was solidified. Then when it came time to seeing Haylee, Ian would make sure he could make her listen to him.
This whole plan was the only thing Ian could think of. He told his mom and dad and they thought it was sweet. When he saw them the only thing he could talk about was Haylee. He was so anxious to see her that he almost got on a plane and flew there a few times before his scheduled date to arrive. Cash had to talk him out of those times. This plan was delicate and if he showed up to early it might not work. He wasn’t even allowed to call her just to see if she’d still hang up on him.
At the moment Cash and Johnson were working on making Haylee comfortable. The way she seemed before Singer had tried to tell her what Ian had said. They didn’t want her upset when Ian arrived or their plan wouldn’t work. It could upset Haylee even more.
Everyone was in on the plan but Haylee. They all had their parts to play and knew what to do. It was all just a matter of time until Ian arrived.
That week went by fast for everyone. Haylee was so buried in her studies that she almost wasn’t aware of the time. When the weekend hit it was a relief. Her friends were keyed up about something and she couldn’t figure it out.
Johnson took Haylee out for lunch the hour that Ian was supposed to arrive. She didn’t suspect anything. He kept her there as long as he could and let Singer know when it was about time for them to be getting back though text messages. Singer let him know everything that was going on.
“Put down your phone for like three seconds. Who is that?”
“This girl. I was talking to her and she was cute so I gave her my number… bad idea.”
“So just ignore her.”
“She’s cute though.” Johnson said tapping out a message to Singer.
Haylee rolled her eyes at Johnson. Cute girls, no matter if they were annoying, were his weakness. She knew that so she just pretended not to notice every time he went for his phone. Of course she had no idea he was actually talking to Singer.
Singer, Alexa, Marshall, and Cash all sat in the airport and watched as the plane was pulled to the dock so the passengers could get out. It was a few minutes before anyone came from the gate. Singer stood up as soon as the first person appeared in the arch. Everyone else stood up after more people started streaming out.
Cash’s phone buzzed and he looked at it. Ian was calling. He answered. Ian wanted to know where to look. Cash told him they were on the left side of the desk and in the middle of the rows of seats. Ian hung up and started on his way out of the plane.
It was hard to know that he was so close to Haylee that Ian had a hard time not calling her. He knew that she would hang up on him but he wanted to try. The dedication to the plan won out though. He had to play by the rules that Cash and Singer had set for him so that this all went the best way it could.
He passed under the archway and looked to his right, Cash’s left. There he saw his friends. They were excited to see him and started to make their way over just as he did the same. They met in the middle. Alexa threw her arms around Ian’s neck and hugged him.
There were similar greetings all around and then it was off to baggage claim. They waited half and hour for Ian’s luggage to come off the plane. When Ian spotted it he pushed though people to grab it.
In Marshall’s car Ian couldn’t help but feel nervous. He talked to everyone about anything but the plan. It seemed that they were all nervous and didn’t want to talk about it until they were at Marshall’s.
“You have guitars at your place right?” Ian asked.
“Of course.”
“Can I play some? I left all mine at home. I didn’t think I would need them, but I’m nervous.”
“Sure. Anything you want to play just go ahead.” Marshall pulled into the driveway.
The five went into Marshall’s house. Ian picked up a guitar and played for a little. They left him alone so he could calm down. Singer and Alexa curled up on the couch together and got lost in their own world quickly. Marshall and Cash went into the kitchen. Ian just sat on the floor playing an acoustic.
After an hour Ian got up and went to the kitchen.
“Want anything?” Marshall asked.
“Nah, I ate on the plane.”
“If you’re hungry just grab something. You’re living here for a week after all. Wanna see where you’re sleeping?”
“Yea, that’d be good. Then we can figure out what we’re doing.”
Marshall took Ian down the hall and showed him to the guest bedroom. Ian put his luggage on the bed and then followed Marshall back to where everyone else was. It took a moment to pull Singer and Alexa out of the cuddling and kissing but it was accomplished.
Then they all sat there hammering out the details of how they were going to get Ian and Haylee in the same space together and more importantly talking.
Johnson and Haylee had finished lunch and were back at his house. They were playing some video game and he was losing to her. She laughed when the time ran out and she was crowned the victor.
“How did you do that?”
“I’m just awesome. I also have lots of time to play Singer.”
“Damn him.” Johnson muttered.
“What? Are you sore that a girl beat you?”
“No, I’ve been beaten by girls before.” Johnson said with a cheeky grin.
“Oh! Disgusting.” Haylee said hitting Johnson’s arm.
He laughed and started up a new game. They spent the afternoon like that. Singer came over with Alexa. Alexa kept Haylee distracted while Singer took Johnson into the other room to fill him in on the details. Haylee never suspected a thing.
The ‘run in’ was to happen two days from today. Singer made it clear that Haylee couldn’t know anything at all. Johnson assured him that she didn’t seem like she was suspecting anything. They took that as a good sign.
The Monday that Ian was supposed to see Haylee rolled around. She and Alexa had that day off. They figured that the day before school picked up for the week was a good time to have Ian and Haylee talk. That way she could have whatever reaction she would have and then she could have school to take refuge in if necessary.
Ian was nervous from the moment he woke up. He knew that he didn’t have to do anything but stay at Marshall’s. They were going to bring Haylee here. He just had to sit on the couch and smile when she walked into the room. Sure it sounded easy, but he was scared. She’d said she didn’t want anything to do with him. What if she’d made up her mind?
Marshall smiled at Ian’s nervous tapping and his inability to stay in one place for long. Not even a guitar could calm him down. He couldn’t hold a conversation at all. Marshall thought it was cute, but hoped he could get it together.
Singer went into the kitchen where Haylee and Alexa were eating breakfast. He stood between them and put an arm around each of their shoulders.
“How are my lovely ladies this morning?” He asked kissing Alexa and then Haylee on the cheek.
Haylee pretended to be disgusted and wiped her cheek. Singer laughed and then sat next to Alexa.
“But seriously… how are you guys?”
“I’m glad to hear it. What’s for breakfast?”
“What do you want Baby?”
“Anything.” Singer smiled at Alexa.
She leaned over and kissed him. Haylee saw a bite mark on Alexa’s neck. Guess they had a good night. Haylee looked away. It was still kind of hard to watch couples but she was getting over it. She hid her uncomfortable ness by eating some of the cereal.
Alexa got up to find something for Singer.
“What do you guys think about going to Marshall’s today? He wanted us over.”
“That sounds good.” Alexa said.
“How about you Hales? You in?”
“Uhm… I have a paper…”
“Nonsense! I know that’s not due until Friday. It can wait.” Alexa protested.
“I guess then.”
“Cool. As soon as I’m done let’s go.” Singer said happy that the plan was working.
Haylee finished up her cereal and went down to her room. Singer looked at Alexa. She placed a bowl of cereal in front of him. He kissed her.
“It’s working.” She said.
“I can’t wait.”
Alexa giggled and then went to clean up the sink.
Haylee wandered out and sat on the couch. Singer and Alexa were in their room getting dressed. She took the time to put on her shoes.
The couple wandered out holding hands. Haylee stood up and shut the TV off. She followed Alexa and Singer out the door. They took Singer’s car to Marshall’s place. One glance between Singer and Alexa told them both that they were scared but excited.
Haylee had gotten out of the car and thought that they were just staring at each other. It happened often enough that she decided to just go to Marshall’s door.
By the time that Singer and Alexa made it to the door Marshall was opening it. He smiled when he saw Haylee but was alarmed for a moment when he didn’t see Singer or Alexa. He was relieved to see that they were a few paces behind. Marshall let Haylee in but grabbed her hand so she didn’t go further into the house. Haylee didn’t mind. Marshall did this often enough that it seemed like it was just his hello to her.
Singer and Alexa came through the door and Marshall closed it. Marshall pulled Haylee into a hug and said hello to her. She kissed him on the cheek and then let him say hello to Alexa and Singer.
Marshall turned and started heading for the family room as he talked. He was nervous but he wouldn’t let Haylee see that. He didn’t want to alarm her. Johnson and Cash were sitting across from Ian on the other couch. Ian was on the couch against the wall so Haylee wouldn’t see him when she walked in. Cash and Johnson were the ones that were supposed to act as a distraction and pull Haylee into the room.
As they planned Haylee didn’t notice Ian as she walked through the hall. She went into the family room and hugged Johnson then Cash. Ian’s heart froze. She hadn’t seen him yet and he was waiting for that moment when her eyes would connect with his. There was this tiny fear in him that made him want to bolt for the hall before she saw him but he couldn’t move.
Haylee sat on the couch next to Johnson. He put his arm around her so he could hold her on the couch if he had to. This was all part of the plan. They knew she would sit by Johnson. Haylee looked up and then she saw Ian.
Her body froze up. Johnson felt her go rigid. She had no idea what to make of the fact that Ian was right across from her. He smiled and she bit her lip. She was confused.
“Hales.” Ian said.
“No. I told Singer. I said I wanted nothing to do with you.” Haylee said.
“Please just listen to me?”
“No.” She said glaring at Singer.
He stepped back a little from how angry she looked. Marshall was not affected when she turned her glare on him. He narrowed his eyes a tiny bit back at her. She was unaffected.
“Listen to him Hales. He needs to talk to you.” Marshall said sternly.
Johnson’s arm tightened when Haylee started to get up. She realized they’d all been planning this. She glanced at Cash and saw his face was the same as everyone else’s. There was no way around this. She was going to have to talk to Ian if she wanted out of there.
“Fine.” She almost growled.
Ian chuckled under his breath. When Haylee was mad it was quite funny, like an angry kitten. Marshall left the room followed by Singer and Alexa. She heard them go into another room. Cash got up and followed. Haylee looked at Johnson. She pleaded to him with her eyes to make him let her go. He shook his head as if to say she wasn’t getting out of this. When Johnson got up to leave Haylee stayed put on the couch. She knew if she got up they were just going to drag her back.
“So talk.” Haylee said looking at Ian.
He got up and walked across the room to where he settled on the couch next to Haylee. She scooted away and stared at the wall on the other side of the room just to show him she was not happy. He sighed and pulled on some of his hair for a moment.
“Haylee… I am sorry for what happened. I didn’t want it to be like that. I’m not sorry for kissing you and I’m not sorry for the time we had together in Seattle. I am sorry that you had to find out I had a girlfriend like that. You need to know that Rachel and I broke up. I told her what happened and she left me. She hasn’t even made any contact with me for over a month. We’re done.”
“So.” Haylee said dryly while rolling her eyes to look at Ian.
“So, that means that I’m here for you. I want you back.”
“What if I don’t want you back?” She went back to staring at the wall.
“Well then I’ll go home and never bother you again. All I want is a chance though.”
Haylee sighed. She knew they were all listening and she didn’t want this to be a public thing. She got up off the couch and went out the back door. She left it open for Ian.
Ian got up off the couch and followed her. He shut the door behind him and went to where she was standing at the far end of the yard as far away from the house as possible.
“Why?” Haylee asked staring out again.
Ian leaned against the fence and looked at the three quarters of her face that he could see.
“Why what?”
“Why do you still want a chance? You left me and you thought that was a good reason. So why now do you want me?”
“Because I love you.”
“You loved me then and you left. You said your heart wasn’t with me anymore.” She said throwing him a glance.
“Hales.” He sighed, suffering.
She was being difficult and that worried him. What if she really didn’t want anything to do with him?
“I knew from the second my head hit my pillow that night I got home I had fucked up. I lied to you. My heart has always belonged to you.”
“So why didn’t you do something then? Not wait a year or so.”
“Because I felt like I couldn’t. I felt helpless. Then there was Rachel and I don’t know what happened to me. I fell in love for a while and then you came back. I knew that there was no way she could ever compare to what I felt for you. It was all just a stupid thing I did.”
Haylee didn’t say anything. She was weighing his words in her mind. He was calling his actions stupid any moment now and he’d be calling himself stupid. She laughed mentally at that thought but never let it touch her face.
Ian thought he wasn’t getting anywhere. He felt like he had to say more. He wasn’t going to give up.
“When you were gone, really gone, I felt like I lost the one person in the whole world that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I still feel that way. I’ve felt that way for two years. You’ve got to believe me.”
A tear slid down Haylee’s cheek. Ian wanted to wipe it away but he didn’t know what that would do. He just waited.
She turned her face to look at him. He pushed off the fence and waited.
There was a war in Haylee’s mind for and against Ian. She’d spent so much time trying to keep him out of her mind so she wouldn’t feel pain. She felt like she’d almost been over him before he came here. Now he was here so what did that mean? Was she not supposed to get over him? If she let him leave then would she regret it? But if she took him back and they broke up again she’d be hurt more.
Ian took a risk. He pulled Haylee into him and pushed his lips to hers. She stood there motionless for a moment. What was he doing? She didn’t want this to happen while she figured out what was going on in her head.
Haylee’s hands went to Ian’s chest. He thought that maybe he was winning because she was responding to him. Her lips weren’t moving with his in that familiar pattern but he thought that would be next.
Everyone in Marshall’s house looked down at the seemingly kissing pair. They thought that their plan had worked. Singer’s face broke into a smile when he saw Haylee’s hands move to Ian’s chest. Johnson was smiling because he thought that his friend was going to be okay again.
“Ian.” Haylee sighed.
At first Ian thought that she was starting to kiss him back when her lips moved but then he realized she had said his name. He pulled back and looked at her. His insides were shaking because he knew this wasn’t good.
“No.” Haylee said biting her lip.
“But Haylee–”
Haylee put her hand over Ian’s mouth. It was her turn to talk. She didn’t want him trying so hard to get her back when she knew he wasn’t going to have that chance. She’d told Singer, she’d told Alexa, she’d told all her friends that she wanted nothing to do with Ian ever again and her mind was set this time.
“I told everyone. I said it in front of you. I don’t want anything to do with you Ian. I don’t want you anymore. I’m done. It’s over. It’s been over for two years. It took me a while to figure that out but I did. Now you have to take the time to see that.” Haylee said quietly while looking into Ian’s eyes.
She took her hand away from his mouth to let him speak but nothing came out. He just stood there with his mouth half open staring at her while his eyes became glassy.
Now Ian was realizing that she was serious. He knew he’d lost her.
Haylee turned and walked away from Ian. She went back into the house and straight up to the room where she knew everyone was watching her and Ian in the backyard.
They all saw Haylee put her hand to Ian’s mouth and they knew she was talking but they didn’t know what she was saying. When she walked away from him they knew something bad happened. Ian didn’t follow her; he just stayed in the same spot unmoving.
When Ian sat down in the grass and put his head in his hands they all knew. She told him no. Singer stepped closer to the window focused on Ian. He could see that Ian’s breathing wasn’t even anymore. He was sobbing.
Haylee walked into the room at that moment. They all turned around to see her. It was shocking to see that she was perfectly calm and composed.
“Can I got home now or are you not done with these games? I think Ian’s been through enough.”
“Yea, I’ll take you home Hales.” Singer said glancing once more out the window.
Marshall was already in the backyard with Ian. Alexa followed Singer and Haylee out to the car. They drove her home. She went to her room and curled up on her bed. Singer and Alexa waited for the breakdown but it never came. Maybe she was okay.
Marshall was still trying to talk to Ian. He was sitting with his knees curled up with his arms around his legs and his forehead resting on his kneecaps. He was sobbing something but Marshall couldn’t understand it.
“Look, Ian I can’t understand you. You need to come inside. It’s too hot to sit out here and cry.”
Ian shook his head. He wasn’t going to move.
“I’ll carry you in if I have to.” Marshall threatened.
Ian pulled himself off the ground with help from the fence and then walked into the house. He went down to his room that Marshall had given him and collapsed on the bed. Marshall shut the door to give him privacy. Ian laid there and cried.
He picked up his phone and dialed the house number to his parents back in Seattle.
“Hello?” Peggy answered.
“Mom.” Ian sobbed.
“What’s wrong Baby?” Peggy was worried.
For a moment Ian couldn’t speak, he couldn’t breathe. He tried to but he couldn’t so he just fell to crying.
Peggy started talking to him and trying to calm him wanting nothing more than to be able to put her arms around her son and comfort him.
“She doesn’t want me anymore.” Ian managed.
Peggy didn’t know what to say to him. She continued on telling him it would be okay and that she would stay on the phone as long as he needed her to be there. Ian started telling her everything slowly.
She was able to calm him down but his breathing was still ragged and his tears wouldn’t stop coming. He was hurting so bad. He knew now what he’d done to Haylee. He hated that he’d inflicted this much pain on her and felt like he deserved this.
Ian had messed up and there was nothing he could do now. It had been too long.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter. So do you want an alternate ending? If you do, comment this. If you don't comment, I wont change the ending.

Tension's Like A Fire
ATL with powers from their AP shoot? Sounds fun. Just hope that the human bulldozer doesn't make you into a street pizza. (inside joke :D)
A Heart Like That
Although I am slightly frustrated with this Garrett Nickelsen story right now, I can't stop reading it. Hooray Becca for writing this!
Remembering Sunday
Stephie Barakat. Jack Barakat. Brother and Sister. Brother forgets sister. Brother thinks band is more important. Sister changes. Brother and Friends don't recognize Sister.