Not Quite What Was Expected

Hogwarts Express

okay... so... this is the FIRST chapter! this is really exciting! okay... so... um.. comment if you like it... comment more if you love it! and the more comments the more i write! ^ ^
and many thanks to Chesters Turnstiles for helping me edit!

and so we begin!

xoxo winona

this pic is done by Elocin on Deviant Art.. vvv


“Bye Mum! Bye Dad!” Albus and Rose called out to their parents.

“Why are they all staring ?” demanded Albus, as he and Rose hung out the window craning their necks to see everyone looking at where their families stood.

“Don’t let it worry you,” said Ron. “It’s me. I’m extremely famous.”

“Have fun in school!” Ginny called.

“We’ll write you!” Hermione added.

“Don’t get into trouble!” Ron shouted.

“Don’t listen to everything your brother tells you!” Harry said to Albus.

The train blew it last whistle and started off, Lilly was running along side the train and Albus still hanging out the window waved and waved until his father became a small dot on the platform. Albus sat back down and heaved a sigh.

“Look! It really is the Potter kid!” a boy squealed. He was rather tall for a first year, still with his baby-fats and messy blonde hair, he almost reminded Albus of his uncle Dudley.

“Go away, thanks,” Rose said smartly to the boy and his friends shutting the compartment door.

“Thanks,” Albus breathed.

“Ahaa Potter’s got a girlfriend,” the boy jeered through the door. Albus sighed and let his head fall against the window with a thud.

“It’s alright, don’t worry about those pricks, they’re just being idiots,” young Scorpius comforted. Albus and Rose were the only kids on the train left with an empty compartment, and none of the other kids seemed to want to sit with him. Even if there was space, they made it seem that the seat was taken, lounging on the seats or lying across them.

“So you want to get into Slytherin I suppose,” Rose said lightly.

“Well, my dad says Slytherin is really good, but I dunno, maybe Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, Gryffindor probably will never take me in. Scorpius said sadly, looking out the window.

“Maybe you could ask the hat to put you in Gryffindor,” Albus said to Scorpius.

“That can’t be done!” Rose laughed, “my mom said that the hat chooses where you go to.”

“True,” Al sighed, he didn’t argue, his dad said he’d never told anyone about him asking the hat to let him into Gryffindor. The train sped onwards toward the ever looming sorting.

“You want to change into your robes then?” Rose asked Albus suddenly.

“Oh…uh…yeah,” he said pulling his trunk down from the railings above. He pulled out his robes and took off his sweater, his white t-shirt underneath, pulling his robes on over that. He then sat down pulling his jeans off from underneath his robes and slipping into the school uniform pants.

“You can look now,” Albus said to Rose who had turned around to face the compartment door. She turned to Scorpius.

“Aren’t you going to change?” She asked him.

“Do you mind leaving the compartment for a bit?” he addressed to her. She nodded and stood up exiting the compartment.

Scorpius pulled out his robed and slowly took off his coat that was pulled up all the way to his chin.

“D’you mind not looking? I can’t do it the way you did,” he smiled at Albus.

“Yeah sure,” he replied. He turned around and studied the patterns on the interior wall of the compartment.

“Okay, I’m done.” Scorpius piped up. Albus turned back around and saw that Scorpius had put on the uniform shirt; you could see the collar underneath. He pulled out one of his uniform shirts and pulled his robed just over his head, pulling off his t-shirt and putting on the uniform, buttoning it to the second top button. Pop, his head came back out from under his robes.

“I’ve got to learn how to do that sometime,” Scorpius said, but when Albus compared the two of them, well, Scorpius was a whole lot neater than he looked.

“Wonder where Rose has gone to,” Albus said vacantly.

“Let’s go look,” Scorpius said standing up and pulling open the compartment door.

The two first years exited the compartment and walked down the train nearer to the front. There were kids pushing about in the narrow walkway. Catching up on what happened during their holidays.

“Oh look it’s Al!” James’ voice came. Albus turned to see his brother and some friends in a compartment. James was lounging on one of the seats, leaning against his clothes he wore that day to the station.

“Hi,” Albus said to the group. “James, did you see Rose go by?”
“Uh, no don’t think so, maybe she went to look for friends?” James suggested, “Why are you wearing your uniform shirt? We don’t wear those in the first year,” James exclaimed. Albus’ eyes went wide, and so did young Scorpius’.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s just being the prick that he is!” said one of the taller looking boys in the compartment. “Like how he won’t budge his fat ass over so that one of us can sit there at least.”

There were four kids on one side of the compartment and James and another girl on the other side.

“Yeah,” said the girl sitting next to James. “Budge over you naff!”

“I’m Daniel by the way!” said the boy who first spoke, Albus waved.

“Demelza Robins,” said the girl next to James.

“And I’m James Potter, how do you do,” James cut off.

“Prick!” another boy laughed at James.

“Terry, pleasure.” He said to the first years.

“Katie,” said a pretty girl next to the window.

“Euan,” said the boy nearest the door who shook their hands, there was a moment of awkward silence.

“Oh, there you are.” Rose’s voice came from Albus’ right. He turned to see her with Neville’s son, Jacob Longbottom.

“Bye James, everyone, oh yeah, don’t forget to give Mr. Neville dad’s love James!”

Albus called over his shoulder, Al was shy, but not completely non-mischievous.

There was a roar of laughter coming from his brother’s compartment. “You twit!” James called after him, poking his head out from the compartment.

When the four kids got back to their own compartment and helped Jacob put his trunk up on the railings they laughed out loud at what had happened. “Your mum really asked James to give dad love?” Jacob peeled with laughter. Albus nodded and they all laughed more.

“Anything off the cart dears?” the witch who pushed the trolley asked from the door.

Albus took out the pouch his dad gave him from his pocket and emptied the contents into his hand. He had 20 silver Sickles and a minimal amount of bronze Knuts. He looked at the array of things. All were good favorites. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor beans, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Licorice Wands, Cauldron Cakes, and more! Albus asked for some of everything and paid the witch, 13 Sickles and 5 Knuts. He dropped the load of sweets onto the seat next to him.

“Have some,” he said to the rest in the compartment. They all smiled and took some of the sweets. Laughing at Jacob’s lost Chocolate frog, they ripped open the box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.

“I think that one’s vomit flavor,” said Jacob.

“James swore he got booger-flavored before,” smiled Albus. He remembered that day, in the front yard, he, his father, brother and sister were out on the lawn passing around the beans, and James wrinkled up his nose and made strange retching sounds.

“What is it?” his dad asked.

“I think that one was bogey!” James coughed.

“It’s Fruity,” said Scorpius who had gotten the vomit colored bean.

“Mmmm, mine’s Buttered Popcorn,” Rose smiled.

After Coughing for a while, Jacob piped up, “Okay, so I thought wrong, that wasn’t cookies and cream.”

“What was it?” Scorpius asked eagerly.

“Pepper!” Jacob coughed, they all laughed again.

“Mhmm, GRASS!” Albus laughed so hard.


so how was it? good bad great? no... should i delete it?