Status: On Hiatus :( I'm sorry, I'll probably update, but not often.

Six Strings, Eighty-Eight Keys

Those Gossip Girls

He woke up, feeling himself being jostled as a hand pushed on his shoulder lightly. Nick slowly opened his eyes to a smiling Maria and sighed, dazedly letting his head fall back onto the soft pillow;he wanted to stay like that just a little bit longer. “Nick you fell asleep. It’s almost six now—you have to go, babe.”

Brown eyes trained on the ceiling furrowed in confusion as he strained his ears; that voice was certainly not the one he remembered. He breathed in shakily and turned his head to his left, blinking slowly, “huh?”

Hayley smiled, “Nick, you fell asleep. You have to go home now, it’s getting late doll.” He nodded numbly, not remembering when he fell asleep and reached for his keys on the night stand next to the bed. Hayley’s hand quickly reached for his and held on, kneeling up as he stood, and kissed him before letting go. “I’ll just talk to you later sweets. I love you.”

He nodded again, a soft yawn left his lips, “Yeah, you too.”

Nick walked out of the room, fumbling with the keys in his right hand as he shoved his left hand deep into his pocket. With his luck, he hoped that what he saw, really wasn’t what he saw. He hoped that it was all just a dream. His treasured Mustang roared to life and Nick carefully backed out of the driveway, “Just a dream. Just a dream; God I hope it was just a dream.”


“So?” Heidi and Ashleigh grinned excitedly, tossing themselves on Maria’s bed as she headed towards her closet to change. “How was the date? Is he cute? What’s his name? Maria!” She laughed and shut the closet door before answering their questions only to have them groan in irritation and jumpiness, “Seriously, we can’t hear you.”

Maria rolled her eyes and hastily slipped on her shirt before opening the door and jumping on to her bed, “Is my dating life that much of an interest for you, or do you guys just need something to talk about?”

“Both in a sense, really,” Heidi grinned widely. She picked the tips of her fingernails, leaning back lazily as she leaned back on the palm of her right hand. “We just find gossip as a way to—“

“Relieve the soul?” Maria smiled jokingly, and laughed when Ashleigh grinned and nodded eagerly. She watched as her sister pulled a pillow onto her lap, wrapping her arms around the comfortable lump and rests her chin upon the cotton fabric of the pillow sheet.

Ashleigh giggled, “Absolutely.”


Trace sat at the dinner table, ignoring the heated looks his step-sister gave him and ate his food quietly. The adults chatted amiably, hands reaching for food here and there as the classical styling of Beethoven littered the background welcomingly. Trace smiled when his step-dad began talking about sports—the Colts recently lost and they were both glad. He found himself becoming more comfortable around the man, and slowly would let the three letter word slip from his lips every now and then. The first-named basis wasn’t really their thing anymore. Hayley still hated his mom however; it just seemed like the stuck up bitch didn’t like having a woman in her life. Hayley was a moron—the girl couldn’t tell black from white unless there was a sign, then again, he wasn’t sure she could read either.

Was he bitter?

Most would say just about so.

“So how was your date, Trace?” his step-father asked. Trace smiled at the mere mention and looked down at his nearly full plate; it went wonderfully. Instead of going to see a movie, they had eaten dinner at a local Italian diner down the street before they walked back, taking a nice stroll through the park. Laughs and a comfortable silence engulfed the pair and nothing went wrong. While he knew nothing was perfect, he was happy to say it came close to it—perhaps it was.

“It went great,” Trace smiled widely. He smiled even wider as Hayley rolled her eyes and stabbed her fork into the broccoli, angrily clearing it off the plate in one bite. “Maria’s a lovely girl, pop. I think you’ll like her.”

“Maria?” his mom smiled, “she’s our neighbor, isn’t she?”

Trace nodded, chewing on a string of pasta before swallowing, “Yeah; she’s really sweet. Ma, I swear you’ll love her.”

The loud clatter of silverware hitting silverware echoed around the room and anger flooded through her person. It was her again? What was with this girl? It’s like she’s always there, in front of her. Granted, it’s her fault most of the time because she loves to throw it in her face that she’s dating the Nick Jonas. Hayley excused herself from the dinner table with a fake gleeful smile and marched sullenly up to her room. She stopped in front of her window, staring to the house across the street where the girl in question, sat complacently on the front porch with reading material to keep her entertained.

She wasn’t stupid; of course she knew that Maria and Nick had a thing. Important things like this were things that had to be a ‘can-do’ for Hayley. Math was really something irrelevant to life. Hayley glared and pulled the silk curtain shut before she fell onto the comforter of her room as she breathed in the traces of Nick’s cologne. Maria and Nick had a thing—had.

And she was going to make sure it stayed that way.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a while, but I updated. Short, but I updated. I hope you guys are satisfied with it. Probably not though. So yes, my updating will be as sporadic as it has always been, with very long intervals of waiting, unless I see that I get comments and subscribers ;D

Be happy; comment&&subscribe cause I gotta get my ass to school.