You Could Call Gerard Bad, but I Would Call Him Evil

[002] Jail Time.

After a million interviews and me going to court another million times they said I wouldn't be able to get of jail for a very long time. But I don't care and I never will. My life sucks - I suck. Everything is shit. I was still in the same clothes as I was when I killed that son of bitch. I must have been a bit obvious when I left that man lying in the gutter.

I was still cuffed. And to me freedom was being able to take the cuffs off. I was now in a car being driven to a jail/prison. Where I would then live for the next fews years I have left of my life.

"Okay Gee where nearly there" a police-man luaghed, such a familiar face. He had been calling me Gee since he took me away from my home, he is not my fucking girlfriend. It makes me sound like I have friends who have bothered to give me a nickname and that I have lowered myself to the common society that all these other poeple live in. I called him a few names under my breath but that was about it. This time I couln't see no scenery and no police-man in the front. I was in a black box with no windows and just a small opening so the police poeple could peep through to see if I was still in here.

I have never been to jail and I have always wanted to know what it's like. So I am thinking this time I spend in jail as an advantage.

I sat there not being abled to move that much, not that there would be a good reason for me to move. The car came to a halt which made me crash into the doors. And I can see a headache coming on very soon. I am stuck on the ground I can't get up and I feel like a worm. A few minutes later the doors opened and I fell out of the car. Okay make it a migrain coming on very, very soon. The cops bent down and dragged me up. My hair was in my face.They dragged me into some place I figured that it would be the jail. We were stopped by some other men in uniforms. "Okay he goes to jail cell 342 and he will need to wear this and in exactly twenty-five minutes there will be more prisoners coming to join him and others so get used to it in here" he said handing the police bright orange ovaralls.

They dragged me further through doors and hallways untill they stopped me in my tracks. They opened the jail cell, sliding the door making everyone wake up and try to see who there new jail mate was. I just said mate, defiantly NOT my mates. They pushed me in and threw the overalls at me. They closed it back up, locking it and walked off. It wasn't too long before I realised that they didn't take my cuffs off. I went up to the bars and tried to see if they were still there. "Hey you mother-fuckers forgot to take these cuffs off" I yelled.
I heard nothing, I drooped my head and walked back to the bed. I sat down. I am supposed to get changed and how?. "Hey you the new kid? Why are you here for?, being a fashion victom" the man asked he was in the jail cell opposite me. He sounded like he was in the mafia. Everyone luaghed at me. I got back up and walked to the bars.
"Listen bitch! I am not a kid and i'm in here because I shot the last fucker that pissed me off" I hissed at him, giving him an evil stare more evil than I ever have.
"Oh yeah..." The Mafia Man replied as if to ask, 'are you sure? You do NOT know who your messing with'.
"Yeah!" I said back, it is getting lamer.
"Well i'm shaking in my undies!" He laughed making a few other men laugh.
"Well you fucking should be because I hit girls and I am not afraid to do it once more" I answered back getting more agitated.

He was just about to yell out something else but we heard a few changs and tings here.
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