Status: Guess Who's Back? ;)

A Way With Words

Worth a second of your time

" Honey, we're going to be late!" The woman giggled as she stared at her boyfriend of two years. His pants unbuttoned, his shirt open, while his tie hung loosely on his neck. He ran a comb through his hair as he finished perfecting it.
" Come on John, your hair looks amazing but the rest of you looks disastrous!" He looked down at his appearance, damn she was right.

John in four years had become something big. Founder of Maine Records along with his band, he had climbed the ladder of success. But that wasn't all that became big, his ego and arrogance had climbed up there as well. John wasn't that sweet boy everyone once knew once upon a time. He was now a man, and changed, but not for the better.

" Lynn, pass me the jacket please?" She was everything he asked for and so much more. He couldn't have had a girlfriend better than the one he had found. he knew he was lying to himself She was the serious, smart, calm woman. Red hair, green eyes, she was perfect. He remembered the day he met her, she was his new assistant and they fell in love.

He had forgotten of Drea long ago. She clearly stated in his face that she wanted nothing to so with him, so there wasn't much he could do after that. He was furious and hurt but he couldn't let the situation take over his life. So he moved on, he became a success and lived.

" John we are basically an hour late come on, I'll go start the car." he fastened his belt as he locked the door and headed to the car. He hated fancy restaurants but it was all for Sarah. And everyone knew how crazy she was about the upcoming wedding.

" John my man! Finally made it!" The ecstatic man embraced him in a tight man hug as they shook hands afterwards. The man gave him a smile as he leaned in to whisper. " You know how important this is to Sarah, but this shit sucks. The boys are meeting up at smoke's club later on tonight to get fucked up, throw in some drinks on me." They laughed as they headed to the table.

Sarah and Fred had been together longer than anyone in their tightly knit group. Fred had become one of John's best friends. He sat completely bored as people went around giving a toast. The lovely pair stood up as they held up their drinks.

" Thank you guys for being here. You know how important this is too us. First off we would like to announce our best man and maid of honor. John and Lynn would you please do us the honor?" John raised his glass as he nodded his head. god i hate weddings

" So Sarah is really into this. She fucking hired a wedding designer and everything who will be staying with us for about four months. The chick is going crazy." John laughed at the man.
" Fuck, i don't want to get married. Too much shit to go through."
" You're telling me? She's been talking to that planner forever now. What was her name Andrea something? I don't know. You're going to have to stop by to meet her though. We are doing some fucking fitting soon for tuxes and shit and you and Lynn need to be there. I love the chick, but this is too much." John laughed harder this time as he downed his beer.
" A wedding planner huh? and she is seriously going to be living with you guys for this? Jesus Sarah has really got her finger wrapped around this whole idea."
" yeah. I met the woman a couple days ago, she was sweet and completely hilarious. She looked at me and agreed that Sarah was going nuts and was totally too into her being over. She's not even married." John ordered another round of beers as he looked at Fred.
" A wedding planner who isn't married? Well that makes no sense."
Fred nodded as he picked up another shot.

Andrea packed her stuff as she thought about tomorrow. God, this is going to be a long four months. I can already feel it. She picked up her scheduling book again as she looked through it. She was nervous, she was excited, she was tired as fuck but this was her job. She had planned hundreds of weddings, she had seen the happy faces, the smiles. She thought, how would it be for me? But in reality, she didn't really want to know. She was not going to fall in love. she was not going to get married, and she was definitely not going to find the right man. Pessimistic you may say but she knew that love was not something for her. She had enough heartache from it, escaping it was the best idea she ever had. She looked through the list as she chewed her lip.

Sarah Riley- Size 5, shoe size 7 1/2, ring size 6.
Fred Smith- Bottom 34, top L, shoe 12, ring 8.

Lynn Giovanni- size 2, shoe size 6

She stopped reading as the phone rang. " Hello?" She listened intently as the woman spoke rapidly. She chuckled.
" Sarah, I'm reading it over now don't worry I've got this completely. I'll see you tomorrow morning alright? Kay, go to bed!" She laughed as the woman on the other side sighed and chuckled herself.
" Sorry Andrea. Anyways our maid of honor and best man will be a bit late but that's okay, we'll start with Fred tomorrow." She heard someone pick up the phone on the other line.
" I'm sorry Andrea it is like two in the morning and Sarah won't let you rest before you come here. Go to bed sweetheart and Sarah, am i going to have to drug you for you to sleep?" They all exchanged good byes as she laughed to herself. She was awfully tired. She closed the book as she climbed into bed. Well, here goes four long months for a wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note to Self: Me and Rachel need to work out a plan. ha!
With school coming it's going to be hard to update.
But it shall be done!

Thank you commenters! I'm glad for the concern haha