Praying for a Riot

Love and Death

“God Josh….you’re an idiot.” Laur shook her head as the Englishman on the other end of the phone told her of his escapades “You’re supposed to just take them, not have Joe strip and run…”

Jams looked up and blinked a few times, before yawning and shaking his head.

“Well alright Joshbear…this is a huge request, but please, please, please try and be good? Okays…I love you too! Bye!” Laur placed the phone down on the bedside table, smirking.

“Do I wanna know what why he had Joe strip?”

“Let’s just say it involved free samples at the supermarket….”

Creeping under the covers of the bed, Lauren smiled at Jams, before snuggling into her pillow.

“You’re weird.” he shook his head, and Lauren grinned.

“You’re weirder.”

Laur grinned sleepily, before moving her head onto his chest, and wrapping an arm around his middle in what he called the “I-don’t-mean-to-be-a-bitch-but-back-the-fuck-off-because-he’s-MINE” grip.

“Night Jellybean.” She grinned once more, closing her eyes and yawning “I love you.”

“I love you too, Laur…night.”

He watched as she fell asleep, blinking down at her, thinking about the days events.
It seemed Joshua Third and his troupe of merry Horrors couldn’t be left for a day, without some sort of disaster happening.
He yawned and wrapped an arm around his wife lazily, snuggling into the uncomfortable hotel bed and falling into a slumber of his own.


“Mum…dad…this is Laur. My wife…”

Jams smiled at his parents, who looked at his wife, with curious eyes.

“Where did you meet?” Jams’ father looked at the two, who were stood nervously.

“Through Mandy.”

“So you finally fell out of love with her?” his mother asked, and Laur suddenly turned and looked at Jams.

“You were in love with Mand?”

Jams gulped. This subject was always avoided, and he didn’t want to talk about it right there and then.

“Let’s talk about this later, yeah?”

Lauren watched with a raised eyebrow, as Jams turned back to his parents “So where are we sleeping?”

“Your old room.”

Jams suddenly grabbed his wife by the wrist and pulled her upstairs and into his old room, closing the door after them “Oh thank god for that…”

Laur sat on the bed and watched him curiously “You never told me you were in love with Mand…”

“It was a long time ago,” Jams sat down beside her, and smiled “You’re all I want now…I love you.”

Laur laid her head on his shoulder with a smile, and closed her eyes. Jams watched and wrapped an arm around her waist as she yawned.

“Are you sleepy?”

“Only a lot…”

“Well…sleep then.” Jams chuckled, and Lauren opened her eyes again and smiled.

“You sure?”

“Well yeah…cause I wanna sleep too.”

She laid back and smiled, looking at him from under her fringe, a smirk playing upon her lips.

“Why are you smirking?” he laid down beside her, and claiming her lips.

“Felt like it.” The smirk turned into a yawn as she pulled him closer to her, and snuggled into his shirt, as his fingers ran down the side of her body.

“Would you sleep, woman!?” he laughed, and she smiled again, closing her eyes.

“Alright, alright…calm down…”

Jams crept under the covers, pulling her with him, and he played with her hair as she laid on his chest “What are you thinking?”

“Me? Uhh…nothing, Edward.”

“Edward?” Jams looked confused “Who the fuck is Edward?”

Laur snickered and closed her eyes again sleep washing over her. “G’night Jamie…”

“Night love.” He tangled his fingers in her hair, and closed his own eyes, and falling asleep.


Two weeks passed incredibly quickly for Jams and Laur, and they seemed to be back home within no time, catching up on something they’d missed a lot whilst in Wales.

Everyone seemed to be glad they were home, as their stupidity had been missed, and Ian had missed his partner in crime.
Yet, there was someone who was not happy they were back.
Mikey Way.
Ever since the wedding, he’d been thinking. Thinking about the past, the present, and the future.
Sitting in his old apartment (which had been given back to him when Lauren moved in with her beloved Jams), he pulled out a box of photographs from his youth. Thoughts began to prey upon his mind about when he and his ex-wife had first met. She had been sixteen, and on the run from home. She was sad and lonely, and Mikey gave her the sanctuary and love she sorely needed.
That’s when he was truly in love.
When he set eyes on the sad girl that first time in New Jersey.
Looking through the box, he pulled out a photo of he, Lauren and Frank Iero, in early 2005. The only real smile in that photo had belonged to Frank, and there were signs that his marriage to Lauren was falling apart already.
Then the beating began.
He blamed every little thing that went wrong on her, and he’s beat her.
Mandy, Kay, Tina and Sam began to see her less, as she decided to disappear into the shadows to hide her bruises, and regardless of how bad he hit her, she still loved him.
She adored him, and he fucking knew it.
Then Frank figured it out. He’d been her only friend on the My Chem tours and they’d formed a close friendship.
And of course, dear Mr. Iero wanted Mikey dead, and “wife beater” was what he began to call Mikey.
It went on for a year or so, until it began to pull the band apart. Frank didn’t want to be in the same band as Mikey, and so, Mikey came to a decision.
He had to break up with her.
And so it was done. Mikey ended his marriage to Lauren, and so the whole mess with Jared Leto happened.
He snickered at the thought of seeing that fight; seeing Kay leave Lauren like he’d always done after he’d beaten her.
Then he came along. Jamie fucking Oliver.
And Jamie swept Lauren off her feet, and actually made her happy; something she hadn’t been in years.
Mikey hated it.
As soon as he saw her happy again, he wanted her again. Mikey was going to make sure Laur and Jams didn’t last, and he was going to do it any way he could.
He was already planning.
Leave it a few months, then bang! He was going to get her back, and he was going to get her back, even if it meant killing Jamie Oliver.