Status: Updating!

Without You Is How I Disappear

The Best of Me

I shut off the camera and walked over to the table with all the food and grabbed a water. All that kept replaying in my head was,

it's okay, they're not going to find you

Then the other voice kept saying:

run! hide! move! they're gonna find you!. I was potentially worried about that, because last summer I saw Bob at Starbucks. I was scared shitless and I ran out before he could even catch a glimpse of me. I felt a little dizzy after taking a swig of water. I stood near a pole trying to balance myself, then Steven came over.

"Hey babe," he spoke in a cavalier voice.

"Hey," I sighed pulling my hand to my forehead.

"Madi, you don't look so good? do you wanna-" he gasped, "Madi?!"

Then everything went black.

"I wanna be there for you, someone you can come to. Runs deeper than my bones
I wanna be there for you," the last lines of the song finished.

I shed a silent tear and remembered the time Gerard promised me he'd always be there for me.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear.
"Forever and ever," he whispered back kissing my jaw bone light below my ear lobe.
We then parted and he looked in my eyes.

"So you wanna go out to get some air or something?" he suddenly asked concerned.
"Yeah, sure" I replied, faintly smiled. I wasn't even lightheaded, it was often odd to see him so nervous like this. Do I really look that bad?

I waved to everyone else and we walked past the big secured doors and we walked to what I was guessing was the courtyard for the hotel. There stood a vacant, beautiful garden with a fountain in the middle.

He pulled me over to the fountain and we sat down just staring into each others eyes until he broke the silence.

"Madi, you know i love you with all my heart right?" he began as I grew nervous. This was it, he was going to break up with me. God, I'm such a fuck up...

"Yes, and I love you too," I followed.

"Well I was thinking..." he trailed off and got down on one knee. "Madelyn, will you marry me?" he looked up to find an answer in my eyes...

I woke up hearing a faint but coherent beeping sound. I opened my eyes slowly and saw my best friend talking to rather pale doctor. I looked around signaling a tube from my arm to make a sound. Steven's frantic eyes shot at me.

"Madi! Your awake!" he yelled jumping on the hospital bed hugging me tightly making me wince in pain.

"Yeah...guess so," I croaked. my voice was hoarse.

"Well Miss Johnson you took quite a nasty fall there didn't you?" he laughed a deep and villain-like laugh.

"I guess?" I questioned not remembering. Steven now had his both his arms around my shoulder, leaving me in a constant hug with his head resting peacefully on my shoulder.

"You suffered a minor concussion from that hard floor" he insisted as if getting a concussion was an everyday thing. My eyes bugged.

"A concussion?!" I yelped scratching my throat.

"Yes, I know Madi! It was horrible I thought you died!" Steven said dramatically latching onto my body once more.

"Mr.Smith you have nothing to worry about, she can go home today. But, I recommend you stay with someone you'll be a little dizzy for the next few days," he said calmly.

"She can stay at my house!" Steven yelled and stupidly grinned.

"No thanks, no bachelor's pad for me dude. Plus I got Stormy to be my bitch for the next few days." I laughed emotionless. He pouted. I

Stormy was my roommate. She's awesome. She has short black hair and blue eyes, lanky and skinny. Funny, sarcastic, just like me.

"Aw!" he pouted.

"I'll let you, Mr.Smith, fill out the forms for release because we couldn't find any immediate family." the doctor smiled

"Thanks doc," we both said in unison, we laughed.

He nodded and left us in the room.

"Shut your eyes Stevie I has to change," I smiled getting out of bed.

"Ugh. fine," he said covering his eyes.

I grabbed my pile of clothes I was wearing.

"God are you done yet?!" he said obviously bored.

"Yeah, let's go come on," I said poking him in the back.

"Okay," he smiled following me out with his hand on the small of my back.

He dropped me off at my apartment and sped off waving. My apartment was about fifteen minutes to Time Square. I fidgeted in the elevator trying, but failing for it to go faster. I finally reached my floor and went to my door. I grabbed my key and before I could even put it in the knob Stormy came out, looking rushed, jumping on me.

"Hello to you too," I mumbled angry.

"GUESS WHOSE CONCERT I GOT 2 BACKSTAGE PASSES TO!" she yelled still on top of me.

"Oh I don't know, The Used?" I asked hopeful yet still angry.

"No! Better" she grinned.

"Who then?"

"My. Chemical. Romance!" She yelled.

Excuse me?
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2nd one :D send me love my cuppycakes :}
