Sequel: Forever and Always

All Your Sorrows Crumble in My Arms

You Could Say It's My Job.

"I hate you!" I screamed, slamming the front door behind me. I hoisted my back pack farther up on my back and hurried down the sidewalk toward school. School was a relief for me from the hell-hole family life I had. Unbelievably, my parents weren't the problem. My asshole, drug-riddled brother was, and not only at home eihter. He had pretty much made my whole life hell, even the social aspect of school, but at least I could seek some refuge there. This morning had started out like most, with his taunts about my looks and the fact that I had no friends. Things had increased when he hit me. As if that wasn't a bad enough start to a Monday morning, I'd been told Friday that I had to peer counsel a new student today. Love-a-fucking-ly.

I walked into the office and put my backpack on the metal settee there, "Hey, Mrs. Delores."

Mrs. Delores, the school receptionist, smiled at me, "Hello, Daniellea. Matthew is still in the office with Mr. Karpal."

I supposed Matthew was the guy I was peer counseling, "Alright. Can I see his schedule so I have an idea of where I'm taking him?"

"Sure, hun. Oh wait," The door behind her opened and the principal stepped out. Behind him was the prettiest guy I'd ever seen. Not just pretty but gorgeous. I bit my lip and waited for Mr. Karpal to introduce us.

"Ah, there she is! Matthew, this is Daniellea Nordstorm, your peer counselor. Daniellea, this is Matth-" The large, dark-haired guy made a noise in his throat that made Mr. Karpal pause. "Uh, Matt Sanders. Welcome to Huntington Beach High, Matt." He shook this Matt's hand and motioned toward me.

His focus went to me as Mrs. Delores handed me a sheaf of papers. I motioned to the settee and we sat down, "Alright. You have most of your classes with me-"

"You're a senior?" The voice that came from the muscled guy was raspy and low.

"Yeah, I'm only sixteen though." I said quietly.

"Hey down there. Sweetie, you gotta speak up." He smirked, causing dimples to pop.

I sighed, "I'm only sixteen but you-"

"I was joking. Sort of. Anyway . . ." He waved a hand at the papers. My attention was drawn to his large hands.

I shook my head, jerking back to the matter at hand. What was wrong with me? I'd never let any guy effect me this way, especially not just on first sight. Not that it did me any good, most guys didn't even notice me. Matt wouldn't be any different once he started making friends, "Anyway, we have most classes together. The few we don't are nearby the others. Your locker combination and number are here. I'll show you where it's at in just a moment. And this is the rules and consequences, the dress code. That about covers it." I transferred the papers into his grasp while skimming over them.

He smirked again and tossed the thick packet of rules in the trash. I smiled, having half expected him to do that. His smirk widened into a grin, "So . . . lockers?"

"Right. Follow me." I stood to lead the way. His hand grabbing mine stopped me. "What?"

"No offense but I'll lose you otherwise, short stuff."

I rolled my eyes and let him keep his warm palm over mine. What did it matter? In a little bit, he'd be glad to lose me. His locker was two down and above mine, which stuck often. His fist hit it to spring it open and I smiled tentatively, "Thanks."

"No problem. So how'd you get stuck baby-sitting me anyway?" He shut his locker after making sure the combination fit.

"I'm a peer counselor for juniors and seniors. I guess you could say it's my job." I shrugged.

"Well . . ." He raised both eyebrows, "Let's get this day over with so I'm no longer pestering you."

"Okay . . ." I lead him farther down the corridor toward first period. Halfway thre, the warning bell rang, "We have a minute to get to class."

"You don't seem worried." He chuckled.

"We can afford to be late. You're new . . .and it's AP English, the teacher is cool. For a teacher." I shrugged again.

"How did I get sucked into AP English? I barely speak english." He grumbled and I snickered. He grinned, "So there's a sense of humor in there?"

I smiled weakly, "I'm sorry if I've been a bit rushed and bitchy. This morning has been crazy already."

"I'd say. You've got the makings of a bruise." He said, touching my cheek.

I flinched, "You see it and then poke it?"


"No biggie. Ah, here we are-" The bell rang just as we stepped throguh the door.

Mrs. Mathers shook her head at me, "Daniellea, skimming in just ahead of the bell as usual."

"Yeah. Matt Sanders, new." I pointed and handed her the first of the stack of papers I'd be handing out to his teachers. Why he couldn't do that himself I had no clue.

"Alright. You can sit wherever you want, Matt. We're not a big group so there are plenty of seats." The teacher told him as I hurried to my usual seat in the far croner. I watched from there as several girls vied for his attention. I didn't blame them and his gaze skimmed the room. Unusual for me, I found myself actually hoping he'd sit with me.

He did, flinging into the chair beside of mine with some effort. He gave me a grin, "Got a crowbar? Cause we'll need one to pry me out of this."

"Don't feel bad. It takes the same for me."

He shook his head, "I doubt it."

I didn't. Was he blind? Daniellea Nordstorm = cow. "Whatever. You didn't bring anything did you?"

"Nope. I was sure I wouldn't need it, but then again I didn't think I'd get stuck in brainy classes." He shrugged.

"Daniellea, I'm sure you have loads to fill Matthew in on, but please pay attention." Mrs. Mathers scolded. I felt my face redden as the room filled with titters and whispers. Matt rolled hazel eyes and reached over my desk to snatch my notebook. I glared, "Give . . me . . .that."

"Nope." He smirked and reached over for my pen.

"Fine, you take notes." I sat back in my seat. Almost before the words were out of my mouth, the notebook and pen were back in front of me. I shook my head., "That's what I thought." He just laughed.

The rest of the day passed much the same. He had classes before lunch with me and the one right after it too. Matt stuck to me like glue all morning, choosing to sit with me oddly enough. At lunch, he plopped down with an overstuffed tray of food, "Where's yours?"

"I use lunch to get stuff done." I shrugged.

"Not anymore. You gotta talk to me and help me eat this. I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach." He shoved a tray of greasy fries between me and Grendel.

I debated for a moment, "Uh, sure. Okay. Now for the most annoying question-how are you liking it so far?"

"Its . . .dull." he replied honestly.

Because you're stuck with the biggest loser in school. Sorry. "For the most part yeah." I nodded.

He started to say something when a group of guys passed. He stared at them for minute before asking, "Who's that?"

"Umm . . ." I studied them for a moment, "That's Brian Haner, Jr., he's one of those cocky musician types-"

"We have music next." He said through a mouthfull of food.

I threw a fry at him, "Yes, captain obvious, we do. Anyway, the tall one is Jimmy Sullivan, who I know drinks like a fish. Zack Baker, he's really good at baseball. They think he'll go pro one day. And the short guy is Johnny Seward. He lives next door to me."

"Really? How come they don't sit with you then?" He frowned.

"Because-" I got cut off by my brother, who'd wandered up to us unbeknownst to me, pouring a can of coke over my head.

Matt's fist flew across the table, "Fuck!"

"Stop. No." I grabbed Matt's hand, wiping the coke from my eyes, "Don't."

"What the hell, man?!" Matt glared at Rodney, my brother.

He smirked, "Fat bitch."

I looked at him before picking up my now soaked book and heading to the bathroom, ignorning the whispers and laughter. Just another lousy event to ruin what had been an okay day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, once again this is old stuff. The layout picture is a banner from a girl on quizilla . . . though I can't remember her name now, all the props go to her.