Status: Starting Out, Hope It's Gonna Be Good =]

Three's A Crowd

Sympathy Pains

As Lauren walked down the school corridor, all eyes were on her, and not because she was wearing a cute outfit. It wasn't jealousy that kept her the topic of every conversation held at Hillbury High, it was scorn. She'd been dumped by the most popular guy in their year, and no-one was going to forget it.

She was currently on her way to Maths where her usual seat was between Jack and Stacey. She had been hoping to swap places with Stacey, but her friend had been reluctant to switch, for some reason.

The friend in question suddenly appeared at Lauren's side, quickly accompanied by Kat who'd dyed her hair for the fourth time this month. It was honey blonde this time, and spiked up, somehow making her resemble a Pixie.

"Nice." Lauren commented, as usual unable to string a coherent sentence together. She'd stopped trying a few days ago, and now even her dad had given up attempting to have a conversation.

"Thanks! I wasn't sure about it last night, but now I think I like it." Said Kat chirpily. It'll probably be electric blue by lunchtime. Stacey was still unusually quiet, and Lauren took it to be sympathy pains which Lauren found intensely irritating - how could she wallow alone when her friend was doing the exact same?

"Cheer up - might never happen..." Lauren muttered bitterly and Stacey looked up in surprise.

"Sorry, stuff on my mind."

"Oh, right. Well listen, can you swap places with me in Everton's class? I can't face sitting beside Jack, not today -"

"-I'll do it!" Kat interrupted beaming so happily that Lauren didn't buy it. Before she could ask, however, Kat continued, "Beat's sitting next to Scary Mary..." She nodded towards the girl already outside their Maths class five minutes early. She was wearing a mini that looked five times too small, and her brick red hair stuck out at ridiculous angles. All three friends burst out laughing, and as though using a sixth sense, Mary looked up wearing a wounded expression that shut them all up instantly.

"We are bad, bad people." Stacey said solemnly. The other two nodded, still desperately trying to hide their smirks.

"Maybe she won't know we were laughing at her?" They looked up from staring fixedly at the wood-effect floor and saw Mary glaring straight at them without blinking, tugging agitatedly at the ends of her frizzy hair.

"Looks like she's trying to put a hex on us..." Kat murmered, and they all exploded into fits of uncontrollable laughter that had Lauren forgetting exactly why she'd been sad in the first place. Even Stacey seemed to have perked up marginally, enough to crack a grin at poor Mary's expense.

"So, you still wanna swap with me?" Kat asked, smiling, as they were let into the classroom by Mr Everton.

"Ummm, I think I'd rather sit next to Jack..." Lauren smiled back, eyeing Mary carefully who was still sporting a murderous expression.