Sequel: Walk Away (Maybe)
Status: Complete

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"Where the hell is she?" I growled, foot tapping as the call went straight to voice mail. Again. I groaned, flipping my phone closed.

"Nothing?" Nick questioned.

"Nothing." I sighed. "I'm really starting to get worried. She's never ignored my calls or texts this long before."

"I'm sure she's fine. She just needs time to herself." He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I sighed again.

"I know, but still. Imagine if Joe or Kevin went missing, wouldn't you get worried?" He paused.

"Yeah, I would." We stayed silent for a while. "Hey, Bri?"

"Hm?" I rested my head on his shoulder as he brought me closer.

"I was thinking..." He started, but stopped.

"What about?" I looked up at him. He looked me in the eyes.

"What do you say about coming on tour with us?" I fell into a state of shock. Nick Jonas say what? I gaped, blinking. "Now would be the time where you answer me, Bri." He said, face growing pink.

"I-I...uh..." I stuttered stupidly. Oh, what is he doing - springing this on me? "Uhm..."

"Y-You don't have to. I just....I'm gonna miss you, y'know?"

"Dude." I said. "What are you, nuts?" He blinked.

"A simple no would suffice." He frowned.

"No, no, not that." I rolled my eyes. "Do you honestly believe I'd say no?" He grinned brightly.


"No, I'm lying. I'm just saying yes to get your hopes up so I can smush 'em right after." He rolled his eyes.

"You're not funny."

"Oh, please. I'm hilarious." I scoffed, messing up his hair.

"Hey! Don't touch the fro, babe." He swatted me away.

"Ever call me babe again and I'll cut the fro off." I smiled sweetly. "Understood, darling?"

"Loud and clear, honey." He kissed me softly. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was grateful. For a moment, I had nothing to worry about, but as he pulled away, my thoughts came rushing back. I sighed. "What's the matter? You should be bouncing off the walls out of happiness. I mean, you're going on tour with the Jonas Brothers."

"Cute." I rolled my eyes. "I just wanna know where Tori is."

"She'll come walking through that door any minute." I looked to the doorway, frowning.

"You said that two hours ago." He kissed me again, more forcefully, trying to get my mind off it. I pulled back, laughing as he followed me. My phone rang, scaring me. I jumped up, flipping it open as I pushed him away. He frowned, but I ignored it. "Hello? Tori?"

"Uh, no. Taylor."

"Taylor-?" I stopped. "Oh, shit!"

"Aw, you remember me." I laughed.

"Dude, why the sudden ring? I was a little busy and Tori's missing so I thought it was her and you just crushed my spirits."

"Yeesh. Tori's with me." I'm sorry, what?

"Excuse me? My Tori is with you?"


"Where the- How in the..." I stuttered.

"I was in town, called and I picked her up. She was at the park. Y'know, the one down the street?"

"I looked there!" I groaned. "Little bugger hid from me." I scowled, but stopped. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine, currently smothering herself in ice cream."

"Ah. How much as she eaten?"

"Too much."

"You should stop her."

"I should." Silence. "So, what's up?" I chuckled.

"Oh, not much. Just hanging with the boyfriend. Y'know, Nick Jonas, before you interrupted me." I smirked at Nick, winking. He laughed.

"I was gonna ask about that. I've been seeing you and Nick's faces all over the place."

"Oh, yeah. Paparazzi had a field day. They thought he was cheating on me with Miley Cyrus. Oh, please. If he ever cheated on me he wouldn't be able to have kids."

"Remind me to never piss you off." He grumbled, crossing his legs. I laughed.

"Say hi for me, will you?"

"She says hi."


"He's being lame and said sup." He rolled his eyes as we laughed.

"Are Kevin and Joe there, too?" I heard the spite in her voice when she said Joe.

"Nope. Kevin and Joe aren't here." I mocked.

"He's a jackass." She said simply. "A jackass Tori likes. What the hell, man?" i laughed loudly.

"I know, right?"

"The jackass kisses her-"

"And she walks out!"

"How horrible is that?"


"You two are such girls." Nick stated.

"I thought so, cause y'know if I wasn't, you'd be gay." Taylor laughed.

"Not funny."

"I think it is." Taylor said.

"I thought so, too." I smiled. "Oh and be tea double you." Nick scoffed. "I'm going on tour with them."

"For serious?"

"For cereal."

"Does Tori know?"

"Uhm, no." I looked to Nick. "Is Tori allowed to come?"

"If she wants to. I'm sure Joe would like that." He smirked.

"Could you tell her for me?"

"Of course, darling." I laughed. "Crap. My phone's dying."

"Aw. Not cool."

"Well, this is goodbye for now."

"I guess so. Talk to you later?"

"Duh." Click.

"Why the hell did Joseph break up with her, again?" I asked. "Oh yeah, for a slut." I scowled.

"Yup." He nodded. "I like Taylor. Camilla was always a bitch."

"Damn, never heard you curse so much in one day before." I smirked. "I like it."

"Oh, really?" He leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine.

"Really." I mumbled, kissing him fully.



"What she say?" I asked miserably.

"She's going on tour with them." I frowned.

"Of course."

"She wants to know if you wanna go."

"Please. She wouldn't care either way. She'd be too busy with Nick." I growled, eating more ice cream.

"That's not true." She sat beside me.

"I know." I sighed.

"Well, I was wondering." She smiled. "Since she's going on tour with them.....that maybe, you'd wanna come on tour with me?"