Status: trying to make weekly uploads

It's Not the End of the World

Day One

Oh my goodness today has officially been the craziest, stressful day I have ever had. This morning everything was normal; I got up and went to school like I do every Monday. Once I got there though, that’s when the day took a turn for the strange. I was sitting in homeroom day dreaming while Mr. White was taking role, when I heard it. This high pitch whistle that hurt to hear. I know I wasn't the only one who heard it because Jeremy who had been intensely reading his book, flinched and covered his ears, as did about five other kids in the class. Mr. White didn't seem to hear it though, because he kept taking role without missing a beat.
It was at lunch when the real craziness started. Elizabeth just stood up and threw her tray across the cafeteria. Elizabeth is normally a very quiet, sweet girl which made this already shocking scene much more disturbed. Other people soon followed suit and before long the entire cafeteria appeared to be participated in some twisted dodge ball game. After everyone had thrown their trays (save for Jeremy, Michael, Anna, Lucy, Shawn, Carrie, and myself) they walked out; out of the cafeteria and out of the school, trashing it as they went by turning over chairs, desks, trashcans, and ripping down posters. Not knowing what to do, the few of us who hadn't left just looked at each other in a shocked silence. Finally, Jeremy broke it by asking, “Does anyone have any idea what just happened?”
No one had a response, so we all shook our heads. Then someone suggested, I don’t remember who, that we see if there was anything in the news about it; which is why we are now in the computer lab, and why I am typing this blog. If there is anyone out there that is/has experiencing/experienced this or knows what happened please contact me ASAP.