Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Twenty-One


I pulled away from our embrace to look at Austin. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled. "Are you not happy to see me? I could leave."

"No! I was just asking how you got here, in England."

"Well I took a plane and then a car…" He said, his voice trailing off.

I jumped off him so my feet were planted on the ground. "You know what I mean."

"I missed you and my mom couldn’t stand me being depressed all the time." I raised my eyebrow.

"You were depressed?"

"Well not extreme depressed like I was going to kill myself." He said.

"Don’t go killing yourself over me. But I am glad your here." I said smiling.

"Well I’m not just here to see you," He said and I looked at him confused. "I’m also enrolling here."


"Yeah, my mom said we can find a house near by and I can enroll here." Austin said.

"That’s great! Your mom is amazing."

"Yeah, she said she needed a change of scenery."

"Where is she?"

"Oh she was here to sign the enrollment forms but she went and visited your Aunt."
"That’s amazing! So your here to stay?" I asked.

"Yup!" He replied and I pulled him into a hug just as the bell rang.

"Lunch time." I said and my stomach growled on cue.

Austin laughed and grabbed my hand. I picked up the books I had dropped when I saw Austin and I led him through the hallways.

"I can’t wait till you met my friend, you’ll love them." I commented reaching my locker.

"Really, you made friends?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

My mouth opens and I smack his arm.

"Ow!" He said rubbing his arm and smiling.

I opened my locker and shoved my books in. "That’s what you get."

He laughed and I closed my locker.

I took his hand again and headed towards the cafeteria. It was crowded as usual and there was a short line for food. At the end surprisingly was Thomas, Max, Ellen and Will.

As usual Ellen and Will were bickering and Thomas and Max were having their own little conversation. Ellen managed to stop bickering to look up and see me.

"Miranda!" She yelled and waved her hands in the air like a freak.

"Whoa, watch those arms. If you waved them any faster you’ll experience time travel." Will said and laughed at his own lame joke.

Ellen suddenly stopped and gave him her ‘death glare’.

"Cool it guys." Thomas said.

Ellen shrugged and turned her gaze to me, well Austin.

"And who is this?" She asks raising her eyebrow and looking him up and down.

"This is Austin." I replied.

"Thee Austin?" She asked and I nodded. "Hello Austin, I’m Ellen."

She stuck out her hand, Austin smiled and took it. "Nice to meet you."

"And these morons are Thomas, Max and Will." I said pointing at each of them.

"Hey." They said unison. Max and Will were smiling while Thomas had a small glare on his face.


"Excuse us, we need to use the ladies room." Ellen said grabbed my hand and pulling me out of Austin’s hand.

"I don’t need the bathroom." I said as she pulled me in anyway.

"I know me either," She said jumping up on the counter of the empty bathroom. "How did Austin get here?"

"A plane?"

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah sorry. I didn’t know he was coming. I just figured it out when they called me to the office and there he was." I said.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"Hell no! He’s hot!" She said and we laughed.

"Yeah he is." I said blushing a bit.

"Is he here to stay?" She asked.

"I think so."

"That’s great! Now you can get out of your depressed state." She said.

"What depressed state?"

"You always seemed happy but there was always some pain in your eyes. Now I know why." Ellen said.

"Okay?" I said.

"Never mind, your too love struck to understand what I’m saying."

"I am not!"

"Then why are you blushing?" She said and my hands flew up to my checks.

Ellen laughed and I glared trying to get the redness down.

"Let’s go before lover boy kills himself from being away form you for too long."

I laughed as I hooked my arm with hers and we went back into the café. Where our boys were already sitting at our table. They, knowing Ellen and I so well, ordered our lunches and were waiting to be eaten.

I smiled and sat down next to the empty spot next to Austin.

"Hey." I said shoving him a bit with my shoulder.

"So violent." He said while he picked up his burger.

I laughed and looked around the table.

Everyone I cared about was here…
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw I'm sooo sorry X1000000000
I literally have to sit myself down and write. It's spring break and i haven't written at all!
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P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors!