Status: Active Joint story between me and my darling Kit Kat

The Other Part of Me

Chapter 3

Kaitlyn’s POV
I snuggled into Embry’s side as I watched Lil laugh at something Paul had said.
“So when do you think he’s gonna recognize what happened?” Embry whispered in my ear, I turned and smiled, kissing his cheek softly before turning my attention back to Paul and Lil.
“I’m gonna say he’ll figure it out tonight, freak out, and tell her in a few weeks. He’s going to want to make sure.” I whispered back, and Em nodded behind me,
“I think you’re right, but what the hell was up Jake’s ass?”
“He just doesn’t trust her; he did the same thing to me when I first got here. He’ll get over it soon.” I smiled when I saw Lil lean up to whisper in Paul’s ear, whatever he told her must have been good, because he pulled away and grabbed her hand, leading her down the beach.
“I wonder where they’re going.” Embry mused, nipping at my neck.
“Probably just down the beach, Lil doesn’t like large groups for a long time.”
“Well she’s gonna have to get used to us.”
“Give her time Em, she just got here.” He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder, I smiled as I moved closer, Paul and Lil were going to be great together.

Lilian’s POV

“So why doesn’t Jake like me?” I asked Paul, Kait was right; I had really connected with him.
“It’s not that he doesn’t like you, he just doesn’t trust you. He’ll warm up soon, I promise.” I shrugged and nodded,
“Alright then. Now, I have one question.” He nodded, unsure of what I was going to ask. I leaned up close to his ear, this wasn’t something I wanted to yell,
“How long have you guys been shifting?” He pulled back, shock written all over his face,
“Wha…no we don…” He grabbed my arm and lead me down the beach, where no one would be able to hear us. Once we were a far enough distance away he let go of my arm and starting pacing up and down the beach. I knew he was trying to keep himself calm enough to talk about this and not just explode. Ten minutes of pacing and scared looks later, and I had had enough,

“Don’t you have something you want to ask me?” He stopped pacing and spun towards me, grabbing my shoulders roughly and shaking me a little bit,
“How the FUCK did you find out?”
“I’ve always been fascinated with Native legends ok? When Kait told me about her boyfriend, things sounded a little weird. A 17 year old looking like a 25 year old? That isn’t normal man. And every time she talked about one of you, the more familiar things were sounding. I’ve read the old Quileute legends, and seriously, shifting is the only thing that makes sense. You always seem to be running a fever that would KILL a normal person, all of you guys are huge, and all the others are looking at their girlfriends like their very existence is the only thing keeping them alive. The imprinting is real too, isn’t it? It has to be, which means there are vampires in Forks. That’s the only reason you guys would have started shifting.” I smiled triumphantly and crossed my arms, waiting for Paul’s reaction. His only response was to grab my arm again and lead me over to Sam.

“She knows.”

Ten minutes later and I was sitting in Sam and Emily’s small living room, surrounded by very nervous werewolves.
“Ok, so basically, you found out because you study Native legends, and the stuff Kait told you about her boyfriend and his friends seemed suspicious, and rang a bell somewhere in your head?”

“Yeah, so I looked it up, and it all clicked. Please don’t be mad at Kait though, she never gave anything direct, just small things that normally, I wouldn’t have picked up on.”
“Ok, so why did you choose now to come live with Kait?”
“I didn’t choose anything, my sister kicked me out and I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I’m lucky she decided to buy me the plane ticket, otherwise I would’ve hitched from Atlanta.” Sam nodded his head, still obviously stressed out.
“How long did it take you to figure it out?”

“About 10 months? It took some serious digging. And really, the only reason I do believe it is because I’ve always believed in paranormal beings. The funny thing about this situation is that Kait is the one who always thought I was insane, always thought it was bullshit, and now she’s fucking in love with a damn werewolf.” I heard Paul snigger before he pulled me into his side. Well that’s weird, I’ve known this guy for what? Two hours and he’s already getting touchy feely?

“Exactly how much do you know?”
“All of it, the vamps, the imprinting, the shifting. What I want to know is why you’re the pack leader when Jacob is the direct descendent of the last pack leader. The only way that would happen is if Jacob either gave up his title or if you shifted first, so which is it?”
“You’re a very blunt little girl aren’t you?”
“Hey now, let’s leave the height issue alone yeah? And yes, I believe in getting directly to the point.”

“Well then, to answer your question, I shifted first. Happy now?” I nodded and gave him the most obnoxious grin I could manage.
“Why yes, yes I am. So, everyone in the room except for Paul is imprinted?” They all nodded, and I felt my face split into a wide grin.
“Aww, that’s so cute! Now that we have all these minor issues cleared up, can we leave Kait? We still have to go to school tomorrow.”
“Yeah sure.” She got up and walked towards me, but Embry stood and pulled her back,
“Hey Paul, can you take this girls back? I have to patrol tonight. Paul nodded, and Embry pulled Kait into a small kiss. Well, it started as a small kiss; it quickly turned into a heated make out session. I turned to Paul, who looked almost as disgusted as I felt. I poked his cheek to get his attention, and he turned to me in surprise,

“Are they always like that?” He nodded and grinned,
“Yeah, all the imprinted couples are. It’s kind of sickening isn’t it?” I nodded and grabbed a couch pillow, chucking it at the side of Embry’s head. Everyone busted out laughing when it made direct contact and he automatically jumped on Jake, thinking he had done it.
“Man, I’m telling you, I didn’t throw it!” Jake grunted as Embry landed a punch to his stomach. I leaned back against Paul’s chest and watched with a self satisfied smirk. The guys were now placing bets on who would win, so far Sam and Quil and twenty each on Jake, while Paul and Jared put twenty each on Embry.

“I don’t know guys, Em may be smaller but look at him, he’s got incredible speed.” All the girls nodded with me,
“I know, but Jake might win with sheer brute strength alone.” Destiny stated. Finally, Jake pinned Embry, making Paul and Jared groan in defeat, handing over the money to Sam and Quil. Paul stood up, pulling me to my feet,
“By the way Embry, I threw that pillow.” Everyone started laughing again at the incredulous look on Em’s face, and Paul grinned at me and threw his arm around my shoulders before speaking,
“I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaayyy, chapter three =] Now it's up to my Darling Kit Kat for chapter four =]
However, I'm going to post a rule. For every chapter, I want 3 comments before I start writing and 6 before I post. So, tell us what you think, we love comments =]