Somewhere Out There

The Dream

"How are we going to lose them?" I asked as Hatter made it to another shoreline.
"The only other way," He mentioned as he started to walk through the forest.
"Lead 'em into a trap," He stopped to look at me as we walked through the forest as I followed.
"A trap?" I questioned as I looked around at our surroundings, "How?"
"These woods contain creatures of legend," He looked at me quickly.
"Like unicorns?" I smirked as he stopped.
"No, creatures far more dangerous."
"Ok, ok," I backed off a bit as he looked at me, "And how are we planning to do this?"
"Not us," He kept walking as I looked at him, "I'm the bait."
"You?" I raised my eyebrow at him, "That's your plan?"
"Yes!" He snapped as he looked at me as I crossed my arms.
"You know, not to be rude but it's a very stupid plan."
"You need to find your family right?" He looked at me as he was now torn out of his plan.
"Not if it costs you."
"Listen, I'm trying to-"

As he was about to say what he wanted, there was a loud roar much like the one of a dinosaur as he looked at me, "Run!"

We both ran in the same direction as Hatter was right by my side.

"What is that thing?" I asked through staggered breathing.
"A Jabbowack," Hatter replied back as we ran through the forest, "This way."

As we were running, we tripped and fell into a giant pit which I closed my eyes which was a good thing since there were spikes in the ground that we landed dangerously close to.

"You ok?" asked Hatter.
"Remember I told you when I had other fears instead of heights?" I caught my breath.
"Well this combines two of them," I looked around to find myself in a semi-enclosed small space with the other fear of almost being impaled.
"Take my hand," Hatter mentioned as I tried to control my breathing from being closed in.
"Just take it," He mentioned back as we heard footsteps of the creature approaching us, "I promise you, I'll get you out of here, just take my hand."

Slowly, I stretched my hand over to his as our fingers entwined as the footsteps grew closer.
The creature looked over the edge of the pit as my breath caught in my throat.

"Don't move," Hatter whispered as the creature tried to get us from the bottom of the pit but it ended up stabbing him in the mouth as he backed off from us.

Letting out our sighs of relief, a man appeared over the edge of the pit, lecturing us about letting the creature get away. He was a strange looking man but still, he helped us out of the pit as I dusted myself off as Hatter looked me over once.

"If you don't mind me asking," I looked at him, "Who are you?"
"I am a White Knight," He stood proudly, "But you may call me Charlie."
"Charlie," I looked towards Hatter who just gave a smug shrug at me.
"Yes," He nodded at us, "And who, are, you?"
"My name's Alex," I looked at him the directed towards Hatter, "And that's Hatter. We're trying to find my family."
"Enchante," Charlie took my hand which I forget the ring had been on my right hand as his eyes stopped at it, "It can't be."
"It isn't," I took my hand back as I stepped away from Charlie.
"It's the Stone of Wonderland," Charlie looked at me as his eyes went wide, "You've come back."
"What are you talking about?" I looked at him like he was crazy, "I've never been here before."
"You're the one the legend said would come back, to take down the Queen," He mentioned as I looked at Hatter as he shrugged, "And I will protect you til the end."
"I don't need protection," I looked at him, "What I need is to find my family."
"I can find them," Charlie rambled as he started some mumbling which Hatter tugged on my arm a bit.

"How do you know we can trust him?" Hatter questioned as I looked at him.
"Well he is a white knight and you said they were wiped out, right?"
"So then how did he survive this long?"
"Maybe he works for the Queen?" Hatter watched the man fumble a bit as I did too.
"But if he knows how to get into the casino-"
"No, Alex, it's too dangerous."
"If I can find out who I am, then maybe I figure out what to do with this ring," I looked at him taking his hand, "And I'll need you with me. I can't do this alone."
"Alright," He hung his head as he looked towards Charlie, " 'ey Charlie!"
"Yes," He walked back towards us.
"We need a way to get into the casino," Hatter nodded as I watched them.
"Then I shall be at your service," Charlie saluted as I smiled lightly at Hatter.

Charlie let us borrow one of his horses as he lead us to his camp for the time being for shelter to hide from whoever it was still following us. I was on the horse with Hatter as my arms went slowly around his waist as we followed him. Charlie started rambling about something and occasionally singing as Hatter looked back at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" He smirked as I poked him lightly in the sides.
"What other choice do we have?" I questioned as my smile was still there from seeing him squirm.
"Take it easy back there," He teased as I kissed his cheek lightly, "That's better."

Charlie led us to the Kingdom of the White Knights which vaguely seemed familiar to me, only when from what was coming back to me, it was lively, green. This, this was cold. It was almost heart wrenching to see what the Queen's power had done to the kingdom.

By night fall, we were at the camp, eating whatever Charlie had made as I sat across from Hatter at the fire. I had taken the librerty of hiding the ring on the finger of the royal skeleton thing because everyone was wondering about it. I figured that if I hid it somewhere now, I could use it to my advantage of finding what I was looking for. Charlie soon retired to bed which left me and Hatter alone next to the fire.

"How are we going to find my family?" I asked as I looked at Hatter who slowly stood up.
"You will, don't worry," He nodded as I was confused since he said "you." instead of "us" or "we".
"Me?" I questioned as he nodded.
"You'll find them, and when you'll do, you'll go home."
"But I told you-"
"It's too dangerous Alex."
"If I'm not mistaken, danger's already been a part in this whole thing," I glared at him through the flames, "There's a madman chasing me, I got pushed into this world, and apparently I upset a Queen. I can't just go home from that."
"This isn't your fight," Hatter looked at me as I felt like my heart was breaking.
"I told you, I'm staying here."
"No, it's out of the question," Hatter turned his back to me as I walked closer to him.
"You're scared, aren't you?" I whispered as he shifted but didn't look at me, "I'm scared too but I'm not running in the opposite direction."
"I'm not running, I'm staying here to fight," He snapped at me.
"Then let me help you," I tried to reason as he looked at me.
"This isn't your world to help in. You need to stay alive."
"Hatter," I looked at him as he nodded.
"It's late, we should get some rest."

Sighing, I slowly put out the flames as I took to the bed as Hatter sat in hay not far from where I slept. I tried to fall into a peaceful sleep but everytime I closed my eyes, the dream would happen. Things that I didn't know of while I was awake but were becoming clear as the dream went on.

It wasn't just any other dream, It seemed, way too real.

"Come sis, keep up," The boy called from in front of me as I ran through a forest.
"Wait for me Jack," I called out as I followed the boy.
"You have to see this, Alex," The blond boy that was my brother, Jack called out.
"Jack!" I called following him.
"Keep going Alex," I heard a faint whisper then it was louder, "I'll meet you at the casino."
"Jack!" I called in my sleep as I mumbled it in real life.

"Jack!" I snapped back to reality as I took in my surroundings to be surrounded by dark and the sound of snoring.

Getting out of bed, I started walking through the forest just much like my dream. My feet seemed to know the way but I was still at a loss as to where I was at.

Soon, I was in a clearing of just bushes, trying to figure what direction to go when I heard footsteps around me.

"Well, won't the Queen be happy," I heard the voice of someone as I was face to face with the Rabbit head man, "Hello Alex."