Status: Active :)

L-O-V-E is just another word I never learned to pronounce

The Reason

We were all squished in the tiny van, heading for our road trip to star-dom.

"Gosh!! I can't wait to meet My Chemical Romance!" Ray-Ray squealed,

I rolled my eyes, Seriously!

"Hey, why do you hate My Chem anyway L?" Krizzy asked,

I shrugged, "Eh, I just don't like there music,"

They all made shock faces at me, and I stick my tongue out to them, as you well know the whole I don't like their music thing is a lie, my hatred for them started well, not so long ago, back then when I haven't meet the girls, when I was 16, I have already met the band members of mcr before they were even in a band, well mostly, Mikey, Ray, and Gerard.

Mikey was my best friend, though he was 18 then, our parents knew each other since highschool, so yeah, it's only the natural process of being close, Ray was one of my best friends, well not as close as Mikey, but you get it, Mikey introduce me to him, and we became great friends straight away because of our love in music, and Gerard.. well he was 22 then and I fell deeply in love with him, yes cheesy but yes, back then when he said he loved me I always bought it, our relationship was secret due to the enormous age difference even though Mikey always suspected something.

So it was a wonderful life, what brought my hatred upon them?

Of course life isn't fair, when I was turning 18 in October of 2001 (after the whole 9/11 thing) Gerard became somehow, obsessed with the 9/11 thing and started to write songs, heck before long he started a band and his band was signed to eyeball records and was going to be on several concerts, I thought that was great, at first but one day he told me that he didn't want me that I was just clinging on to him making his rock star image fail and that he thought it'll be okay but it wasn't so he gave up,

My heart shattered into a million pieces that day, as hatred filled my soul.
So, yeah, that's why I hate them, well more of him than them.

but still I hate them! Mikey and Ray never contacted me again, ever!

They all left me for the band


"L!! L!! L.A!!! Laaamaine!!! UGH!! Lamaine Harley Andrews wake the fuck up!" Krizzy screamed in my ear.

I opened my eyes and grimaced, "Ew, what did I tell you guys about calling my Harley?"

Lily shook her head, "You said, you'd pulverize each of is into a pulp if we call you Har-" I glared at her, "Uh, you know that"

The reasons of why, I don't want being ever call Harley was because, that was what they used to call me.

I shook my head, as I brushed a lock of hair away from my face,

"OHHH!! We're here!!" Ray-Ray exclaimed, as she clasped her hands,

My eyes darted to the window to see large buses parked, my jaw fell on the floor.

"OH MY GOD!" I said, finally feeling the excitement bubble through me,

They all grinned at me as the van was put to a halt, I was first to get off, as I inhaled feeling the fresh air fill my lungs.

"This is the beginning of a great day!!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. Yes. I know! =)

so yeah, I'm finally updating, for my other G.Way story is ending. (oops)
